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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. good to hear you are great :)


    everyone needs a break from studying ;)

  2. hey.... im quite alright.... had a busy day despite it being a public holiday to celebrate the queen's birthday so im pretty tired


    how are you? how was your day?

  3. :p i can play.... my cd player? no really, i am terrible at sports... its not that i dislike it, its more that i don't appreciate it for what it really is.


    oh yeah the weather is strange... i woke up and it was cloudy and dark and half an hour later it was sunny... apparently there was fog all over Brisbane.... it was very strange.... and the sand flies and mosquitoes in summer are horrible... you cannot sit outside at university without being bitten by something :eek:


    hey i hope your schooling is going alright :)

  4. here's hoping that msn works tonight!


    awwwwwww ill bet we can find pictures of thom that match each smiley.... just like those animal pics with thom that you posted in my LB....


    hmmm the only thing (uni related) i have to do in the holidays is find out how to transfer into the bachelor of journalism and then pick two elective subjects courses

  5. awwww well... *glares at msn*


    hmmm i cant wait to be rid of these essays and then to do the exam.... however, during the course of the holidays, i am sure to get bored :rolleyes:



  6. sounds odd to me too...


    i suppose every place has its weather issues.... good and bad... i dont like the weather in QLD because its very... dramatic.... what with the floods and things like that. :chuckle: sporting events dont bother me... ive never been into sport at all (though it has rained every single time i have attended a school astronomy night, so maybe the weather in WA would be really nice to have for that)

  7. stupid msn... what was it you were trying to send me? cause it looked like it was trying to process a picture but then it decided it didnt want too and froze....


    *hug* to the LB


    :p i can wait 4 months.... woooo.... thats an interesting idea :p but i dont think forgery would go down well on either of our records (damn but it would still be fun to do :chuckle:)


    yeah one exam... i seem to have had it pretty good this semester compared to everyone else#


    better late than never?

  8. yeah.... erm... msn seems to be very cold... it froze... i dunno what's happening but i am going to log off and restart the computer....

  9. really? (ok that's a stupid question, you just said that you haven't heard from her... but I am surprised, I thought you were friends)


    QLD isn't the sunshine state at the moment... no way... :rolleyes: but yeah, i guess i would have to agree with you, QLD isn't the sunshine state... i haven't been to WA... id like to go there :)

  10. its cold now :(


    yeah and the last lecture was pretty much a waste of time... no new information was given... it was just about writers competitions... in all of them you have to be over 18 to enter :facepalm: and the last one closes in august... apparently i still have a tutorial on tomorrow though...


    after tomorrow, all i have to do is hand in my two essays and then do one exam on a saturday... then im on the mid-semester holiday :)


    destiny calls.... :p everything has a purpose :eyebrows:



  11. hey... i saw your post in erica's LB... so erm... i just wanted to say hi :happy: so hi :p


    i like your avatar :)

  12. ok so it was more cold than rainy...


    *hug* home early... and i just realised, tomorrow marks my last lecture for the first semester of university (cue very minor freek out and amazement)


    :p ill see to aquiring a new avatar sometime tonight :wink:


    maybe thom mistyped :p wouldnt be the first time would it? but no those were all thom's words including the little x



  13. im just on Dead Air Space at the moment and Thom had posted this yesterday:



    Me.. i think they're beautifulx



    i have no idea what monkeys have to do with wind turbines


  14. i thought the stig was a bunch of people... different race car drivers for each season... :p they did this terrible stunt where they raced each other in duel control cars... they put one car on top of another... the top car controlled the steering and the bottom car controlled the brakes and acceleration (or it might have been the other way around) i cant say there was any safety there :rolleyes:


    :p i had only dreamt that the night before i posted about it... i didnt think it was significant... the bad radiohead posters were bad in the sense that they didnt capture the band as band posters should...


    hey i hope you had a good wednesday and stayed warm and out of the rain... my day was allright... went for a lecture expecting it to go for the full 50 minutes but it was over in 20 (?) then i came home and wrote half of my other essay before i got writers block and gave up... i guess ill talk to you tonight about everything :) *hug*


    p.s nice avatar :chuckle:

  15. awwwww.... it makes me wish that every Muse fan has / will have the opportunity to see Muse live at least once...


    ive gotta go now... i hope you have a really good day :)

  16. i think us lowly Muse fans in australia can wait... id be pretty upset if The Resistance was released earlier in Europe and the US compared to australia... it would mean waiting while everyone else gets to listen to the album first (the anticipation would be immense!)

  17. yeah i do... but thanks for the offer :) ive got the email and erm my homepage is the muse.mu website


    sadly, i dont live anywhere near Europe :( i'll have to wait till Muse come to Australia (the last time they did, the day of the gig was the day i had my final exams for one subject... my parents didnt let me go to the gig :()

  18. *hug*


    woooo duel control cars! i could tell you about this challenge on top gear that involved something like that... if you want :p


    i can wait for Muse, they can rest up all they want so when they come down here, we can have a great show! :D


    i had a weird dream about chasing a muse poster all over the uni campus and then looking at horrible radiohead posters (they were scary and demeaning to radiohead) and crying cause i wanted the muse one badly... *shrugs* weird... im not making any interpretations about it...

  19. nice :) i hope you get to do that! you know, achieving your aspirations and everything

  20. yeah... what type of journalism are you most interested in?


    im aiming to be a science journalist

  21. woah... talk about coincidence... im studying for a bachelor of journalism at university right now

  22. ergh... guess we will just have to be desensitised to those pictures...


    *hug* ohh you do not want to be driving with me... id be scared of me driving.... especially if there was a billboard with muse or radiohead on it... i mean, i log on to the computer today and the Muse website is my homepage... yeah so ive logged on and i was also drinking a glass of water at the same time... BAM there is an entirely new layout of the webpage that im looking at and i think OMG something epic is happening... i choke on my water and read that its the tour dates for Muse in Europe... argh i cant wait till they come to australia... i made certain that my mum knew my intentions that i would absolutely go to the Brisbane gig(s?) when they next come, no doubt, nothing will stand in my way... she rolled her eyes and smiled


    i hope you had a good tuesday... ill talk to you real soon


    oh you just logged on :)

  23. microcuts.net is such an awesome website for pictures of Muse...


    hey good luck with your GCSES! i hope you do well and get the results you want


    in my essay, i had to write an argument about why i believe that "the information in personal essays contribute to the stock of human knowledge"


    if i may ask, what might you be planning to do / study after secondary school?

  24. :)


    my reaction if i was driving down a highway and i saw muse or radiohead on a billboard.... erm lets just say ermmmm how do i put this nicely... Airbag might be a good reflection :eek: the second verse though... not the parts about interstellar bursts and coming back to save the universe

  25. good to hear you are fine :) and good luck with all your study.... but to be honest, im not entirely familiar with GCSES.... are they like your final exams?


    im allright... im just winding down for the day i guess.... listening to music and celebrating the fact that i finished writing an essay today and lamenting the fact that i have to start writing another one tomorrow


    :p i try not to have the same undertitle two months in a row... and im a huge fan of lame puns :rolleyes: its sad thing to like playing with words... but thanks for the compliment


    hey i just noticed your display picture thingy (whatever its called) on your profile page... the one of Matt.... with hysteria on it... i think it looks really cool

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