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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. sadly word really doesnt have that capacity :rolleyes: but we have holidays soon :eyebrows: *trails off*


    i can listen to music tonight (yay) im on the computer with all of my files :)

  2. :chuckle: it totally matches that smiley.... that is so cool.... that's like another Thom matching the smiley.... :awesome:
  3. ha ha ha your avatar is funny :p


    hmmmm instead of hair gel shopping with Matt, id rather go shopping for coats and jackets.... i saw a red trench coat in Portmans that was really nice (that look like Matt's trench) and a nice grey men's space jacket that was faaaaaaaaar to expensive in JAG :p


    hey Matt... so are you up for that? nice red background... and nice jacket you have there too

  4. hey it's good to hear your exams went fine.... im pretty impressed with how you handled your marks (from what i gather from your post) i wish i could handle failing exams well...


    wow... art and design... that sounds interesting!


    i hope you have had a good start to your weekend!

  5. is that spoof thing from Uncyclopedia? the article on Top Gear is hillarious.... the Muse one.... just thinking about it makes me laugh :chuckle:


    i hope you are having a good start to your weekend!

  6. hair gel shopping with Matt

    gormet cupcake shopping with Dom

    funky sweater shopping with Chris

    shoe shopping with Kirky

    CD shopping with Morgan


    anything to add / change?


    nice profile picture :happy: Matt says you look pretty :)

  7. hey! im fine and errr just chilling here (gosh i how i love lame puns) i should explain, it's unusually cold here in brisbane and i guess i am use to really warm nights... :p hence the lame pun :rolleyes: sorry about it


    how are you?

  8. gee matt... if you want, you could totally come and hang out no chill with Erica and i... :eyebrows:

  9. hey.... ive been good :) how have you been? its nice to hear your exams are over! i hope you did really well and get the grades you want! i just handed in two essays today and i have the one (yay just one) exam on a saturday morning in the near future... yeah but despite that... all is well... and i hope all is well with you! if i may ask, what would you like to do at TAFE?

  10. naaaaaaaaah.... im glad it's over because people on the board might think i like Ed but at the same time, i thought it was fun because the avatar was a bit silly :p dares are kinda fun to do... the sad thing is, i have trouble making up dares for other people to do :facepalm:

  11. hey, its good to hear you are fantastic! :happy:


    ha ha ha yeah the dare is over... as of 13 minutes ago (woooo)

  12. hey.... how are you tonight (errr today with the time zone differences)


    i like your avatar... it's cute

  13. :awesome:


    i miss you :( msn isnt everything

  14. IE is working tonight! yay!




    on the weather site, it says it is 6 degrees and the forecast is suppose to get down to 5..... *grumbles*

  15. ummm hi.... thanks for the friend-add.... it's nice to meet you.

  16. 3 messages :happy: yay! and i just finished printing my essays so they are ready to be handed in tomorrow (woooooo) sadly, it means i have to leave the house (shock horror) and catch a bus (shock horror) to uni (shock horror) just to hand in those essays


    but these messages / pictures make the dismal feelings go away yay!!! :p


    thanks for the heads up about my LB... i shall head there now.... thank goodness IE on this computer works :rolleyes: matt's shirt in that second picture is hot! :eyebrows: and is cold :yesey: apparently, tonight it's going to get down to 5 degrees :eek:


    *hug* i hope you have (as i am currently writing) a great day today.... a great and warm day today *hug* talk to you soon!

  17. :) thanks Matt!


    mmmm normal temperatures year round would be appreciated!

  18. wahey! that sounds like fun... getting up and watching HAARP :)


    its good to hear your day has been good :happy:


    *sigh* dead star on my ipod never plays fully... the studio version, it always stops at 3 minutes and 14 seconds in, it is so irksome... whenever dead star is mentioned i always think of how i cannot listen to it properly :(


    do you have a favourite between Hullabaloo, Absolution and HAARP?


    edit: its 10pm here, so i best be going now... i hope you have a fantastic rest of the day :happpy: enjoy those DVD's!

  19. i like your answers Matt.......


    stupid blanket thingy is no use on the floor! i hate it how its too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer [/rant about weather and seasonal temperature]


    :LOL: thomas from the house of yorke.... thats brilliant! :LOL:

  20. you are right, i did misunderstand... im sorry about that!


    i hope Matt has a good birthday :) 31 years of age and he has accomplished so many things :happy: what a great guy!


    my day has been allright... i don't have any more lectures or tutorials at university because it is study week... so today i finished off my last essay (all i have to do now is proof-read and edit) so im happy....


    how was your day (or how has your day been... time zone differences :p its 9:30 at night here, what time is it where you are?)


    ummm the undertitles can only be changed on the first of each month im afraid....

  21. it's ed from radiohead.... radiohead are my second favourite band and its a joke amongst the friend who dared me to have him in my avatar because he plays the guitar in radiohead (like Matt i guess)


    i actually didnt realise it was Matt's birthday either...

  22. hey!


    i am.... feeling cold actually.... im not use to the temperature being in the single digits :rolleyes: and im also bemused... ive been dared to use what is currently my avatar for 48 hours... i would not normally have an avatar like that...


    how are you? how is your studying going? well i hope!!!!!!!!

  23. maybe????? :chuckle:




    it was 7 this morning... and my blanket/quilt thingy fell off in the middle of the night... soooo cold


    :chuckle: im gonna guess its Thom of the Yorke variety (ok that sounded weird)

  24. and matt, i suppose you would know this because its your doing?


    give erica a massive hug from me okay... its cold down here (last time i checked at our place it's 14 degrees celcius outside)




    interesting avatar by the way

  25. hey... i actually should best be going now before i fall asleep in front of the computer whilst listening to Hullabaloo.... i hope you have a really good day tomorrow :) and the best of luck with studying... i hope its all worth it!


    talk to you later!

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