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Status Updates posted by naget4music

  1. actually I'll be on msn in 3

  2. Yes it's bad. I kinda ditched board becaause I needed to do things. Then I missed it and the people. I want a happy medium. Nah I think it's just me being a grumpy teen. Hurr. I should be beaming right now.

  3. No she hates me because since I've got home all I've done is computer. Now tea is served. I dont want it. BECAUSE IM IN THE MDDLE OF SOMETHING. And I pigged out only an hour ago.....and now they hate me and I'm a selfish cow. and they are annoying me.

  4. You'd rather be on skype. :yesey:. I ditched boot camp today. Sly dog

  5. :(. How was your friends visit?
  6. I'M NO BITCH :phu:


    yeah mabyes. I've got jobs to do and mum is already grumpy with me....THATS WHY IM ON MUSEBOARD!

  7. I an't believe it. What am I going to say D:

    What did you say to flogging molly? :D

  8. I won this competition to meet muse. I had to re create the plug in baby riff....I played it on the glockenspiel and sung a little poem....I won!oh my god

  9. well I think they need being so petty and let me be excited!



    What about chuck norris?

  10. Would the worlds best carrot sway you?


    Well tell the filthy ole' hags to stop staring at her boooooooooooobs

  11. Tell them to stop being dirty ole' men! :mad:


    Would you?

  12. seth seth seth I won I won I won. I'm going to meet muse :O

  13. Sean you are NOT on here often enough.....and I won btw....:D

  14. permission to be excited noaw? :D

  15. i won i won i won i won i won i won i won i won i won i won i won i won i won i won ! :D

  16. SAMMY I WON. and I only just got to the computer. M to the S to the N

  17. oh lol you must hate me

  18. :'( I was on it singing!!

  19. My hand cramps....I usually have to make do and can't write much....but then again I have time to edit.

    urrgh. I just heard another muse comp runner up. He did it on the mandolin....maybe I shouldn't listen....and just listen friday.

    I had tea too. Bootcamp before. EVERYTHING HURTS!

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