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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. *hug* i cant wait to talk to you!!


    awww well... i like thom.... i just dont have a crush on him or anything


    can i say that and still like the photographs where he smiles? cause thom's smile is a little cute :)

  2. :chuckle: nice! warp speed gives thom a headache!


    yay for breaking stuff! once i accidently vacuumed the little lace doily table decoration thingy :$ we had to give the vacuum in for repairs :facepalm:


    *hi-5s* back..... its weird.... i can safely say, i like cooking :happy:


    watching them in a few minutes now

  3. you're quick at replying!!




    i had a good day... i vacuumed the house (temporarily breaking the vacuum cleaner in the process) and then managed to finished another James Bond novel and then i watched the most recent episode of lost (again) and was sad when one of my favourite characters died (his mother killed him in a twist of ironic fate) and then i cooked dinner which turned out to be too spicy (oooooops) :p


    my day was normal :chuckle: im so glad i get to talk to you now!


    those vids i shall watch shortly (i know i keep saying that, i just have to click on the links and load them up) i shall keep your advise about not being too disturbed in mind


    *hug* thanks!

  4. hey!


    i hope you had a really good saturday!


    i havent watched those vids you gave me links to... i shall now...


    i just thought it was funny that on Dead Air Space, under the main banner there is a link titled The Most Gigantic Flying Mouth for Some Time whoever wrote that is pretty clever in my opinion... anyway, the link takes you to a Blog last updated in September of last year.... check it out if you want



  5. ha ha ha.... nah i dont think there is anything wrong with starting your own boat or tagging it...


    *hug* i shall watch the vids now i think....

  6. its not sad to tag your own boat




    i hope you had a great day!


    wahey! links :D thank you for them! now that i know the computer is feeling 100% i can watch them! woooo (not at the moment, but soon :happy:)


    *hug* thank you!!!

  7. ah i shall see to it right now :)




    edit: erm.... i cannot delete pjt i didnt write that one :confused:

  8. hey


    missed you too.... *hug*


    *waves to thom*


    cool first pic.... where is that from? and he really looks like he is weeping in that second pic (awwwww) and that third pic is just funny :p


    wooo for Dom... what is he doing :rolleyes: i like how it says Wahey


    *hug* thanks for the pictures! i shall go to my LB now

  9. wooooo :p eh ha ha ha.... *hug* its a bit silly though....


    yeah :$ i honestly didnt see the cigarette.... but it makes him look even more sophisticated

  10. :p its a bit strange really... because of the courses like effective writing, every time i write, i try to be as gramatically correct as i can be and when ever i read something, i can identify the sentence types and methods the author uses to construct "flow" in a paragraph :nerd:


    i didnt even realise he was smoking there ;p

  11. aww thanks :) i wasnt sure whether to put jumping juggernaut or jumping juggernauts :p because the first one is grammatically correct whereas the second one sounds better... i settled for the grammatically correct one




    David Bowie looks very suave in your avatar

  12. nice.... both sound really interesting!

  13. cool.... good luck with it all! may i ask what course you want to do?

  14. yr 12 is a myriad of things.... in some ways i guess its preparation for the real world but i feel that in most ways its far from the real world.... or at least the world after school... guess everyone has to go though it


    i hope your journey is a good one (gosh that sounds like what a teacher would say :$)

  15. hey *hug*


    about that PM yesterday.... im sorry i came off as weird yesterday.... i honestly dont know why i wrote what i wrote and upon rereading it i admit it was very unlike me... so i apologise for it


    thanks for the pic of thom

  16. awwww well i hope things pick up and year 12 gets better for you.... for what its worth, i miss year 12 because i dont get the chance to see any of my old friends at uni... so i kinda envy people like yourself who are still at school... but at the same time for other reasons im glad high school is over... i guess there are pros and cons to everything


    well almost everything... this gif has nothing but pros to it.... and it never fails to make me laugh, so i hope it makes you laugh too :)


  17. hey.... awww i hope today wasnt as tiring for you as yesterday! *hug* and i hope your essay was good :p i had to hand in that evil STS essay i got you to read for me as well today woooo one down.... a bunch to go




    i do have to write essays on random stuff.... weird :p im just waiting for the day someone asks me to write a essay on Muse... ohh that i could definitely enjoy writing ;)


    ah, yes... pianist :yesey: thanks... oh and all round hottie (hmmm did i really just refer to Matt as a hottie? ha ha guess i did)


    oh fudge.... i need to get some ice... i was bitten alive by sand flies and mosquitoes yesterday and its really started to itch today *grumbles* :(


    guess ill talk to you soon *hug*

  18. hey! *hug* i hope you had a good day!


    :p my definition of hell is a bunch of assignments


    and speaking of... i have to write an essay on the anatomy of an essay and the essay i have chosen to write about mentions a novel by someone called Janet Frame.... her protagonist is called Mattina Brecon


    *cough* i did not choose to write this essay because it mentions a fictional character whose name bears a striking resemblance to a certain lead singer/guitarists name..... :shifty: no really i didnt... i chose it because the essay had a structure i understood and i can write about it


    i hope i get to talk to you soon (not about assignments, i promise)

  19. hey



    im allright.... a little anxious thanks to uni but allright nevertheless


    and how are you?


    nice profile picture by the way :)

  20. :)


    ill bet they all come from IB land.... a terrible place where exams are the norm, everyone has to do 4 essays a day, 1 EE a month and everyone has to do an eternity of CAS hours. the examiners are always prudish and do not know the meaning of fun


    what a sad little world IB land is.... id much rather want to stay in Top Gear land... :happy:

  21. ohhh sounds like you had a great day! good to hear!!! *hug*


    mwahahahaha may the force be with us students against the IB

  22. ohhhh :p staying up late was fun!


    yeah...... how much does it take to prepare a transcript which, ive been told, is just a list of the things ive studied, like in physics, erm.... thermodynamics, astrophysics, relativity, mechanics.... i cant remember any more... *cough* yeah and then press print and send it to australia? hmph i should have just offered the university the subject guides that i could have asked Joyce to download from concord for me....


    :chuckle: i bet the IB has nightmares that feature whiteout, turnitin and angry students :D



  23. my transcript.... griffith uni want a copy of my transcript for their records..... so i had to fill in a form and send it off to cardiff with $25 (or whatever £8 converts into).... thats the form i used whiteout on at the start of the month


    oh yeah the magazine... i forgot about that


    :chuckle: nice play on lyrics *hug*

  24. its not fair though.... to be honest, i didnt evan realise i had IB stuff remaning..... gave me a shock when i opened the drawers... stupid IB... and im still waiting on my $25 transcript


    sorry :$:p


    ha ha ha i wont... you know who i like ;)

  25. i still had that.... its all now in the recycling bin.... so much for a "paperless school" there was more than 300 sheets of paper sitting in three drawers :faceplam:


    i choked thom? *sings exit music (for a film)* so is that the way to trip thom up? by showing him some calculus?

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