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Status Updates posted by KesMuse

  1. Aww, why woould anybody hate you?

  2. I know... i feel so unloved...


    I know Doctor Who is childish, but it's a guilty pleasure!

  3. No problem! I've been in that situation a thousand times or more!

    Yeah, DrWho is on next weekend! (Woohoo!)

  4. It will be on iplayer. You know - now.

    He's alright... he's far better than i thought he'd be. I never liked Ecleston much anyway. David Tennant is my favourite! I know he's old, but damn it - he's sexy! lol

    It's a great episode, yeah. well written and all that.

  5. You're scared of bannannas?! Hahahahahaha!

    Ooh, lucky... i'm stuck here. Well i did go on a rather depressing trip to Brighton today. It's seaside towns, isn't it? They're just so surreal... I've been to Brighton before, but this time it reminded me of Teignmouth... I mean, there were kids skateboarding in the massive MultiStorey-CarPark and all the buildings were holding up the sky and the air smelt of sugar and something very warm, very sweet and VERY sticky. It was too crowded and all the kids/teens looked bored out of their heads. The same way everyone looked in Teignmouth. Seaside towns give me the creeps...


    Duh, where've you been?! It was the brand new episode! Matt Smith (who's not half as attractive as David Tennant)!!!

  6. Defo! Scottish too! Oh, i so have a thing for that accent!!


    I know! I'm the same! I almost find myself not wanting to not be able to wait! ... if that makes any sense!


    I'm not sure... I dunno, what do you think?

  7. Did you like it? I really enjoyed the episode, but i'm still not entirely sure about Matt Smith... but then again, that might simply be because (although a good deal older) David Tennant is far better looking... lol

  8. Yeah, me and my dad go sailing quite a bit and me and my brother like to go dinghy sailing now and again. Did you watch Doctor Who?!

  9. Oh the sun is ignoring us once again.

    Did you watch Doctor Who? Surely they have DrWho in Argentina?!

  10. Did you watch Doctor Who?!

  11. Did you watch Doctor Who?!

  12. lol

    how many egg's d'ya get? I got three! one from school, one from a mate and one from my nan! You're never too old for treats in her eyes!

    What are you doing over the holiday then? i've got relatives flying down to southampton from scotland at some point... God only knows why they couldn't just fly to Gatwick! Oh well, we'll just stay down at our boat for a bit. (no, it's not some ferry-sized super-boat! It's just a sailing boat - a yacht. A floating caravan!)

  13. lol!

    Such shit quality!

  14. can u like, send it 2 me or something? i wanna hear it, even if it is a fluke

  15. I can't fucking get in to it

  16. i've got wide-ish hands and long fingers, but i still manage to fail epically at them!

    Nothing at all! I'm all charity, me! Lol

    OMG!! Just look at all the songs i could play! haha! Right, i'm off to study Songsterr! lol

  17. oh, that. I'm about to listen to it.

  18. i'm sorry; what?

    I dunno what you're talking about!

  19. oh god, not bar chords! No, i can't do them either! lol

    I know, my brother likes drums, and my folks like music, but not MAKING music. They don't really see music as a proper subject, nor a proper career path!!!

    http://www.e-chords.com/muse - check that out and then Ultimate Guitar is really good as well. I've got tonnes and tonnes of Muse songs off that site alone. Just check it out and see what you can do! http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/muse_tabs.htm

  20. lol! I would've too!

    Just watching Hullaballoo! I can't get over how much i love MUSE!!!

    Well... yeah, i guess you are.

  21. Oh well, they'll just change our lives and gradually introduce the Thought Police.


    Aw, poor you! If you don't love him enough, just tell him to fuck off in the nicest way possible. It's not worth it if you know you could love him more.

    (i'm sorry - i know i'm not very helpful))

  22. Omg! Go talk to him! If he loves you enough he will wait a mere seven weeks.


    The government election - you know! The one the tories are so gunna win.

  23. lol!!!

    who do you think will win the election? (okay, serious much?! lol)

  24. Lol, my dad owns his own business, and my mum works for him, so...

    Oh i love skiing!!! I love it! It's SO MUCH FUN!!! lol! My youngest brother strayed off the course and ended up on his arse and all we could see through the snow was just his woolly hat and i've never laughed so hard ever! Not before and not since!

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