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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. :chuckle:




    ah thom's pimping battlefield.... now i remember that caption!



    Thom: take that bellamy! im on a billboard ner ner ner ner ner ner!



    Thom: i gotta go looking for more billboards with me on them.....

  2. hey!


    how are you?

  3. hey maybe some songs on my list appear on your list... cross referencing might help.... *cough*:shifty:


    :p an instrument only sounds as good as what the person who is playing it makes it


    okay.... that needs to be more clear and concise... but i dunno how to make it make sense :faceplam:


    but yes i agree with you... thats what i wanted to say


    where is thom sitting? it looks like a pretty place to be.. green lawn, old building, browny-grey statue....


    *hug* does that make June the month of Thom? speaking of, nice avatar... and PM


    to the LB's!

  4. :p coming to think of it, i forgot a lot of things on saturday! like my jacket... it was freezing in the hall where they were performing... i also forgot my ticket :facepalm: and i totally forgot the name of one of my old teachers... and i forgot to set my alarm clock in the morning as well on saturday... :eek:


    :p thankfully today was much much better!


    *hug* im sorry about all the confusion!


    5 song setlist wooo! but that means i have to cut mine down from 19 (that would be difficult!!) :chuckle:


    i definitely cant wait to get a better stereo.... but for now, im happy with it, at least it works... ive got my eye on more important things to potentially spend money on...


    i think we were just wearing normal casual clothes... and if i remember correctly, you hair was like it is the last time i saw you... short :) i think like in your profile pic... yeah...

  5. oh yeah... im sorry about not mentioning that... i was in a slight hurry to write that because i was being kicked off the computer... sorry.... i wasnt online last night because it was my sister was performing at her school's performing arts night... i had totally forgotten all about it... so i couldnt remind you before... im really sorry about that!


    :p great minds think alike... we would need a pretty big piece of paper what will all the songs we want played!


    :) thanks... i listened to it on my crappy stereo... :chuckle: everything sounded different.... airbag and electioneering sounds horrible through one speaker!


    i shall go to my LB now... but you know im pretty useless with interpretations... i cant even interpret my own dreams which reminds me, i had a dream last night where you and i were in an academy.... a spy academy (i kid you not) and we were learning how to be spies and apparently, both you and i came out top of the class (woooo yay for us!) and then we were forced to construct some gadgets... go figure

  6. yeah he has... its a book of essays about the meals he's eaten while on tour with the band




    its really good... makes me want to travel around the world even more... and if i ever do, i will be sure to take the book with me as a guide

  7. you are welcome, wise and :awesome: ginger ninja! *hug*


    ha ha ha does that make colin the bands (or just thom's) personal stylist / shopper? another alternative is that Thom could have snuck into the wardrobe of the kings of leon... i hear they dig the check and plaid print, farmer (country) style rock anyone?


    hmmmm maybe we can contribute to radiohead thom's attractive visuals by holding up a piece of paper with something printed on it, along the lines of "play Bones!!!!!!!"


    i did get my radiohead yesterday actually... i was at a second hand book / cd fair and i found a copy of ok computer for $8.50... no scratches on the cd and the booklet was in good condition... so i bought it... now all i need is In Rainbows (gosh that was an awful pun :rolleyes:)


    nice pictures there... the first one displays thom's :) nicely... and the second one is just :LOL: third one is pretty cool... i like the tone of the picture... sepia makes it look pretty cool


    *hug* thanks!!

  8. :p ha ha ha... you can say that


    :chuckle: farmer thom... add that to the list of other jobs he does


    yeah that piece of paper wasnt exactly a banner or anything... *shrugs* who knows what it was for

  9. as they say... check is the new black.....


    all he needs is a straw hat and a single piece of wheat...


    oh no.... poor thom! :chuckle: wonder how he would sing creep... he would need a loooong piece of paper for that ruuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnn bit


    *hug* thanks for these captioned pics! very funny they are!

  10. *hug* good to hear :p


    erm yeah... speel :shifty: *shrugs*

  11. awwwwwww if you have to wake up early tomorrow... you should go to sleep... *hug* wait even if you dont have to wake up early... you should get a good night's sleep




    sleep.... what a funny word... s l e e p.... peels... speel...

  12. ha ha ha i listened to skip divided once or twice and then decided i wouldnt want to hear it ever again


    beep beep





    hmmmm maybe the manbag should be introduced to the Mattman series....

  13. regarding the mighty boosh, in one of the lectures for effective writing we were shown part of a show that had a character called ricky who made up these "rickyisms" (it had something to do with speaking clearly and concisly and not making puns / ambigious phrases that made no sense) i was just wondering if it was the mighty boosh we were shown


    good news is :awesome:


    :p thom... a man??? :p not a boy?? :chuckle: congrats to thom


    :LOL: ed dancing makes me laugh now and thom doing his little bit in that gif makes it even funnier! thanks for it!


    *sing to the tune of batman* manbag nana nana nana nanaaa manbag... nana nana nana nanaaa manbag. manbag, manbag


    :chuckle: nice bag thom.... the bike too... where did all the balloons go?


    brilliant caption!



  14. :chuckle:




    hmmmmmm does the mighty boosh have a character called ricky in it by any chance?


    :p yay for the chaser... they have a new political subject to joke about :eyebrows:

  15. *hug* thanks :p




    i cant say ive ever heard of The Mighty Boosh.... what is it? ive heard of flight of the concords but ive never actually seen it. these shows are both comedies arent they? isnt the chaser coming back this week too?


    :p very cute pic of matt... wish i knew what it said though... and i keep thinking someone has errrr stapled a stapler to his shirt (:wtf:)

  16. thom-looking-sad.jpg

    due to unforseen circumstances... i cant use the computer tonight :(


    and i was really looking forward to talking to you


    im sorry about it...


    i hope you had a really good saturday and a super awesome sunday... *hug*


    talk to you tomorrow *hug*


  17. oh eeeeeek i didnt reply to you last night... im sorry... i dont think i even went on the board last night


    *hug* today was a nice sunny(ish) day, but it rained a little this afternoon... weird weather


    :chuckle: creepy and dark poems... sound like Edgar Allen Poe material to me :p


    *hug* hey i hope you had a good friday! yay the weekend is upon us once more... (followed by another week, but we shant dwell upon it right now)


    that is a weird dream yeah... i think Prince did cover creep (badly) there was something about it on that radiohead FAQ... of which i dont have the link to anymore im afraid


    i found something er... interesting... link here


    talk to you soon! *hug*

  18. :p ok so i went to uni expecting torrents of rain and wild wind........



    .... and mr sunshine (of the weather variety not the thom variety) came out instead... it was nice to see blue sky in the afternoon :happy:


    so i hope you had a good day along with the good weather we had




    please remind me to tell you about this weird dream i had.... (chances are i will forget to mention it, its not a big deal or anything :p just like essay topics... i may or may not have forgotten to look at them for today's lecture (i ended up going to the library and getting them from a computer there anyway :p))


    :chuckle: nice start to a morbid poem thom but i must side with erica... i dont want to hear it!


    talk to you real soon!

  19. *hug* add the wind to the list of things that made today miserable... and apparently its only going to get worse (happy happy joy joy)


    oh i made a little rhyme while walking through a puddle.... hmmm what was it? oh yeah.... its a cold, damp day / miserable in every way ah its a little morbid though...


    :yesey: the pics fit in with your captions thats what made it even better! *hug*

  20. hey *hug*


    i hope you managed to stay relatively dry today with all this weather... and i hope there isnt any flooding round your place...


    *hug* darn its cold and wet.... stupid weather system drenching at least half the state


    i saw the story you left in my boat and i think its brilliant! more on msn though :) but thank you soooo sooo much for it! its just what i needed after a day when wearing chucks isnt a good idea


    *hug* talk to you soon! (i hope!)

  21. sadly, i cannot choose between either albums (the third of which i have yet to listen to at all)


    ummmm hmmm likeness... i do have black hair tied up like that (more often than anything else) and rectangular glasses with the black frame... yeah id say i made that avatar to look like me


    erm... ive gotta go now... tis late and i have to wake up early... it was nice talking to you :) hope to talk to you again soon

  22. ah... cool... he is pretty cute


    hey i noticed that you are a fan of Franz Ferdinand :) im going to get Tonight on the weekend and i cant wait... which brings me to a question... if i may ask, what is your favourite FF album?

  23. hey


    ha ha ha ask away, i'll see to answering questions (if i want to :shifty:)


    ummm nah i cant say i like Futurama (to be honest, i prefer the Simpsons over Futurama) and i cant draw for the life of me; i made that on the Simpsons Movie site... from memory, i think its called "create your Simpsons avatar"


    so... are you a fan of Loony Toons? (weirdly enough i had the opportunity to watch a couple of Bugs Bunny cartoons today, how's that for coincidence?)


    anyway, its nice to meet you

  24. :p im sorry i wasnt able to reply last night... hopefully it will all work tonight and the computer will allow me to access the board and google


    yeah! smile mr sunshine! :happy: *hug* to you and to thom and oh thom give erica a hug for me too

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