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Status Updates posted by KesMuse

  1. i play (electric) Guitar and a little bit of piano. I love to sing as well! my little brothers are always telling me to be quiet! hahaha

  2. I love the first two albums and Hullabaloo! I love them! Never get enough!

    I showed off my songs to my guitar teacher. She was impressed. Lol, i like to please! i do try!

  3. Yeah! I guess it probably is... he makes everything look so simple. I envy his easy talent!

    Which is your favourite album?

  4. To play... has to be Citezen Erased...

    To listen to... Well my favouite album's Showbiz... I think... Muscle Museum? Or maybe Cave... I don't know!


    I've never tried Space Dementia... hard as it sounds, it looks kinda easy when he does it, you know? I could never do it that fast! I'll have a go some time... maybe. If i can be bothered!

  5. which one's your favourite?

  6. Wow, that makes me feel small! lol

    I've got the Showbiz book, coz that's my fave album. I haven't looked at it for a while. i ought to. Last time i looked i really hadn't learnt a lot. i might be able to do some of it now.

  7. Aww! Not fair!

    I can't wait until September! Wembley!!!

    My head really hurts...

    Do youy play any instruments?

  8. Is that you included?


    Can you play any Muse songs? as of last night i now have Easily (some b-side or another) down to a fine art! It's a beautiful song... i wonder what my guitar teacher will say when she sees that i've perfected both the Chilli Peppers's song she gave me last week and a new song already! lol

  9. i don't know... ah, the one on the 11th, i think... the first date they announced. Yeah, that's the one - 11th. What about you?

    Lady Gaga scares the shit outa me!

  10. hahahaha! i love that! i'm so gunna have to come up with something now! lol


    I can sort of play Endlessly... the chord version anyway, but i need to musewiki some of the simpler songs, you know? I need to see what's nice and simple. I haven't done it for ages and i've learnt way more since i last looked... in fact, now that i remember, i'll do it in a minute.


    Do like any other bands? I know it's really easy to listen to muse and no one else - i did it for the past year! I'm listening to a little bit of Paramore and Biffy Clyro, but Paramore are a little bit too... you know... punk girl band-y... lol. Biffy are better, but neither come even close to Muse. I've been listening to Nirvana, Queen, U2 and The Manic Street Preachers for as long as i can remember and i like a bit of Guns'n'Roses...

    I don't know why i said all that! It hardly matters when Muse rule over every last one of them! hahaha! It's true though, right? I'll never ever get tired of MUSE!


    Have you ever been to one of their gigs? I've only been to the Teignmouth one, but it was so amazing that i managed to persuade my folks to get me tickets to Wembley! I'm going to see the best live band EVER at wembley! YES! lol

  11. God, i know what u mean! No one ever listens and i'm always really hesitant to say plainly: 'I want to rock the world stage' you know? I hate that disaproving, pitying, demeaning, patronising glance you get... i hate it. I love to play, and so i plan to carry on. How long you been playing bass?


    I'm 13, but i only really play with my 9yr-old brother who bashes out rhythms on the drum setting on our keyboard until mum + dad give in and let him have a drum kit.


    I've only been playing guitar for about... uh, ten months, i think. It's really cool and i plan to carry on until the day i die. That's actually true as well! I never want to give my guitar!


    What does your mate play?

  12. hmmm...

    Are you seeing muse this year? I am going to Wembley gig!

  13. Thank god! (You know... the one i don't believe in? lol) I've finally found someone who thinks the same way as me! I can't believe how accurately what you wrote matched what i think and how i feel

    You play bass then? Are you in a band? I play (electric) guitar and my nine-year-old brother is about to start drum lessons. bless his cotton socks! hahaha! lol

    Matt's my inspiration and idol (aiming high as usual!). He's just so utterly amazing! He knocks me off my feet every time i see him! I just... i can never believe what they've achieved, these small town kids... I know what you mean - i really want to be like them! They're so amazing! Utterly breathtaking! and they have tonnes of fun as well, which is what it's about for me. They are... perfect.

    How old are you?

  14. Hyper Music, Space Dementia, that's more my style! Rock on! lol

    I'd love it if they let go a bit more now that Matt's got no one to embarass, you know? Their performances were more exciting when they played cheap instruments and then destroyed them at the end of each gig! I know they're like... 31 or 32 or something, but that doesn't by any means mean they have to grow up! lol

    God, Remind me i never want to get old and boring! Never! The wild side of the music scene is always where i've belonged! I'll never give up until i'm doing something that includes crashing drums, clashing guitar riffs, and as many gigs as possible! I'll even just be the person who tags along with bands fixing their equipment! I'll do anything! There's nothing that compares to the high that music (especially live music) gives me! Unless you count playing music too... If i end up locked up in an office with computer keyboards tap-tap-tapping in my ears all day long and... god, no... It doesn't bear thinking about!

    People always tell me: oh that's what you'll want one day, office jobs pay well, you'll want a quiet life one day...

    Never! they so don't get it! Never... No, never! I'll never end up surviving like that. i want to live!!! I want to be insane and stupid and... irresponsible and... mad! I want to have fun! What else is life for?! I don't believe in an afterlife, so i better make the most of my time, coz i ain't getting it back. Stupid, boring, boring, boring people! Just another day in the office! How could they do that?

    The second my education is over i'll never ever get up at and go out and stay in the same building for six or seven hours and then go home and go to bed! That's not who i am! This is what i'm doing and i plan to make it stop asap! As soon as i get out, i'm never going back.

    God, i can't even remember what has happened in my short life! That's how bollocks it's been! So bloody boring! And if this shitty lifestyle means my life is going to keep flying away from me, then i'm going to live all out and make it slow down. Even if there's an afterlife then i'm going to hell, so i'm not in any hurry to die! My life keeps running away! I'm thirteen! How?! Swear to god i was five just yesterday! It can't carry on. Even if it does at least it'll be more interesting when i get what i want.

    Sorry... I write a lot when i get all passionate about something! lol, sorry about that.

  15. Sad... The internet exposes all sorts of bad things about the good people...

    I don't know who to feel sorry for... Gaia or Matt? Gut instinct says Matt, but only because i know more about him and i know boys will be boys, so i think she's being precious... Maybe boys aren't so mental in italy, right? But i don't suppose it was easy for Gaia either...

  16. Bless him, he looks like he's laughing, but trying not to cry! I love him so much! At least now, if i wait ten years or so, he'll hopefully stay free! hahahahahahahahaha!

    Let's hope this break-up sees the return of thundering hate songs and wild after-parties, ay?!

  17. ah, but i bet it wasn't messy. it was probably just like: 'this isn't working. let's cool it.' you know? He's so adorable, bless his heart, but i guess he's on tour a lot, and i don't suppose many girls would really like that, you know? i would! i love gigs!!! i'd do ANYTHING to hand out at arenas and stadiums and festivals all day every day!

    Do you know what interview it was? if you do, do you have a link?

  18. wow, i love your pic! funny!

    Have you heard that Matt broke up with his fiance? Is it true? I don't know... i keep hearing it...???

  19. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???????? he fucking WHAT??? He what? No way! give me proof and tell me why!!! giv proof!!! omg, i don't believe that...


    i don't know if the snow will reach you - think it's forcasted for north-west london and then further in that direction...


    You have to tell me all you know about this break-up thing - are you sure? it's not just a vicious rumour? Anyway - TELL!

  20. yeah, well...

    Heard that there's more snow to come this week? NOOOOOO!!!

  21. cool

    snow's finally gone away, but i think there's supposed to be more next week! NO!!! It was so nice today! a little bit cold, but mostly sunny! It was so nice and now it's going to go bad again!

  22. Infowars! i love infowars! Do you know any other sites like that? i struggle to find them...

    Infowars is really good for the... other side of the news, you know? What other sites are like that? do you know any? I can't find them...

  23. eek! How old are you?

    I'm only 5'1! I'm really small! Although i'm only 13, so i still have forever to grow. I just keep my head down and glare at anyone who looks at me who seems really dodgy.

    I've never been mugged, but i know loads of people who have been. I think people probably think i'm not worth the time. I guess i don't really look it! If any of the scary yr11s and 6th formers look like they're sizing me up, i just glare and hurry off in the other direction. Yuck, i hate people like that. They so need a life!

    People keep away from me coz i wear stupid clothes. I don't have many proper punky/gothy clothes, so i make do - improvise. It's alright. I suppose i look kinda silly, but it keeps me happy so i don't care. It's not like i can't afford good clothes - i just don't like them! lol

    I stand out in a crowd. It's what i do.

  24. Cool. It's alright here, but Croydon's a bit... knife gangs and... hoodies... you know?

    I don't much like going there on my own. I try to go with friends, coz otherwise it just makes me really shifty.

    I'm alright though - I've got the Purley cross at the bottom of my road! Tesco does me!

  25. They're new scanners which are being used in airports. You stand in one of those things... the metal detector arcs. On a screen someone can see you, stark naked, to decide whether you're hiding weapons of any sort on you. It's not very nice. They come after the trouble with the extremist with the bomb in his underwear.

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