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Status Updates posted by naget4music

  1. live there permantely? I love australia. I plan to live in australia. But I plan to see the world and live in london for a year :happy: Who wants that miserable weather all the time anyway :p

    shit son. My cold is so bad. I hope I don't have to work tomorrow. I'm thinking of bedding it.

  2. ohh. I'm working overseas....when I've finished uni :/

    I knew you were going overseas I ididn't know next year! :LOL:

    ewww smoking. okay will be back. Food awaits.

  3. I'm positive you were going to uni straight away!

    eww smoking. My mum quit (after having the flu and not being able to smoke) 11 years ago.

  4. violent? :( My rents wouldn't do that. Bar a slap on the arse. (but I'm not a naughty kid anymore)

    Are you taking a gap year?!

  5. Ewww. Well my dad won't take anyones opinion but his own. And my mum likes to get sad ALOT. :mad:. But I dont get it. I hardly ever fight with them....yayy uni.

  6. I wish. They are both in a grump. Fucking grumpshits. I say I'm not goingt o help them if they are talking to me in that whiney voice. Then say fine! Then I come here 'oh thanks for the help!" :facepalm:. FUU

  7. hmm I'm, back. I try to help mum and dad and all they do is snap back at me. I'm not cooking now.

  8. wel..when you're out of school. Phone is essential. I must be off and make tea.... CBF CANT BE FUCKING FUCKED.


    I'll be back :happy:

  9. might help you get tosleep :p

    night mel

  10. :LOL:. Yeah.... well I'll go back to my original advice. Try it when you're ready.
  11. what about the people out of school?

    what about when you're OUT OF SCHOOL!?

    I dont and do miss chemistry in many ways.

  12. same... well actually the guys talk about it. It's funny. They are guys. Some girls talk about it. It's too much info....and for me to talk about it. YERRGH :LOL:...Yeah nice one mel :LOL:

  13. EWW 4 months? Bugt you do spend an awful lot of facebook, so it evens out.

    haha yeah sammy serious. You can be.

    Redox for the win! ♥

  14. yeah... I was too hesitant to talk about it with boardies (would never talk about it to my real life friends).....and hey mel got the ball rolling :LOL:

    soon my friend. soon :fear:

  15. well my phone isn't on me because I'm not your average teen ;). Eww mock exams. Word of advice. Take school SRSly. :(

    is it in REDOX?!

  16. It better be. and I better get my phone!

    How are you anyway?

  17. ahh shit. Everyone now knows my history of you know what. Gross :LOL:

    And I know. So frustrating. Doesn't matter. We'll find him. one day :)

  18. write the number down again.. :D


    are you sure you've got the country code right :shifty:...maybe I should do some research.

    Sammy. I'm aching :'(

  19. Same! But at least we're not going to settle for anyone. I just don't know how people find people they're compatable (not talking starsigns :chuckle) so damn easily.

  20. SREIOUS!? GRR.... I'll try again...or you send me one.

  21. I've been here 2 years since april 30 :happy:...and I really have been quite consistant the whole time :$

    Ewww ML. I only joined that to get that newton abbot demo which was shit anyway. What really? He doesn't talk to me anymore.....but added me on fb :erm:....Change is usually good. It's when we are discovering who we really are. My friend said she really wants a boyfriend but she herself is not complete and doesn't know who she really is yet....and doesn't want a boyfriend until she knows who she is. This made me really sad :(

  22. ohh...



    Send me a messssage!

    yeah I think so. I turned the page and got a bit of a shock though. Hey are you part of a gaga board?

    soz random question.

  23. how about I give you my number :LOL:....and who to? :LOL:

    I dont know the country code. You can search that :p





    lol. She fakes orgasms in other words... Omg I bought Q mag yesterday with gaga on the cover. You see one nipple :ninja:

  24. omg you're going to get a detention from your speech. The girls will thnk you have some kind of obsession :p...and nope. Right numbers. Sometimes there is a delay over countries. There used to be a three hour delay for a msg to get to my sister when she was in europe. But Inno. It's definately the right number

  25. MY HUMPS! POKER FACE. Totally school speech appropriate :LOL:

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