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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. *hug*


    good to hear its forgotten :happy:


    has that pic gone yet?

  2. i agree..... i really do agree... you are spot on with your rant *hug*


    and now that will be the end of it... we shall really speak no more about it.... its forgotten... erased from my mind


    on to another tangent... thank youuu very very much for those lovely pics in my LB!!!!!!! *hug*

  3. *hug*


    hope that helped... and didnt annoy you



  4. *gives a supermassive hug back*

  5. Jonny... the Renaissance man... today... psychologically assisting Thom through one of his many dramatic traumatic events


    Dr Jonny: ok Thom, today we shall be investigating your phobia of bunnies.

    Thom: ok.... *whimpers* you said the b word

    Dr Jonny: thats the first step Thom, to recognise and acknowledge your fear. why dont you say it after me... ready.... bunnies

    Thom: b... bun... bunnies

    Dr Jonny: good good... progress is very good Thom. now i want you to tell me why you are afraid of bunnies

    Thom: no no... i dont think i can do it

    Dr Jonny: its ok Thom, you are in a safe environment *whispers* ed... ed get out of here im helping Thom... where were we... ah yes... Thom talk to me about your first experience with bunnies

    Thom: no i really dont think i can

    Dr Jonny: of course you can... here, take the guitar, why dont you sing it to me instead

    Thom: ohhhh... ok

    Thom: *sings* it was red, and yellow, and pink and green, with fluffy rabbits

    Dr Jonny: good good... excellent thom... and how did that make you feel?

    Thom: *opens up and talks about bunnies, lemons, light bulbs and sheep*...

  6. :happy: thanks for those pic comments *hug*


    and i have to agree with you on them :yesey:


    :chuckle: and remind me not to come on the board whilst drinking a glass of water... you see... i went straight to my profile to see the messages... i take one look at the pic... then read the caption and burst out laughing... all while drinking water... so not a good idea :p


    *hug* thanks for it all! cant wait to talk to you!


    your pic comments are not annoying they are awesome :awesome: <---- love that... its so cute... cute just like Matt and Dom and Richard and Thom (when he wants to be) and Ed in that picture :eyebrows:

  7. 21989.jpg

    ed: no no.... no paparazzi please... i know you want to photograph me, but there is no need, there are already many pictures of me... *goes on and on*

    phil: *shakes head* wow ed, i never knew you were so.... pretentious

    thom: take me instead :eyebrows:

    jonny: :chuckle:

    colin: ok guys... ive got the photograph of that really cool car... we can continue on our way now

    ed: so you werent taking a photo of me :$

    phil and jonny: :LOL:



    ed: simon says put your hands over your head



    thom: :facepalm: damn it ed... you had to go and insult Matt didnt you

    colin: yeah... now we are upside down.... ed... you hear me... upside down... and i cant reach the sugar!

    jonny: ohhhh my head hurts :(

    phil: just hang in there jonny....

    thom, ed, colin and jonny: philllllllllll :facepalm: lame pun!







  8. :happy: love the way your hair flicks.... gorgeous



  9. :)


    photographer: thats it... thom at the front, ed all the way at the back... colin you cant leave now... phil stand up straight.... jonny look a little more introverted... thats it... hold that pose there... taking the photograph in three seconds....

    thom: *whispers to everyone* on the count of three, pull a funny face.... 1...2...

  10. hmmmmmm it didnt work?


    ill try it again



    otherwise, here is the link


    my lame attempt at the caption is simply "the Radiohead bunch"

  11. thumbs_down.jpg




    thom: why are we always ugly when we are cartoonified?? :'(

  12. noooooo


    ed how could you?




    wait... it may not be true... the journalist could have been drunk and misheard ed... or something


    ah well... its his opinion anyway.... :p


    [/ends rant and accepts the fact and moves on]

  13. awwwww sorry for scaring you thom :rolleyes:




    hey ed.... :p ok so if i give you a hug, then you must promise to give phil a hug who must promise to give a hug to colin who will then promise to hug jonny who must promise to give a hug thom who then must promise to hug Erica... got all that Ed... its called a chain hug :yesey:



    Ed: aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah :confused: i understand :shifty:



  14. awwwwwwwwwwwww thom... come on, you know i was just teasing you... would you rather be talking to jonathon ross?


    the offer still stands... a *hug* for you



  15. there there thom


    nothing is new....


    *hug* for erica, *hug* for matt, *hug* for richard... even a *hug* for ed.... but none for thom :phu:







    kidding thom... a *hug* for you too


    ah ok... well... its reassuring to know that its not happening to just me...like its not a computer glitch that i need to fix here... *hug* thanks

  16. well geeeee thom is there a problem?


    *hugs* for erica but not for yoooou




    hey when you view a conversation on peoples profile... and you click on that "view conversation button" do you get in really big writing "conversation between moonage daydream and the small printcess" cause ive got that happening and its bugging me now


    thom: ayyyyyyyyy jonn-ay, is it my imagination... or do we look gooood

    jonny: we look good *flicks hair* *continues to look cool*

    thom: damn jonn-ay... i think you look... might-ay fine :eyebrows:how you doing? :eyebrows:

    colin: *whispers to phil* ahhhh i think thom's hitting on jonny again

    phil: he isnt even being original... joey from friends says that

    ed: *wakes up* wha...

  18. this one is not that good.... ah well



    colin: *in a teasing tone* awwwwwwwwwww thommy looks so cold.... awwwwwwwwwwww

    phil: *joins in the teasing* yeah thom, you shouldnt have eaten those coooold ice-creams before

    colin: brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr im soooo glad i have my nice warm jacket

    phil: yeah... thom's jacket looks warm, but i bet it isnt

    colin: yeah... poor thom... eating ice-creams, in a jacket that isnt warm...

    phil: hey jonny, give poor thom a big bear hug... he's feeling cold :eyebrows:

    jonny: oh all right *gives thom a bear hug*

    ed: *thinks to self* what about me... im feeling cold and no one has given me a hug

  19. hey


    thanks for the post in my LB.... :)


    its really awesomely nice to see that someone else likes Matthew Reilly here!


    hope you have a fantastic day!

  20. i like love your captions! especially the ice-cream ones!




    not as nice as your captions.... is the following one



    thom: brrrrrrrrrrrrr its so cold

    jonny: i know... cant wait to get inside

    colin: awww its really not that cold

    phil: well.... yeah i guess... though i would still like to have a beanie

    ed: i wonder whats for lunch... sandwiches i think....

  21. hey


    likewise... nice to meet you too :)

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