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Status Updates posted by naget4music


    I've got to go and do uni shit. MITE BE ON LATERZ

  2. yo bitch yo i herd yo' like ignoring so we threw a glass of water in yo face so you can not ignore when getting a glass of water in yo face!!!:mad:



  3. yo bitch yo' you on awake? msn, your turn online.

  4. lol I was wondering why you weren't replying....probably would have worked if I had posted it on your wall...


    "I said some skinny model was disgusting...because she was then beef ensued...and you try to stick up for me remember?



    OH OH OH NO. The winners are up on the muse.mu website.....and the fucking list is wrong and they didn't have mine on there :mad:"

  5. I can't I have too much of a nice streak. Lol remember that beef in the girly thread. THAT GIRL WAS DISGUSTING ANYWAY.


  6. I did...nicely.


  7. :LOL:

    Jon there is ridiculous b33f in the australian tour thread. I am a banterer that loves muse. I feel torn D:

  8. :LOL: well at least it's a conversation starter! Haha thanks
  9. Computers are shit with my mind. Forums however are not!

  10. Oh yeah...thats what I have.....(I think I meant the new microsoft word....I LOVE TEACHING MUM HOW TO USE IT :awesome:)

    Okay....I trust you....:shifty:

  11. Oh whatever! Vista still fucks me over.

    Thats cheating! :phu:

  12. Internet explorer is made of fail....but I'm too used to the format :awesome:

    :LOL: how long did it take you this time?

  13. Did you love it? :awesome: I am so proud

    Yeah I did that when I first went to spell it.....googled it.....oh wait I was right :awesome:

  14. Mine used to be too :awesome:....for careers.


  15. Oh yeah....I forgot about that :LOL::facepalm:


    I r excited that my name is on the interwebs next to WINNER :D


  17. ps. (continued on from open letters thread)

    I r need your address for christmas card :yesey: PM it to me if you think I'm actually a 40 year old pedobear and I'll climb thru yo' window...

    Thanks :)

  18. I hope soo. I wonder what chris will be like D:, they are going to say I am a giant D:D:


    You wouldn't dare!!

  19. But it sounds so cheesy.....but whatever I'm going to say it anyway...still just :eek: wow

  20. What was this said drama?

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