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Status Updates posted by naget4music

  1. okay I'm ready for the rest of my lesson :nerd:

  2. actually it's ram :LOL: my god I'm a dickhead.

  3. yes I have some screenshots of my hardrive to send you :'(...but I'll do that later. niiiight

  4. hahaha. You are so awesome!

  5. crisis re computer.....are you around? :erm:

  6. :LOL:!!!!! No! I've just been very busy :LOL:


    And I probs won'tbe able to get on the board properly until next monday. but anzac holiday...and you've got to have that too :)

  7. I think mine likes the warmth. Poor kitty has got kidney disease. Don't know how much longer he'll be around :( So I won't kick him off. He is purring he is happy :happy:

    Awww you better reply to my pm tomorrow.! :phu: I cant even remember what I wrote!

    as if you would spend all the time doing that :LOL:

    lol night sammy

  8. ew exams dont say that word ever again. Oh my god. This black cat of ours called blackarse is being really friendly and is sitting on my lap. But I have to lift my left arm up to type....and its annoying him because I'm still touching him. And I'm cold and I want a jumper. He is going to hate me :LOL:

    I am bored too. I should go to bed sooooon because I have netball at lunch.....but I'm too hyped up.

  9. all that time on a results table? :LOL: laaaaame. What else is up.

  10. Fuck that. Talk to teegs :)

  11. Where have you been!

  12. poo you still didnt reply

  13. oh yah. I thought you said you didn't understand my PM :LOL:

    Yeah but mum said she'll pay for half so thats not toooooo bad.

    I see how you think that though. Doing galvanic cells? Thats basically all I can remember from it now. Electrolysis is a pain because it's backwards. OILRIG is easier to remember because there is such a thing as an oilrig... :LOL:

  14. Oh sorry. I don't remember what I replied :confused: But I bought a pair of $180 dollar runners today. OUCH.

    Serious?! :LOL: Redox is the best chemistry concept next to stoicheometry :p. I liked Redox. OILRIG :awesome:

  15. no and excuse the vulgarity. But it was quite funny how they said it


    meaty cunt


    I miss those guys. Halp seth is attacking our gaga love :LOL:

    also wy arent you posting.

  16. aahhh I love this board. Most of the time.

    It isss! That expression was only used by my guy friends when they were trying to gross each other out :LOL:

  17. monster is good too. But dance in the dark is better. Speechless is weird :erm:

    Well thats the most vulgar lyric I've ever heard in a song. I must be such a nanny. Silly mods. Funny mods. Is it really dom singing? Or one of the mods? :LOL:

  18. :awesome: Are they your favorites too?

    teeth "Have a taste of my bad girl meat"...what else is meat. :erm:

    Was it muses trick or the mods april fools. I want mara (strawb juice) to do a miming of th guiding light remix :LOL:

  19. -bad romance (always)

    -telephone :rolleyes:

    -dance in the dark

    -teeth :eek: good god...I've only listened to that one once and I can still hear it in my head. That rarely happens. The lyrics :supersad: gggeebus. Cannot play this around mum.


    Don't you just love salvation? :awesome::LOL:

  20. oh...thts even worse :LOL:

    btw. I like fame monster

  21. Also. what is your av? Where is gaga?

  22. sammy, be on board. I'm bored.

  23. fuck that! :LOL: I've lost my mathematic touch.

    lucky you. I wish I had proper holidays. I havent had any holidays since I finished school. I went straight into it :'(

    Good friday and sunday and monday off though :awesome:

    okay okay. night sammy. :kiss:

  24. oh dang. YOU'RE ON HOLIDAYS ARENT YOU? :mad:. okay good luck you.


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