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Status Updates posted by naget4music

  1. I am completely right you mean :D:D:D

    no srs tell me

    Dont you whinge abuot holidays. I haven't had any since sept. last year :supersad:....but mid jan and I'm finished :D


    still exciting though isnt it sammy?

    oh jee guess what. D Wanker got on the front cover of teh local paper for winning the state title for gay boxing. phu. I hate this town.

  2. in teh backseet, unf. I can only guess whats that about.


    tehehe. Exciting!

  3. lol...i meant to post this on yours...but I posted it on my wall



    I cant even remember your orginally. how many times have you changed it?

    I've changed mine never. Because what I picked is so perfect. (naget) is harder to find. and i love music. I dont think I'll change it though it may rhyme with faggot4.....?

  4. I cant even remember your orginally. how many times have you changed it?

    I've changed mine never. Because what I picked is so perfect. (naget) is harder to find. and i love music. :awesome: I dont think I'll change it though it may rhyme with faggot4.....?

  5. Its an anagram of my name..... Go look on sammys profile.

  6. They are. I only know modern man and no car go. Totally chill



    oh poo I forget that only my state in the whole world has a public holiday tomorrow

  7. token ninja eggs. haha. so much cooler

  8. Ahh arcade fire. I'd like to try to get into them one day when I have patience and are in a very relaxed mood, You on msn?

    MJ was good

  9. Of your name? I've got one. and it's SO much better than yours

  10. hehehehe

    I read your user as Rug me I sty


    makes less sense than the real thing if that is possible.

  11. who is that in your av.....it looks like MJ

  12. You liek it?

    They are starting that show in Aus.....but they only gave it three stars. I shall be watching it anyway.

  13. Youtube 'coffee and tv-blur' best song :happy:...Yes but what is he off?

  14. I reckon! Have you seen the video clip it's off? what is that guy in your av...everyone has him!

  15. The lights hurt my retinas

  16. Oh lolz....I clearly didn't read that properly. I thought you said msn tomorrow :p and I was sick as a dawg. Gimme a break :LOL: (pm-ing noaw)

  17. You better. I have some goss :LOL:

  18. oh poo. Looks like its not gonna be an ers muse meet.

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