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Status Updates posted by naget4music

  1. Did you look at my video?

  2. I will have aged like a 40 yr old micheal jackson? MY FINGERS HURT


  4. Shit i've only got 6 more months

  5. by the age of 40 micheal jackson would have aged gracefully

  6. She is :yesey:. But your msn r not

  7. You bitch. Got my hopes up and everything! Yes I got my memory card.....not as awesome as your card will be :indiff:

  8. Who is the other in your av?

  9. Phone....but what you get for christmas? :D

    Noo :( I've got everyone elses....but maybe it is here. I'll go check.

    No :(

  10. No! This is where I want you to elaborate!! What can I elaborate on? Guess what?! I bought a camera, but I forgot to buy a memory card so I can't use it:(

  11. :p. Stop teasing us(me) with your brief visits.

    If you had your own stand up show. I'd be there laughing my arse off.

  13. especially with a moustache!

  14. I'm a chocolate man I mean woman.

  15. -raspberrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-

  16. I don't know what that is.

  17. rug me I sty rug me I sty rug me I sty rug me I sty rug me I sty rug me I sty rug me I sty rug me I sty rug me I sty rug me I sty rug me I sty rug me I sty rug me I sty rug me I sty rug me I sty rug me I sty


    Why can't my brain read it properly?!??!@#?!#?!#?@$

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