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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. damn missed you online again lol! Things good for you?? x

  2. only coz my old physics teacher was a perv! talked about weird shit! How are you btw?? Is 2009 a good year for you too?? x

  3. Ha I struggled on my own! Do you have the url you can send me?? Btw do you have any new pics like you said?? xx

  4. Ha yeah scary lol! I was just commenting on Bleach lol! Love that show, so what's this I hear you got myspace?? xx

  5. I don't think the micro korg is coming now! Oh well I wanna save up and get a manson instead lol! Manson + Jacket + Fuzz factory = muse tribute lol x

  6. You know what would be awesome if you came here when Muse played a festival, i could show you all the cool places and we would see the best band in the world! :p x

  7. Oh I don't think that it worked for some reason coz of my email address or coz its a phone lol! Anyways though it is good to hear from you again! Hey I found this on youtube btw:


    enjoy x

  8. Hello again just wanted to wish you a happy 2009... er a little late but better than never eh? I hope muse play at Reading Festival this year!

  9. Ha I have only been to London about 10 times in my entire life! I go mostly for the shops, museums or if any cool bands are playing. It is a nice place (especially during summer) Oh I hope you come back one day to England, ub the mean time I am saving up so I can go holiday!!!! Hopefully Russia soon ;) xx

  10. Hey do you plan to come back to England again sometime in the future?? I have my passport ready now so I should be going Russia soon... It would be nice if we could meet up :p xx

  11. Ha just wondering what you been up to since we last spoke?? Do you have plans to come to UK anytime soon?? Remember as Pete's PR manager you go where he goes lol :p I'm going to see them soon in London!!! ;) xx

  12. Hey its been absolutely ages since we spoke! How was your NYE?? xx

  13. Hey how was your NYE?? Sorry for the late reply been real busy with exams lol! ;) xx

  14. Hey again hows things in your life?? Any changes for 2009? xx

  15. I'm still waiting for my MicroKorg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was meant to arrive christmas :( x hope things are brighter for you?? xx

  16. Hey Matt hope 2009 promises to be a big one! Can you give a hint as to when we might able to hear some new material... Not that I'm not content with the current material because believe me, I NEVER get tired of the old stuff! OLDIES IS GOLDIES lol :D

  17. No I haven't seen it yet but I do like scary films! I wouldn't ever live in that house lol! Still are their any good russian films that you like/recommend?? xx

  18. Like Matt blue?? Oh that would look so cool if you did! I would have to see some pics then :p The only colour he has dyed it that I don't like is Blonde :( x

  19. Yeah hopefully that goes as planned! I so wanna come visit russia some time! xx

  20. Hey Hope you had a great New Year and birthday!!! Man that must suck though coz you have to wait all the way til the end of each year for christmas & birthday presents lol! xx

  21. Well I like dark scary films as well! Is that the original texas chainsaw massacre that you like?? Я также как фильмы с плохими женщинами в! Особенно сексуальные с длинными темными волосами! ;) xx

  22. Same I want to get an Ibanez so I'll have to sell my peavey! How good is your SG tho?? Always thought about buying a les pauls dc lite! As for the lateness... same here too!

  23. Hooray 2009! Hopefully Muse's new album comes out soon!!! :D xx

  24. Ha Christmas was awesome... NYE well not so good! Def looking forward to the supposed realease of Muse's new album this year, hopefully headlining at Reading 09!!!

  25. Hey I just saw your conversation with sherbert! Your doing creative writing?? That's kinda what I want to do at Univeristy (although I would love to do music journalism) Wh is it so bad that you want to drop it?? xx

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