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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. continuing....



    Colin: so jonny being the wonderful brother he is burnt my hair.... now i have to wear this stupid crown :supersad: and its not even my birthdaaaaaay :'(

  2. does anyone have any suggestions for the picture for the group? is there any specific picture you would like?
  3. hey


    thanks for the friend invite


    i see your occupation is astronomy... gosh that sounds brilliant... what do you do specifically, if i may ask...


    till later!

  4. m-yorke-2.jpg

    thom: oh yeah.... my hair is fabulous.... wonder what happens if i flick it this way....

    ed: ow damn it thom... your hair hurt my face.....

    phil: boo... im in the corner again

    colin: :stunned:

    jonny: why am i the only one who isnt complaining, showing off or asleep?

  5. your caption.... :p it is very funny :yesey:


    ed: why is thom doing that? why would he be nervous?

    colin: i bet it's his hair...

    phil: nope...it's perfect. his sunnies cover up his other imperfection...which leaves

    ed: he's nervous over girls i think

    colin: oh no

    phil: what?

    colin: jonny looks like a chick

    phil: so?

    ed and colin: :facepalm:

  6. :LOL: love your captions... especially Jonny and Colin's one



    thom: hmmmmmm

    ed: *whispers* what's he doing?

    jonny: *whispers back* he is determining whether he parked the car straight between the lines

    phil: thom, come one... we have to go

    thom: no no... ive gotta do it again

    colin: awww.... but thom its perfect

    thom: no,,, a little to the.... errrr left *mutters to self*

    colin, phil, ed and jonny together: :rolleyes:



    *thom sings to self*

    see my vest, see my vest

    it really really really is the best

    on my chest

    see my vest

    my awesometastic vest

    *speaks in a funny voice* vesty-vest


    dunno bout these two though..... :p



  7. Colin and Jonny make an example of sibling rivalry



    Colin: why do thom, ed and phil all get their own pictures separately... i want my picture to be separate

    Jonny: yeah i dont want to share... he is mean... he switched my crayons

    Colin: oh come one, i did that ages ago

    Jonny: but it was still mean...

    Phil: come on guys... be mature


    ok i will stop that i dunno where i am going with it



  8. hey


    perhaps the school didnt want to distract us with additional programs yes... you are right... though i would have liked to have had at least iTunes on the graphics tablet


    they would have sold the tablet as it is... so i think they would give you administrative rights so there would be no restrictions


    that remix is awesome! thank you sooo much!!!!!!!!!!!




    hope you have a great day too!


    till later!

  9. ? what do you mean.. not meant to be spotted here by some people? :confused:


    :chuckle: uncontrollably


    your captions are the best.. super funny!


    sounds good this tradition :p:)

  10. hey!


    ah so you are the youngest of your siblings... yeah thats what i meant :)


    i dont think giving the graphics tablets back was a bad thing... you see, sure enough it was awesome technology getting to use them, however, the programs they had left something to be desired... it was full of mathematical and scientific programs and because of government restrictions, we couldnt add on any programs that we wanted to use... oh and we even weren't allowed to have our own desktop (:( i would have loved to see Muse every time i switched my graphics tablet on) so i was glad to be able to give my graphics tablet back.


    they did however, offer to sell the graphics tablet to us, but i did not see myself having any further use for it.


    thanks for agreeing to remix the song for me... i am just about to send it to you in an email :)




    hope you have a fantastic day!


    till later!

  11. hey!


    ahh lucky them, your brothers for having their own computers... are you the oldest out of your siblings? i am (fortunately and unfortunately at times :rolleyes:)


    at the school i went to, we were required to have our own graphics tablet... because they are so expensive, the school and the state government offered to loan them out to us students for a lower fee... so we got to keep the tablets for the duration of the time spent at school... and when we finished school, we had to give them back


    awesome... i shall send you the song via email


    thanks so much!!!!!!!!!


    *hug* i hope you have a great day!


    till later!

  12. hey


    :p the landscape was pretty monotonous... i cannot say it was that interesting... so yeah... it was boring... but fun :yesey:


    nice to see im not the only one there! damn now if only we can get to ramble on with Matt, Dom and Chris... i would be so happy... just a huge friendly muser discussion together with the guys!


    hope you have a great day!


    till later!

  13. hey!


    i did have fun... except for the car trips... that was boring... :p


    :chuckle: i dont necessarily like to ramble myself... i usually just tend to babble on and on making no sense :p


    thanks for the reassurance!


    hope you have a great weekend too!


    till later!

  14. hey!


    ohh thats nice to know :p all my friends have their own computers... i dont... well i use to have a graphics tablet but that was on loan from the school i went to... so i guess that doesnt really count...


    the computer works better now :yesey:


    my holiday was pretty fun... except for the long car drive to the destination and back home... that was boring


    can i ask of you a huge favour? could you maybe remix a song for me... its not a muse song but a presets song... let me know if you can... id really appreciate it...


    *hugs back!*


    till later!

  15. hey


    my apologies for taking ages to reply too! i had been on a very much wanted holiday...


    yeah totally blame school once you have finished with it i guess you realise that it has taken up so much of your time, resources and energy.... and you end up either wanting to go back to school or celebrating the fact that you never have to go there again... right now i am so scared and nervous and apprehensive about uni that i am finding myself wanting to have the structure and routine from school... ignore my ramblings :rolleyes:


    i hope you have a really awesome week!


    till later!

  16. hey


    yeah McAfee... it came with the computer and with windows vista... :p i cannot change the program cause this is the family computer... i dont "own" it as such... and i am not allowed to download any programs


    hope you have a great day!




    till later

  17. hey


    ive heard of AVG and Norton, but my computer has something called McAfee... of which i have never heard of :p


    hope you have a great day!


    (i wont reply for a bit cause i am going on holiday)


    till later!

  18. hey :)


    viruses are so inconvenient! there was once a point where my computer was infected in such a way that all my folders had become jumbled in together... it meant that i then had to go sort everything out again... it was so annoying!


    cool thanks for the link!




    till later!

  19. hey


    i am so utterly sorry about not replying in ages... every time i have tried to reply, ive had errors coming up and my internet explorer has become internet exploder, blowing up and refusing to work... ive now figured out the problem (stupid virus) and hopefully everything is fine and i can finally tell you what i think of your Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist No Destination Edit its absolutely brilliant... i love love love the echo-y bits! if i may be as bold as to say... i think it is one of your best yet! it sounds so space-agy with the laser sounds and everything...


    :happy: thanks a billion!


    till later!

  20. ok :happy: one simpsonified jonny in a tealy grey shirt coming up... black pants and black shoes ok?

  21. i can do that... but are you sure you want him to wear that exactly? cause i can change the colour of his clothes and shoes and also put a symbol of something or the other on his shirt.....

  22. hey


    oh fun... school... i hope you have a fantastic school year... i kinda want to go back to school... unfortunately (i think) i get to go to university... which sounds scary....


    its good to hear your year has started off nicely!


    till later!

  23. ok i attempted to simpsonify jonny... to no avail... this is the best i can come up with, though i use the term best very loosely...




    heres the link... http://www.simpsonsmovie.com/main.html up the top it says create your simpsons avatar... hit that, but dont bother login in (unless you really want to) then make the avatar, and printscreen it.... *hug* hope it works


    till later!


    p.s sorry bout the lame attempt

  24. ah ha haha... awww after seeing that vid... i dont think he can... :p




    we can simpsonify jonny.... i gotta find the link and remember what the login details and stuff were


    wont be a moment...

  25. :p


    thom: damn... i must step up and get better... *practises*


    i can make you a pic... just let me know what you want in it....


    my profile pic ok? :$:stunned::rolleyes:

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