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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. geee if thom likes math..... i have most of my IB math stuff lying around in my third desk drawer.... he can have it all...


    here you go thom


    mmmm calculus... epic fun! :rolleyes:


    tastes better than that ice cream doesnt it?






    :p thanks for the picture


    and more importantly, thank you for inviting me to your party :happy: im glad you enjoyed your party and you liked the gift :D *hug*

  2. :chuckle: Muse can fit into a bathroom... perhaps radiohead cannot.....


    :p woooo im glad you errr liked those equations


    oh wait... radiohead do fit into a bathroom *recalls that certain picture*

  3. the basement, shed... i wonder where next.....


    *haha* ummm thom + alcohol = actions that are not very saintly


    i know you are going to kill me for that... so um here is an alternative answer... thom + alcohol = a very sexy performance of inside my head


    nice little avatar you have there.... ed and the shaker... and speaking of shakers..... your LB has a shaker too..... :eyebrows:

  4. ready freddy! :p


    nice little equation there....


    :yesey: i concur... your fifth statement.... anyone drunk at home is a big no no


    *sigh* the good ol' times at the academy.... :rolleyes: last i heard Ms West had left.......

  5. and its thom we can thank for the "loosey goosey" phrase


    :chuckle: finish this off..... thom + alcohol =


    *hug* thanks.... i found the picture in my "altered pics" folder.... ahhh the days of having a photoshop program on a graphics tablet loaned from school.... good times (*cough*not*cough*)

  6. loosey goosey!


    :chuckle: sorry


    karaoke and twister at the same time? gosh that would muddle Thom up.... it would certainly make me confused, i cant play twister on its own if someone told me exactly what to do :facepalm:


    *hug* hope you had a great first-day-of-the-second-half-of-the-first-semester otherwise known to many as a term... hope you had a great first day of the second term. ummmm i hope you had a great day! :D


    dont mind me im just being pedantic... i just finished an essay on the definitions and derivatives of the term essay and how it relates to the anatomy of an essay... i now hate effective writing.


    i cant wait to talk to you (not about essays and academic stuff)


    *hug* till later!

  7. :)


    awesome vid.... great footage.... good performance


    :p thanks for the link :D

  8. ha ha ha as i read your first sentence.... Matt sung "war is coming your way"


    mmmm insanity


    *hug* i know you can

  9. :chuckle: a light saber.... nice hmmmmmm a battle between Yorke and Martin... star wars style!


    *sings* ahhh computer.... internet.... *cough*.... guess who just had a moment of insanity?


    *hug* anyone can be a journalist because anyone can tell stories in a factual style and have it published... that's what ive argued in one of my points in my essay....


    :yesey: the Jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnyy one

  10. chris martin can make anyone ill


    hmmmm no wait lets reword that.... *sings* anyone can feel ill (if chris martin is around)


    oh that reminds me.... i made a loose reference to anyone can play guitar in my styles and genres of journalism essay.... my concluding sentence is "anyone can be a journalist" [/end lameness]


    vesty-vest :)


    :chuckle: nice caption for that pic in your latest post

  11. 30_thom_lgl.jpg

    Thom: what? me? a creepy man and a curse? nahhhhhhhh *inserts cheesy grin here :D*

  12. geee i wonder what he was thinking when he posed for that picture


    i agree... maximum creepiness but not in the nice PH-creep sort of way

  13. eeeek that's a scary picture of Thom.... it just drips with malevolence... and to find that on the back of Maximum Thom Yorke.... ghastly :p


    nice avatar by the way

  14. Matt Bellamy :D:D:D


    you arent annoying... thom is :chuckle:



  15. tied up? by whom?


    :chuckle: oh dear...


    hmmm i could see phil and ed as henchmen kidnapping jonny for whatever reason...

  16. :chuckle:


    thanks thom :p but more thank yous go to Erica... with a few *hugs*


    *hug* thanks!!!!!!!!!

  17. :chuckle:


    i dunno... i dont see Jonny in that way... i see him as a very talented artistic genius who deserves all the praise he gets... but i dont fancy him

  18. *gasp* Matt!!!!!!!








    *is still swooning*




  19. :p woooooo


    i wonder what gig your avatar was made from... i mean.... maybe if we knew the specific details we could youtube it... :p

  20. oh hmmmm *looks closely* its not even moving or anything... i shall change it... to the other one :eyebrows:


    thom sorta looks like a puppet there.... its super awesome your avatar!


    :kiss: x a lot back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. mmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt?




    :kiss: for you

  22. :chuckle: what if sofia is really a guy and she revealing herself as a guy is like the ultimate April Fools joke....
  23. :chuckle: i wonder who went through all the trouble to write all that... cause it was pretty cool :p i love parodies of terms and conditions


    *hug* cant wait to see what sofia has up her sleeve for next year

  24. hey




    thanks for the compliment in my LB :happy:


    i think you have a pretty brilliant username yourself... its a fantastic play on words!


    thanks again!

  25. :chuckle: i think ive seen it only once before....


    wooo radiohead tee! i wore my muse shirt to the mall today :D:D:D got a stare from someone who was wearing a coldplay shirt :rolleyes::happy:

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