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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. Oops soz bout the missing l lol! Why do you hate the glitterati tho... sure its not his best guitar but? As for the hair totally agree (especially in the SMB video!) x

  2. Well there from Japan just incase you curious.. If not life can go on without them (I think) x

  3. Just a random message to new people lol! Do you like coconut flavoured liquorish jelly beans?? Just thought I'd ask

  4. Ha Snape lol! :) My old RE teacher was Snape before he found fame... Did you know that he is scared of lemon curd as well! x

  5. Dead Star or In Your World... which would you pick?? x

  6. Wots ur fav muse track right now?? x

  7. Like your Avatar! Matt looks just like an alien... NO he is an alien, sent from the planet Zog to fill our minds with his awesomeness! :D x

  8. There are no other bands that could have pulled off Invinsible like Muse have, everything about it rocks! Stick that up your free album giving arse Thom Yorke!
  9. Dead Star is pretty amazing (one of the first songs I ever learned to play on guitar!) Erm I would have to say Glorious at the mo, going through a stage where I listen to the rare stuff that I find on You tube. Also I'm into some of the more operatic piano stuff at the min as well x

  10. Another unlucky Muse fan who hasn't had the privelege to see them live :(! Don't worry your not the only one, I nearly saw them at V 08... but nearly is not nearly enough lol!

  11. Depends what your into because I got these whole bunch of random sweets from Japan about a year ago... mind you would try eating them now! What's your fav Muse song at the moment?? x

  12. Hey Lily I'm new (well sort of)! Don't you like the Glitterati?? Matt should either go back to his red bliss hair or his hullabaloo spikes... What do you think?? :)

  13. Hey I feel for you, I've been trying since 2001 to see Muse live... unsuccessful so far lol! Keep trying is what I've been told countless times!

  14. Hey Cristina, I'm new! Have you been to any live Muse gigs or are you one of the unlucky people like me?? Btw would you like a coconut flavoured liquorish jelly bean? :) x

  15. Hey I'm new(ish)! Glad to see there is someone out there who enjoys comics (have to admit I don't really know too much about comics other than I know that I enjoy reading them lol!)

  16. Wow love the name and the hair! :) Hey I just had a holiday a few months back in Truro!!! Like the impressive muse collection by the way (trumps mine!) :o x

  17. Well I got these random sweets from Japan about a year ago and they have the weirdest flavours! Thats a lot of gigs you've been to... I envy you lol! :)

  18. Yeah theres different versions but check them out!

  19. Hey I'm good thanx! check it out on youtube see wot you think x


    Im not convinced tho
  20. I did something similar in Art a while back! I did a b/w acrylic version of matt with his long, spikey hullabaloo hair lol! Thats my fav style x

  21. I had my heart set on it ;( I watched bits on tv (matt looked so cool in red) but its no where near the same! What songs did you enjoy most?? x

  22. Hey I'm new to this (well sort of)! How was V?? I tried soooo hard to get proper tickets to that festival... All I wanted was to see MUSE :D x

  23. Hi I'm new! Loving your interests lol :) Would you like a coconut flavoured liquorish jelly bean... Just thought I'd ask :D

  24. Have you heard the Muse song Execution Commentary?? I was bored and listening to sum of their early stuff on you tube x

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