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Status Updates posted by KesMuse

  1. I know! They're all amazing, but Matt's my idol! I'd do anything to meet him! I swear! Absolutely anything!

  2. yeah, that's true. Even though it was tense it was really really funny!

  3. Of the band or of the site? actually, why am i asking? i haven't met either.

  4. i love how sad that makes you sound!!!

  5. lol


    What are you doing today?

  6. aw, shame on them!!


    That's alright! We never see enough of him do we?

  7. No problem! It's true, isn't it?


    I know, it was so tense! I kept having to open and close the browser every time he came over!

  8. lol

    They're so pretty though!

    I posted my last post during my ICT lesson. My teacher nearly caught me! it was so funny!

  9. btw i love your pic

  10. really? they block tonnes of sites at my school, but stupidly not this one!

  11. thanks!

    well i want them all!you're amazing!

  12. i know. i'm sorry. i'm such a fail

    gotta go,IT teacher coming!

  13. really? it was like, quarter past nine (pm) when you posted that! It's quarter to ten now. Actually, i better be going! bye!

  14. Thanks! It took me ages to decide!

    Beautiful pic! You make such great Wallpapers!

  15. hahaha! Creep!


    lol! What time is it where you are?

  16. Yes that's true... You don't have to study subjects you don't like anymore, but i still have to. I'm taking some huge exams in a few years, so starting in September i get to study three subjects i like at least! (History, Classical Civilisation, Music)

    I still have to do most rubbish subjects though!

  17. of course i want to hear! Every last tiny detail! lol


    And you!

  18. cute! I don't use ebay coz it scares me!

  19. Yeah, there's a boy in my class who's stuck in Tennerife (can't spell) and a teacher stuck in Scotland and another teacher stuck in thailand. There's a girls stranded in Austria and my guitar teacher is trapped in North Carolina, America!


    I've heard stories about people who've cycled right across countries to get a ferry from france and about a woman who's son was on a school trip and is stuck in Hong Kong. There's one story about a guy who sailed all the way to france to help some people across, only to be sent away by French officials in case he was helping immigrants cross the channel!

  20. I'm always reading and studying too, but the difference is i love reading and hate studying.

  21. Don't worry; i'm unhinged too, so you're in good company.

  22. lol cheers!


    Yay, i got new shoes today!


    Heard about all these people stranded across the seas? some amazing stories!

  23. Thanks!


    You like uniforms? You're mad. But i bet yours are nicer than ours anyway. We've got a suit-like thing, but all the girls have to wear skirts and i HATE skirts! We keep lobbying our head teacher to be able to wear trousers, but he says the governers think skirts look nicer and smarter. Yeah right! Smarter? I don't think so. Most of the girls have their skirts so short they look like total sluts!


    why would people say i'm smart? not that i'm not! lol

    I'm in all the top classes, but i don't listen in many of them. And i can't revise to save my life!

  24. oh well - we can't win them all!

    What've you been up to recently?

  25. thanks! The avatar's adorable!

    I know, it's really, painfully sad!

    Yuck, i've got school tomorrow... I'm 13, but i'm in year 9 (what's the equivalent of that in America?) coz my birthday's in a funny place. Anyway, so i've got school in the morning and i don't want to go! My opinion on school is that it's an unnecessary evil and should be avoided at all costs. lol

    The weather's just started getting nice and we have to wear uniforms! You guys are so lucky!

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