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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. yesh.... that was like a minute! :p


    awesome! *hug*


    no not of muse or radiohead.... i had a fleeting thought of a fractal but dismissed that immediately with a shake of my head.... still thinking.... i do have an image of me as a simpsons character that my siblings made for me :p other than that idea, im still looking

  2. wowie... that was a super quick reply there!




    yeah i didnt know what i was thinking :rolleyes:


    errrr no maybe not ed....



  3. hey!


    good to hear you have had a nice week! i have had a great week too :)


    my new year has started off relativly well :) its all good! hope you have had a flying start to 2009 too!


    i will try to upload somemore gifs, but some of them are really big in file size, so they may or may not work... i will find some way to make it work, somehow :p


    till later!

  4. hey!


    im sure you will remix thoughts of a dying aitheist really awesomly :p


    ohh i cannot wait, but at the same time i can.... ill be happy with whatever amount of time it is before they release the album :happy: yay!




    till later!

  5. hmmmm well.... we could try the computer.... it works, otherwise the tv has some sort of capacity to play CD's as well... those two are they only ways i can think of...


    oh i do listen to you... but with this, i honestly thought and had it in my head that the little picture that comes up next to where you post is the profile picture :facepalm:


    yes... i shall change it... to what i have no idea... do you have any suggestions?



  6. *hug*


    mmmm perhaps.... :happy: i would like to hear it... but not on my cd player cause the speakers are broken so it doesnt give out proper sound


    but i did change it :confused:






    damn ive been thinking .... oh bother



    i got confused between avatar and profile picture :facepalm:s for me

  7. hey


    thanks :)


    i love all the songs... truly :p if one asked me of my favourite muse song or even album or dvd, i would not be able to chose at all :$ but ummmm i can chose something randomly off the top of my head... like ummm maybe thoughts of a dying aitheist?


    i really dont know


    when do you think the new album will come out?


    till later!

  8. ohhh i dont like that song


    nice! i cannot wait to hear the bends!


    not anymore i wouldnt :$ you know... id still bake with him though




    ok im experimenting (oh no not that word... science associated :eek:) with avatars....

  9. awww thanks


    oh noooo.... see thom... thats what you get for making In Rainbows a box album....


    i will get it soon! i just dont know when


    if ed were at my place and i were baking cupcakes with him, you would know cause you would be there, with thom decorating the cupcakes.


    but you all arent here... :(


    my profile pic ok?

  10. i must agree with you there... i am silly :p


    i will get In Rainbows soon... but the Bends is first on my list :)




    radioheadish and museish


    lovely words :p

  11. oh damn


    i did it again




    lemon flavoured cupcakes - must get that the right way around

  12. ohh :yesey: that is too! and the stickers from the In Rainbows album... radioheadish!


    oh you can too!


    speaking of concept albums, in the paper today, there was a list of fake concept albums that have failed and there was one called OK Computer (i think that was pure coiencidence they wrote that) and a song from that so called album was Ctrl Alt Delete, Love Hurts... it gave me a heart attack cause i thought they meant the album failed... then i reread it :p


    i think so.... :p we can shorten it to say his cupcakes are random :p




    mmmmm cupcake flavoured lemons

  13. :chuckle:


    where else can we use radioheadish?


    oh oh.... "ed your cupcakes are radioheadish" :LOL:



  14. hey!


    wahey! tis 2009! Happy New Year to you too! best of luck and wishes for you and your family!


    thanks for the funky picture!


    ahh you dont need to thank me for the gifs... i just collect them from places :happy:


    hey... they quality of your remixes are just awesome!


    i cannot waaaaait for the new Muse album! *jumps up and down excitedly*


    till later!

  15. hey!


    oh thats so cool you have that DVD! :)


    Happy New Year to you too! with luck and best wishes for you and your family too! :happy:


    i hope you have a fantastic week too!


    be my guest, :p steal as many as you want... i actually collected them from places, i didnt make them :$ i wish i knew how to make them


    till later!

  16. eh ha ha ha


    yeah its just interesting and funny to see the pics and words they write... some of its entirely random and some make no sense whatsoever


    mostly its radioheadish




    :p watch out ed!


    you arent crazy!



  17. sorry :$ dead air space is a tad bit addictive... and i cannot do multiple things at once on the computer ive found out (at last)


    awwww but ed, you havent seen what i can bake... my cheese souffle came out damn well.... and it was my first ever souflle! so there :p


    OMG that is an awesome pun!




    thats brilliant anyway! :LOL:

  18. eeeeeeeeeeek sorry


    runs away


    i promise no more... i wont get you to like errrrr richard hammond or anything




    sorry :$




    mmmmmmmmmm dessert


    cause jonny likes the cupcakes?

  19. :eek: ed with long hair..... ewwwww i dont like that




    zwichen, zwishen.. ah stuff that


    mmmm dinner :p


    so ed bakes and thom decorates... cool :happy:

  20. hey :)


    ok these are some of the gifs i have collected....







    the other ones are too big to be posted....


    *hug* you are welcome... i really mean what i say... i think your work is brillant! the wallpapers and the remixes




    one dayyyyyyyy :eek:!


    till later!

  21. ahhh i forgot about that


    mistake.... yeah that sounds logical




    the only tongue twister i am able to say reasonably well fast is "she sells sea shells by the sea shore" so i wont even attempt that one :p remember all those german ones?


    i agree with you thom yorke of radiohead :) sleep is excellent!


    ed would want him awake for the cupcakes :eyebrows: i forgot... who baked and who decorated?

  22. :chuckle: sleeeeeeeeeep is good :p


    he looks so cute... i can imagine say jonny cause he is so nice bringing a pillow for thom and telling everyone else to be quiet


    *heads to LB*

  23. :yesey: we have no faults for jonny.... thom and ed do... :p


    your gorgeousest :p love made up words, but they do work :yesey:


    oh Thom Yorke eh? :LOL: lovely


    :chuckle: i keep finding more pics though... from now on, i promise the only pics you will see of anyone are new ones that i think are new (what am i trying to say, i do not know)



  24. hey!


    i have a few more, but i checked out the ones on your site as well... they are soooo awesomely smashing! :p


    as is your remix of sing for absolution!




    hope you have a great day!


    till later!

  25. hey :)


    i totally agree with you... Matt has the cutest smiles :happy:


    ohh only two-ish more days of 2008 left... :eek:


    hope you have a great day!


    till later!

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