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Status Updates posted by KesMuse

  1. uh huh!

    just got back last night. SO TIRED!!!!!!!!

    Went EuroDisney, Eiffel tower, Arc de Triomphe and Monmatre.

    I don't expect u 2 know the last one... just a place... loads of shops and stuff...

  2. Ah dear...

    anway... wot u been doing?

    I'm off 2 paris tomorrow! it's a skl trip... but tht don't matter...

  3. sorry i haven't replied 4 ages! internet stopped working! stupid thing...


    Money... All and everything...

    It's so wrong...


    Everything will burn. There's nothing left we can do. We've done enough. There's no hope.


    So sad now...

    Look at what we've become...

  4. I don't know what religion you are, but i'm a very firm Atheist, i don't believe in God.

    How could a God let so much bad happen? If there's a God why isn't he/she doing anything? I suppose a lot of people would put that down to 'free will'... (No offense intended)

    When you hear about the starving children in Africa and you then hear that the president of Zimbabwe's wife goes on a $100 clothes shop every week, it clears up any confusion about where all the aid we send out there goes! It's really sick.

    How can she live knowing that she's taken lives by going shopping? Sounds rediculous but it's so true!


    Our time IS now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. NOW.

    Isn't it sick how leaders think about war, death and destruction, instead of what they should be thinking about? It's sounds really silly coming from a 12yr old girl, but i reckon i could do a better job simply because i've got my priorities in order...


    Pollution. Living near london, on a really hot day i can look out my window and see the purple-black haze in the distance. Think of what this world used to be like! It was beautiful! Beautiful, and we've destroyed it. Sure we've still got a few rural areas, but i think we should have left well enough alone.

    Hell, i wouldn't complain if i had to eat off the floor of a cave and wear really dodgy animal skin rags! it would be better than this. Knowing that every time you get in the car, on a bus or train, you contribute to the darkening sky.

  5. Ahmadinejad; He's the Irani president or something, but everyone keeps going on about him because he very clearly rigged the elections so that he won again.

    It's sickening. Now everyone's talking about bombs and war... and it literally makes me want to bring my dinner back up. How on earth can we think of blowing people up when we've caused so much damage already? P'rhaps we should focus on saving the planet and tending to the sick before we return to war again? We will inevitably do so. AGH!!! These self-obsessed... BASTARDS (scuse my french)!!! How can us happy lot oversee that there are rulers how are misusing the aid sent to their countries? why doesn't this fill every mind, every moment, with guilt and pain?! It should.

    When i've had a really tough week and i just want to sit down and cry, i find myself hating me. I forget. Why should i have the right to be upset about homework and a few annoying kids when there are people dying? starving? screaming? Why?

    It's so wrong. War... Famine... why? No - what i meant to ask was: why is no1 doing anything about it?


    Whenever i have one of these moments and my mum's around, she always reminds me that there's a lot of good in the world, too. My reply is always the same:

    "I'm not sure there is, anymore."


    P.S.: I'm sorry if i burst your (what i like to call) happy safety bubble. I just think these things should be said.

  6. Thanx a tonne

    Yeah, i play the electric guitar... it's something i've always wanted to do - even b4 i heard of Muse.

    Feel free to call me a rich spoilt English girl. It's not tru but lot's of people think tht about me anyway! We're... Wealthy... I guess... not rich... My dad loves to spoil me, even more than he likes to spoil my 2 younger brothers! But mum's against it so passionately that we're not pwoperly spoilt! like i know families with very little money who spoil their kids with their own TV, Laptop, Computer, PSP, PS3, Wii etc etc...

    We had a Wiii up until recently though... we had to share it... But we were burgalled (excuse my spelling!) and they took... a lot... Wii included... Oh well. Not the end of the world.

    Our family's good at getting over things! Like all my friends thought it was really awful and they were all so sorry for me... which totally confused me coz it just didn't bother me! wii, a few DVDs, my mums cash (thank god she didn't hav a lot of it at the time!!), her phone, dad's laptop... My brothers' DSs... didn't really affect me... not that i'm not sympathetic to the rest of my family... I'm happy to live without these things you know? not everyone has them, so i'm not gunna get all upset wen they're taken away from me. I never use much technology other than my phone and the computer anyway...


    Have you noticed that Ahmadinejad sounds a lot like I'm-a-dinner-jacket? lol

    i sound really young and silly... i'm only 12 but... let's just say people are often telling me that i'm 'beyond my years'...

    wow i write a lot...

  7. yeah yeah, i get th whole inspiration and love thing... but like... what programme/s do u use. (don't worry - I'm not asking to take over!!)

    oww! typing really hurts! i've been playing guitar and i'm pretty new at it, so my fingers are just at the point where they're sore all the time... although they seem to go realy numb when i play... which doesn't exactly make playin all that easy!

  8. He's gorgeous!

    How do you make wallpapers like that?!

  9. I know.

    I'm still hoping they'll do xtra 02 d8s bcoz they sold out so fast... I'm not betting on anything tho!

    I'm away 2 search 4 more MUSE (and by tht i mean Matt) pictures! ;-)

  10. i no i no!!! i can't BELIEVE tht the 02 tickets were sold out so fast! I mean, they were sold out 15mins after they started being sold!

    No MUSE 4 me... :-(

    it totally sucks to be me!

  11. Thank god someone agrees with me! My m8s think i'm mad!

    lol - shows how much they know! (i didn't say that)

  12. She's my friend in real life.

    If you look on my profile (both Youtube & here) you'll see her in 'friends'.

    She is my friend, really she is, but she gets annoyed with me coz i'm more into MUSE, but how is tht my fault?! She hates that i've got HAARP, Hullabaloo and the 4 main albums plus about 1150 photos of them! (Told you i was obsessed! lol)

    Ok, so I'll admit that there's a bit of competition on my side too... hahaha! (as i'm often told) I'm EVIL!!!

    oh wel...

    ; )

  13. i've added you 2. Naturally.

    Oh and you might wanna ignore Micropaperclip on both Youtube and... here; she's only in it 4 th fabby wallpapers u make. She's a strange girl.

  14. thanx!

    i sort of collect muse pics/wallpapers... no good reason... just an unjustifiable and undeniable obsession!

    on youtube i'm: KesObsessed...

    obsessed as in obsessed with muse!

  15. yh i can't w8! only just got haarp cd/dvd today. haven't had the chance to watch it yet!

    thanks 2 the wallpaper - ur a saint i swear! (i'm obsessed with muse wallpapers! i'm a bit odd)

  16. yeh... it's alright... bit boring sumtimes... lots of trees and train stations! heehee

    Argentina? cool! ok this sounds silly but: is argentina nice?!

    gotta be better than here! prettier at least

  17. Nice 2 meet u 2!

    I'm Katherine... but i've not disguised tht so u prob already no!

  18. Hi!

    Happy New Year!


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