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Status Updates posted by KesMuse

  1. I've been chilling. Trying not to revise, listening to new music and following the general election. I know -i'm boring.

    What about you?????

  2. lol


    What have you been up to recently? I've been at school and following political stuff, but that's all. I'm so tired! What about you?

  3. you wish it was cold. You wish it was cold?!!! You're fucking mad!!!! You're mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    What's the book about? ghosts and demons, by any chance?

  4. yeah, showbiz is good for that too!


    Tell him to go fuck himself. Weirdo.

  5. Tears don't fall is really good!

    I quite like the new album coz it mixes the past 2 albums nicely, you know? scream aim fire was really heavy and the poison was very 'tuneful'. These songs are great just to turn up and blast out whenever you're in a really bad mood! Like OoS! I always play Hyper Music really loudly when i'm pissed off.

  6. lol, clever!

    Ever listened to Bullet for My Valentine? They're a bit heavy metal, but they've just got a new album out and it's really good! I didn't even really know they existed until this year coz of all the excitement surrounding the new album. They're addictive - check 'em out!

  7. i know, but at least that way you can't fail!

  8. what book?


    heat? we had sun 4 like... a week and now it's cold again. but it's always cold here.

  9. lol

    double basses always make me laugh. how is someone supposed to play someting so damn big?

  10. Cool!!! tell me all about!!!


    God, i was just watching stuff about 9/11 for homework. It was so awful. People threw themselves out the windows to die a quicker death. Horrendous.

    Distract me! Quick! Before i have nightmares!

  11. I know. Life's cruel that way.


    Omg, yeah! I'd die to know Matt as well as Hannah knows Emily! That'd be amazing!

    I'm not sure if it'll happen yet, especially since she's finishing school after the next half term... I'm not sure how to keep in touch, coz i don't have facebook or any of that stuff...

    It'll be great if something comes of these little schemes though!

  12. i know! I hope it does happen!!

    Not sure... I don't wanna ruing it for her coz she'll have to like babysit me constantly. I don't want her to think that she can't have a laugh while i'm there, but i don't particularly wanna be left on my own with a tonne of heavy metal rockers either!

  13. cool!


    I've got a mate in Sixth Form who's obsessed with this band... Pythia. She's decided i'm cool enough to go to a gig with her! She's too young to take me until i'm fourteen, so she's said she'll talk to Emily (who's the lead singer - they're mates) and try and get me snuck around the back!

    Thing is; if this actually happens, then i don't know how i'll get home or whether my friend Hannah will have plans afterwards, etc, etc, etc. She can drive, but apparently she's scared to - in case she dies. lol

    Might not even happen!

  14. I'd like that. To fly away, just to work everything out. It'd be great to be timeless for an hour or simply to get my head in order. I don't see much outside my little bubble, even if I know about it and understand it. Sometimes I like to look out my window in the middle of the night (i have an amazing view - i can see almost all the way to London) and try and see all the little faces in the train as it rushes by. It's creepy. All those people have lives. I know it seems obvious, but they do. They were our age once and now i can see them getting home after a long day at work or something. Suddenly life seems so fragile and i feel so tiny! Insignificant, you know?


    I've got a mate in Sixth Form who's obsessed with this band... Pythia. She's decided i'm cool enough to go to a gig with her! She's too young to take me until i'm fourteen, so she's said she'll talk to Emily (who's the lead singer - they're mates) and try and get me snuck around the back!

    Thing is; if this actually happens, then i don't know how i'll get home or whether my friend Hannah will have plans afterwards, etc, etc, etc. She can drive, but apparently she's scared to - in case she dies. lol

    Might not even happen!

  15. done and dusted. I've got every bit of Macbeth burned into my memory forever!

  16. Silence is our Resistance.


    It's the way the last generation were brought up. They're busy bodies. They need to be doing something all the time. Our generation are the slobs, or they're like me and are just way more laid back. We do nothing when we don't think anything needs doing. They do everything when nothing needs to be done. We so need to teach that generation how to calm down and chill out.

  17. oh shit! I hadn't remembered i have to do english revision until i saw my last post! damn!

  18. One of those days? lol


    Whatcha been up to recently then???

  19. lolsome

    It's great the way it's still a FUCKING project even after you got a good grade in it!

  20. i'll try... I just sit around listening to music and trying not to do my revision!

  21. fingers crossed, hell won't rise in our lifetimes

  22. lol

    loving the pic!

    I've been doing an election thing at my school. We've totally lost...

    And revising for some massive exams i've got coming up... exams make me sad... lol

  23. it's good.


    I'm so knackered!


    So what've you been up to recently?

  24. lol

    It wasn't too bad in the end, but I don't think we're going to win.

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