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Status Updates posted by KesMuse

  1. Okay, shoot me, but i've probably got over four thousand pictures of muse now! It's so sad, but i can't help it! The younger pics are always the best!

  2. Oh, Riddlesdown. It's not as good as they pretend it is.


    He's note as sweet as he sounds, trust me! Although he's pretty darn adorable most of the time. He'd kill me if he read that!

  3. really? what school so you go to? Jeez...


    I haven't had much homework, but i still haven't printed it off.


    I know! My mum promised him one if he didn't complain for a whole weekend, and now that he actually managed it, she's holding it off! lol He's only nine!

  4. thanks!

    I know, he's gorgeous! lol! He's so cute!

  5. yes it is that bad. School is an unnecessary evil and should be avoided at all costs.


    Why freaky?

  6. omg i love your picture! The hullabaloo one and the avatar thing! They're really cool!

  7. That's alright!


    it's been fine. nothing exciting really, but nothing bad either.


    I'm DREADING going to school on monday. Especially now the sun's out! School in the winter is just something to pass the time, so i don't mind to much, but now that i could be dancing in green fields or something, i can't stand be tied up in some poxy school uniform and locked away from the sun in a cold dark school. *shudder*

    They've introduced a new system so that we stay more within one building. It's going to be hell. In winter it was fine, you know? it kept me warm and it kept me dry, but now... the tiny breaks in-between lessons were when i got to breathe for five minutes, but now i'll have to stay indoors, mostly. Art, PE, Music, Drama and Science are all in different blocks, so i'll get to go outside when i have those lessons, but not otherwise. I hate school.


    Anyway! How has your week been? lol

  8. it is hell. stupid woman brings all her friends round all the time and they just pig out (and they're all seriously fat) on all our food, without offering us any!

  9. haha!

    i'm alright. not looking forward to school tomorrow, but then who is? i'm desperate for my brother to get a drum kit coz he's promised to jam with me. Mum's... reluctant. let's put it that way... how about you???

  10. Well; Labour used to have all the right ideas until the half-blind scottish pillock came along and changed them all. That's Gordon Brown. Anyway, Labour wants to take money out of everything because they understand the economic crisis slightly better. Although that doesn't mean that raising taxes and cutting expenditure on education, health care, etc, is the right solution.

    I think in terms of education; Labour want to keep a close eye on schools, making sure that 'every school is the best school'. they want failing schools to be handed over to academies, so that they can be closely monitered and sorted out.


    Tories want a similar sort of thing, cutting the deficit, blah blah blah. They're very focused on the NHS and how to ensure a good quality of service while not putting much money into it, because Brown fucked the economy. lol

    On schools, they weren't so sure. I think they agreed with the LibDems in as much as they thought smaller classes and less exams were necessary.

    I'm only interested in the education side of things really...


    I'm not all that sure of the LibDems policies are. I know that they want one-on-one tutoring and classes as small as 16pupils in high schools and 20 in primaries. They were very firm that schools and teachers need more freedom and creativity. They need the freedom to teach the way they want to teach - assuming of course that that fits with the current government's manifesto.

    I don't really know what else they want to happen, but we better find out soon, coz they're going up in the world. In fact they won the Prime Ministerial Debate last night, so i wonder...

  11. Yeah, she used to look after us when we were really little, but my mum stopped working so we didn't need her anymore. Then my mum went back to work and she won't just leave us here in case we burn the house down or something stupid. So this woman has to look after us again. We have to pay her to work here, but she doesn't do anything!!

  12. sure, if you want.

    what do you wanna know? ;)

  13. haha! Bet it sounded like a good idea at the time though!

    No, i don't mean to put you off! Did you have fun?

  14. classical? i don't get it. does that mean mozart or hendrix?

  15. You rock girlfriend!!! omg, lol!

    What sort of stuff did you play? just single-note stuff, or real music?

  16. i'm fine...

    What happened at your music course?

  17. yeah same!

    Sorry it took so long to reply! I must've, like, read it and then thought "Oh i'll answer that in a minute" and just forgot! Sorry! lol

  18. Yeah, i saw that takeabow19 thing... stupid! lol lol lol lol lol

  19. same here. The sun's out, but it's cold - as usual.


    We have some idiot round 'looking after' us. She doesn't take a hint. You'd think she would have worked out that i don't like her by now. My brothers don't like her either. She insists on having toddlers hanging around MY HOUSE all the time! She wants to have little children around her feet, but why in my house?

  20. Yeah, we have no sun here anymore. It ws out yesterday, but it's gone now!

  21. haha!

    Do you have sun? The sun is here now!

  22. no more snow, thank god!

  23. why are you a bitch? tell me (when you get bak).


    Music course? what's that about?

  24. really?

    The weather man says it's going cold again this week. :(

  25. Unloved by the sun!


    i know how that feels. i'm always busy too.

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