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Status Updates posted by KesMuse

  1. i know... i feel that way about the lot of them. perhaps the only good thing if the tories take us back to the 80s, they won't take us forward to a world government.

  2. I love 1984! It's a book i'm definitely going to read again some day!

    Animal Farm is a story-book like thing. It's about these animals who overthrow their farmer and have all these communist-like ideas. The whole book is a piss-take on the russian revolution. It's all about communism and tyranny, but it's told in a silly talking animals way! it's a very clever book and in fact, it's rather scary. It scares me to think that such a nice idea can turn so bad. The pigs are just frightening. lol

    It's a good book. I advise you read it.


    Aren't we all?! I keep staying up late to watch things on the TV about the general election in the UK at the moment and i still have to get up at 6am every day! ugh!

  3. i know, mine is crap too. I don't know what to do! My vids won't work and i need it done by tomorrow!!!! i am SSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOO fucking screwed! I don't know what to do!!!

  4. is that you, or the ebay pics?

    Why do you hate the libdems so much?

  5. i'm kind like that! (and modest too) lol

    Why was it such a horrible day?

  6. wahoo!!! death to abba!!!

  7. Oh i've got some stupid project going at the moment too. So annoying!

    I know what you mean. You know there's an election going on in the uk at the moment, right? SO our school is doing a mock election thing and i've got to make a video for my party campaign and the stupid stuff didn't transfer on my memory stick properly!!! so yeah; interesting but difficult!

  8. I read 1984 a little while ago too! I really liked that book, even thoug it's a little bit paranoid! I think it's a really great story. Have you ever read Orwell's 'Animal Farm'?


    I've been getting back to school after the easter break and being tired! lol

  9. aww, you can never be too similar... unless you're similar in bad stuff too! lol

  10. lol

    i odn't think they're that much like abba, but i can see what you mean! I hate abba too!

  11. i love queen, but that's just about the only rock my dad likes. boring

  12. lol


    So what have you been doing recently?

  13. huh. Every rock fan i know has a cool dad. Mine likes Queen and that's as far as he'll push it. He's into oldies music. He doesn't give a flying fuck what i listen to.

  14. i should be allowed if it wasn't for a very boring parent who didn't want to stand up if she ended up coming.

  15. lol!


    Yeah, i bet! D'you have seating tickets?

  16. lol, i bet matt loves that! Underground tunnels! Great!

    Shame on them! Fingers crossed, eh?

  17. oh okay then. i did wonder...

    yeah, i guess!


    i know, me too! this time last week i was doing a 4mile cycle and in the easter holiday i did a twelve mile one. don't ask me what that is in km!

  18. lol

    I think my IT teacher likes muse... or at least that's what my other muser friends tell me! I've never had the nerve to ask him myself!

  19. she has this theory that if you hang around outside at the end of a gig for long enough... well they've gotta come out some time haven't they? lol

    apparently she and her mates hung out waiting for the Manic Street Preachers once (jeez, hasn't she met them enough? they actually know her by name now!) and the manics found a back exit so they were waiting until like 4am in the morning and never got to see them that night!

  20. Hiya!

    I'm alright! Back to school and not very happy about it, but there are some things that just cna't be helped! What about you? You alright?

  21. Yeah, i'm going to wembley.


    if you're nice and stop drinking until it's actually legal, then yes you can come.


    Are you really drunk? Or just having me on? Coz i think alcohol looks like fun, but leave it till it's legal.

  22. lol

    I just went horse riding and i got a new bike this morning too! I'm so happy!


    what day is it in the states? it's saturday today in the uk.

  23. lol! imagine if that happened! it would be so so funny! I would point and laugh at him!

  24. lol

    I know what you mean! I wish i could meet them. one day, eh? one day!

    I'll get my mad cousin to show me whereabouts to wait outside a gig for hours and hours to ambush the band when they finally emerge! I know i'm 'too young' (bullshit) for that now, but, as i said, one day!!!

  25. Yes, a shame that... lol

    I hate work or anything school-related, but i absolutely love reading! It's a bit nerdy, but it's one of my favourite pass times, second only to playing guitar!

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