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Status Updates posted by naget4music

  1. What was rachael telling me the other day....Oh she went on a board to HSC (nsw year 12...I did VCE....ANYWAY) and on the english exam people were competing on how many pages they wrote. IDIOTS. I'm sure the quality would have been that of a ten year old. Two more. I thought it was four. Shudderp. I had food. Just gonna suffer when I start running....

  2. You had to do four in three hours? Thats just ridiculous....

    Well okay then. Stuff chemistry. Good luck in the others. When do you finish? Arrrhg Im so hungry but Ive got bootcamp....SO HUNGRY!

  3. Hehe....yeah when she called I practiced....but I kept stuffing up. So I'm glad I went with the recording.

    Whats wrong with using all the time? I did that for all of mine (except maths...ew). God our english exam you had 3 hours to write three exams. The idiots in my year left just after 2 hours. At the end there was only 4...including me.

    You'll be right sammy. You are smart :yesey:

  4. Did you listen to triple j at bout 7?

  5. I would have totally boned it if I did it live :LOL:

    Aw....How many more exams left?

    How did Chem feel?


  6. yeah :LOL: and then I decided the next day that it wasn't creative enough so I wrote that little ditty. (didn't play the glock live though. I recorded it) used that as the intro and then sung. Bellamy style at the end :yesey:

    woowee ...go on msn

  7. well you had to recreate the plug in baby riff....I played that on the glockenspiel. Then sung a poem I wrote to the tune of plug in baby riff.

    "A long time ago there was a spaceship that decended down to earth.

    And with it came a mighty riff that sounded just like this

    Not only was there music but there were glitter filled balloons...and lasors

    Then three humaniods stepped out to rock the world. THE ONE AND ONLY MUUUUUSE"



  8. tea. now. be back soon

  9. They did acapella. Good....but I like mine better.:p

  10. Oh fair does!

    Eep. I'm all butterflies.... haha I got a muse song played before mine. These guys that just went on didnt..:awesome:

  11. haha. Well it was nice :phu:


    Um not quite sure because I dont know when the entries started coming in. But two a night.... until friday it's announced.

    maybe 12....

    Meaghan is one of them!

  12. I can't believe I did that! hehe.

    I'll see if there is a podcast or something so you can hear it. I SUNG ON THE RADIO :$

  13. SAMMY SAMMY. IM A FINALIST! I was on the radio....across australia!

  14. okay but Im offline this time :phu:

  15. Yus :$ So gross.But yeah it is tennant :happy:. I'll post it when it's finished. Don't try and draw the circle things on a dalek though. It is hell :supersad:

  16. As to you too. :D

    I am working on some massive nerd of a doctor who fanart right now. :awesome:.....cept it's not eleven :/

  17. How? compared to what? which photos? :supersad:


    Have you got school tomorrow? :/

  18. What on earth? I've ALWAYS been this weight. Ever since I was 15 :wtf:

  19. Naw, just sayin'

    Erggh. It's so hard to write what I want :mad:.

    Erghh. I was drunk. Got emotional and they thought I spewed. Stupid lesbian bitch. I hate clubs. Pubs all teh wayy


    (and I was kinda drunk)

  20. I sent that to you meegs and sair :awesome:

    muse was supposed to be musers. I'm having a very frustrating time with my phones 'predictive' text....makes me want a new one. And I got kicked out of the club D:

  21. It was horrible. I was such an idoit. But I didn't cry :awesome:

    So you'll be working towards that money? Just think of the money. MONEY MONEY. Today was my day off and I was going to spend it with my nan....but I got called into work. I was just thikning about the money, MONEY! I've got like 10 thou now....still I've spent quite a bit :erm:. You shan't have that trouble with clothing :D

    and you've talked about (insert sammys hometown) before....but I can't remember :LOL: Speaking of phones. Keep your phone out saturday night :D

    oh and random whinge. Laura has her boyf in her prof. pic noaw. waaah. Everytime I click on someones profile you have mutual friends her and his face :mad:

  22. awww. I've crashed my car before.....:( it was horrible.

    whatever not proper time...


    ah ha I love you for that :LOL::LOL:

    shepparton :shifty:stalker

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