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Status Updates posted by naget4music

  1. 50 cents* That ain't too bad.

  2. Okay....lets see how much this'll sting me.

    and :LOL: I can't believe you got to choose yours. And I can't believe you did it on muse. I'd do mine of doctor who if I did one now :nerd:

  3. You should do a video as practice. For my oral they said to record it and time it.....and I did.....AND I GOT AN HIGH! :)


    and what? Lets test this theory

  4. haha trust me....I'll tell you when something happens. If you had an australian phoone number...you would have been the first to know!

  5. lols I was kidding :p....

    He just groped the HELL out of my butt.....like really really bad :LOL:

  6. Whens that again?


  7. THATS OLD SKOOL. What happened to the ravishing party animal sammy?

  8. oh yes hooked up....sorry picked up is australian rural slang.....even the melbourners don't use that term....anyway :awesome:. YOUR TURN

  9. hehehe -giggles like a schoolgirl-


    in the clubs my friend and eye spotted two guys. We were sure that they were eyeing us off. But they weren't doing anything, so we gave up on them. Then later in the night they came up and started dancing with us....with a little help from my friend she kind of shoved me over into his arms. Picked up a million times. :awesome: and my friend picked up his other friend. He was tall, name was matt (BELLORZ(not)), and he was 24 :$. No exchange of numbers....or last names. One off and Im happy about that. It was awesome. Tongues are weird. so so weird :erm:


  10. hello I'll tell you that I had an awesome weekend


    I picked up a really hot guy :awesome:


  11. I can't be arsed uploading to photofuck it. And I tried to attach it here....so I'll just attach it in a post ymt

  12. sammy. My computer is broken :(

    I took a screen shot of the annoying start up process.

  13. oh naff=gross.

    lol. Mr sparkle. weeeeww macbook. I'm still tempted....but I dont think I will.

    So should you get talior made cltohes? :wtf:. I have trouble with pants and dresses.....obviously...but skirts not so much because they are all high waisted these days :happy:

    Soon is end of financial year. So late june early july :) Just in time for my birthday. maybe mum and dad could pay for some of it (no no....they are going to pay for my uni :supersad:)

    oh okay. instruct away....Does it cost? and you better give me the link ;)

    Also where the hell do you get all this stuff ? :LOL: do you just know!

  14. What is naff?

    what is mr sparkle?

    hehe when you are a girl that likes clothes....you have no choice but to buy them yourself :chuckle:

    also. I'm getting my computer sooon :happy: I'm so excited. When I get it. I'm getting a wireless connection for the house so I can get board from ANYWHERE :awesome:....

    Also. You were gonna halp my slow desktop :p

  15. he isn't a douche he is scum! :mad:

    Yeah I thought you did....but I didn't want to say anything incase I was wrong :shifty:...so you must be getting some money?!

  16. Well. It's not my problem. And thats how I should've been looking at it the whole time.

    bitch! :LOL:

    and then..hows the job hunt going? :awesome:

  17. yeah I don't think I will. I'd prefer to say it to his face if I get the chance. If I don't ever get the chance again. meh. Hannah has gone and is over in engerland. lucky gal :(


    Drove drunk :eek:? Drew drove home for niggz one night absolutely smashed when I left. I couldn't believe it.

    lips on lips? :awesome:

    oh and you need a new jumper ;)

  18. Its about daniel. I'm filled with such a rage. I feel like sending him one final message...what I wrote in open letters. I dont know whether I should just leave it.. durrhurr. I must get over it. I must get over it. Night sammy :kiss:

  19. :supersad: just one thing sammy. just one thing....
  20. please dont be gone :( I need someone to talk to.

  21. -That poor horny guy

    -so kissed doesn't mean kissed anymore? :confused:

    -I thought you were in it anyway... I DIDN'T KNOW THERE WERE PEEPS YOU DIDNT KNOW!?


    Oh just had a movie night with some of my friends. They only started on that because they are allergic to va jay jay


    -you cockblocked a guy? YOU COCKBLOCKED A GUY?

    -kissed on the cheek or proper kissed?

    -what the guy group? or group group?


    that sounds more fun than what I got up to last night...I was just repeatedly told that I am allergic to dick :indiff:



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