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Status Updates posted by KesMuse

  1. Go us! lol

    Should we be celebrating that? What am i talking about?! Of course we should celebrate it!!!

  2. I just made a lemon cake. my hands stink! i love that cake though!

  3. nah, it's not really a good song, it just has good lyrics! Muse songs are the only ones i think are truly good!

    well it's not too hard to guess.

    Let's fuck it all up and go down in history forever for it! i agree! Let's be the generation who forgot how to grow out of agressive teenage behaviour and got hammered at every party and fucked everyone we saw! Let's do that! Let's not fade away.

  4. wow, you're good!

    I know what you mean - my best pieces of music are the ones i've made up or taught myself.

  5. 'God knows the world doesn't need another band

    But what a waste be could've been.

    I can't believe we almost hung it up!

    We're just getting started!'


    Paramore - Looking Up

  6. I know! I was listening to a paramore song called Looking Up and one of the verses goes:


    Could've given up

    So easily

    I was a few cheap shots away

    From the end of me

    Taking for granted

    Most everything

    That i would've died for

    Just yesterday


    And i think you've gotta think on the positive side of things, because all these ambitions they are possible. You can't let other people put you off. I mean, where do all these people go? All the people from my parents' generation, so many of them just faded away! The only person i can think of is Alistair Darling, the chancellor, coz my dad went to uni with him, but that's it! All of the people i know now will just fade away. Let's be the generation that doesn't disappear.

  7. omg wow! Your backgrounds are utterly breathtaking! Did you study graphics?

  8. ahhh, fuck off! I'm sleepin now anyways! au revoir.

  9. lol, my folks like the fact that i'm good in music, but they discreetly try to steer me away from this idea that it's the be all and end all when it really and truly is.

    My dad wants me to take latin gcse, but i want to do classics. it's my choice anyway.

    My mum said to me the other day: "When i was ur age i never wanted to be a secretary" (She's my dad's secretary now - it's confusing) Because i said i never wanted to work in some sodding office. That really pisses me off! Talk about insensitive! I don't just change my life's ambitions on a whim, thanks.

  10. Yeah, that means top set. I'm top set for most things except PE, DT and something else but i can't remember what. Nothing important.

    Do your folks push you? (i'm not accusing anyone; i'm just wondering)

  11. Oh no, me too! Damn! I got three pieces today, so i complained before even thinking about it! Natural reaction!

  12. September 11th, Wembley. Can't wait!!! That's the only one though at the moment, although there are a few other gigs that i want to go to...

  13. what do you mean? that it's a tough school?

  14. No, they have no brains. I can't stand political indifference because it's so stupid and so dangerous, you know? It almost scares me how many people don't like, don't understand or simply don't know anything about politics. It shows us that this generation will have the children that become the victims of The Hitler Youth and the grandchildren who work for The Thought Police and the great-grandchildren that are tormented day and night by rebellious thoughts of 'DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER'. Do you see what i mean? If our generation turn a blind eye - that's a whole generation - then it sets up this country to fall into 1984. It really would! It's terrifying. Not for us; we'll be fine, but the later generations will fall due to our demise and... shit i'm boring!

    Lady Margret's? Never heard of it!

  15. Good idea! I'll fail with you!

  16. Oh i don't know who i back. I know my dad was always Labour, but he hates Gordon Brown (He used to work with him so it's not like it's a media based hatred. He actually knew the guy) so i don't know. I know we can't keep putting up with Brown's shit, but i don't like David Cameron much either... no, i don't not like HIM, i just don't like the vagueness. And i despise party speaches because they always sound so fake! Gordon Brown - Fake, David Cameron - Fake, Nick Clegg (or whatever the fuck his name is! who cares anyway?) - Fake. I wish they'd talk like normal people, act like normal people, just BE normal people! I can't trust fake smiles and over-rehearsed speaches. Something in the back of my mind won't let me, you know?

    Let's all vote LibDems! (i don't even know what their agenda is!) but the thing is; a lot of people are doing just that now, because they're so sick of the other two parties squabbling like spoilt children.

    Oh i dunno... let's all go red! (communist) Oh shit, i shouldn't joke about that in public!

    I know what you mean, none of my friends appreciate politics. They say it doesn't affect them. I nearly exploded when they said that! I thought i was hearing things! Doesn't fucking affect them?! who the fuck told them that? Jesus, these politicians are running their lives and they don't even notice, much less care. I can't believe their indifference!!!

  17. yeah

    Have you heard David Cameron's election slogan? 'Vote for change' What is that about? How shit is that? For God's sake it's no wonder the Tories are losing popularity! We hate Brown, but we'd rather stick with him and Labour's boring old familarity than vote in David Cameron on the vague promise of 'change'. Because what does that mean? 'Welcome to the hitler youth'? It's ridiculous.

  18. i know, but i'm too trusting for my own good. although... i don't trust myself!

  19. definitely!!! And queues! The french find it so hard to understand why we queue! I'll tell you: It gives us all another thing to complain about! hahahahaha!

  20. ha, lol! Tell them to get a life. two lives preferably - one each. lol!

    Why isn't he allowed? i don't hav one, but i'm allowed to if i want. My dad actually chastises me for NOT being more internet friendly! But the internet scares me!

  21. so why is that so bad? he helped you get a facebook account, so what?

  22. hahaha! Hate me for being stupid, but what's FB?

  23. eee-yuck! lol

  24. I've been alright. Back to school (yuck!) I'm knackered and bored with school already, but apart from all that...!

    I'm fine really; i just like to complain! lol we're british! It's what we're most talented at!

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