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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. Hey I added you to my friends! Any Muse fan is a friend of mine! :) x

  2. Cool! Whats it about this film of yours?? :p How you been since we last spoke?? x

  3. Hey guess what! A world market came to my area this weekend and I bought some cool russian stuff (early christmas gifts for myself lol) I'll put some pics up!

  4. Hey my super cool style expert!!! I am having second thoughts about the black/red dye thing! I saw this guy today and he had totally red hair like Matt's :p I think I'm going for red and spikey, with black tips. xx

  5. Its pointless really! Its more of a commercial holiday! Boo! :p

  6. Yeah totally love this song! I love this version: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Mvw_yyF5PuU xx

  7. :musesign:This song is sooo underrated!!! MUSE are sooo underrated!!! Let's see how else could pull this off?? Cold Play?? Not fucking likely
  8. Hey how you been again?? x

  9. I went to like a weird foreign market where they sell all kinds of different foods, clothes, toys etc. Got some nice stuff for myself... like a furry russian hat and some cool belgian chocolates lol :p x Haven't actually got anything for the family yet! x

  10. No probs! You been up to much lately then?? Doing any Christmas shopping?? xx

  11. Hey Ro Happy birthday for yesterday! :D:p :DHow does it feel to be another year older?? Hows things going?? xx

  12. Wow there's way too many Muse fans in this world (in a good way)!!! Hi I'm sorta new lol! What's your fav Muse song at the min?? x

  13. Do you have an electric guitar too?? I went and bought loads of pedals a while back like a fuzz factory for PiB and got a digitech whammy for christmas!!! YAY :)

  14. Hey Im sorry to hear lol Imiss cookies too! :( But its the price to pay for perfection... aparently! :p x

  15. Cool thanks, just learn't to play falling away by MUSE!!! :D

  16. Good apart from Halloween which sucked! Lots of ppl went out in fancy dress and me and my friends didn't... looked so stupid! x

  17. Ha thats cool! At least your in a band lol! are you plsnning on going all the way?? x

  18. Hey long time no chat! How you been lately??

  19. Look sorry to be a pain in the arse (as some muse fans can be) but is there anyway you could pass a messege on to Matt, Chris and Dom?? I just want to ask/send them a few questions! I know I submitted a question on the message board but I'll doubt it will get enough votes to make it onto the final shortlist! I know that all of you will be incredibly busy at this current time but as soon as there is any time you could get back to me that be great!

    A (rather) persistant MUSE fan!

  20. Ha yeah god knows what monstrosity I would end up with! I really want one bad but the price! I better start saving my pennies then!

  21. Ok I don't want to become an annoying nuisance, but I'm just really curious to find out if this is THE MATT BELLAMY'S PROFILE or just a hoax that a fan set up?? It just seems odd that your join up date is 07-03-2003. I would expect that if you are the real Matt, then you are likely to be very busy most of the time so the chances of getting a reply would still be slim anyway! Does Dom & Chris visit this site/have their own profile page as well? I understand that you get this sort of thing from fans all the time so I imagine I'm not the first. I would just like to get the chance to somehow make contact with you, there is just so much I would love to ask you! It just really frustrating that a band that is basically my life, eludes me. I've never come close to seeing you live and I've known you since I very first saw New Born on TOTP! Mind you if your headlining Reading festival 2009 I'm sorted :)! Sorry for the ramble again!

    Take care!!!

  22. But still that is something to be quite proud of! I guess when people watch these unknown bands at the time, people never expect to see 3 teens playing in a small pub to then go on to be the best live band in the world! I mean you must have seen the change in Muse as they began to play in bigger and better gigs and festivals all over the world!!!

  23. Cambridge, UK where Matt was born!!! :D x

  24. Well I usualy just instant messege people on my yahoo! Er no I don't have myspace.... yet! :) I'm really bad with computers lol!

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