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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. *screams*




    whats with thom's jumper?


    and what does "worst unmasked band ever" mean? i dont get it


    *hug* thanks for the pic!

  2. im sure Thom will pick up his act in the looks department...


    i hope




    who knows....


    :kiss: back!


    you arent hopeless. *hug*

  3. damn right you are Matt!!!!!!!


    ed... almost looks comical if i may say that.... i dont really like that picture to be honest :$ maybe i like young ed... but not old ed....


    and i think thom looks like keith urbane in that picture


    brilliant avatar you have.... its just... pure genius!!!!!!!!

  4. oh my... that is a cute picture of Ed!! well errr the picture isnt cute, the subject is


    any details about the picture? we maybe able to find the video on Youtube.... :eyebrows:


    oh and the first picture is pretty cool too!


    *hug* thank you!

  5. NAME CHANGE!!!!!!!!!


    it looks awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! *hug*


    sorry for the caps :p



  6. hi!


    if you will permit me to say, i quite like your user name :)

  7. ohhh fun!




    The most chocolatey member of radiohead is Thom (of course in my opinion :p mmmmm chocolate).


    I would rather see any member of Muse and/or Radiohead than Chris Martin and Jonathon Ross selling one off official Muse and Radiohead merchandise in the middle of a shopping centre.


    Matt is too cool for a pair of Thom's skinnies. However, Thom is too cool for a pair of Matt's skinnies, making this a good thing because it allows the universe to be in a state of equilibrium.


    im not sure about these two.... i think i need more time to think about it....


    If ___________ doesn't try a _____________ it will be the end of the world.


    Dancing like __________ but not ____________ drives me crazy.

  8. stupid alert :yesey: though it worked this time....


    :p i love it how smileys can reflect people we know...


    :awesome: <------- thats colin on a sugar high :chuckle:



  9. oh no :eek:


    i didnt see that... cause it didnt show me an alert :( awww im sorry about that




    so the smileys have to be matched to members of Radiohead... ok


    difficult :yesey:


    :D - colin

    :p - ed

    :LOL: - phil

    :rolleyes: - jonny

    :eyebrows: - thom


    was that what i was suppose to do?

  10. hey :kiss:


    im afraid i can only see the third picture (which has a brilliant caption!!) someone throw Thom a towel!


    *hug* im sure the others are just as good...


    talk to you soon! *hug*

  11. @ moonage daydream... thom covered in chocolate? @ ilovematt.... nah i think you would be crazy not to try it... my culinary skills at the moment welll errr suck (why just an hour ago i burnt myself boiling water for pasta ) so im gonna wait until i get better in the kitchen before attempting the recipe... when you do try it out... please let me know how it turns out!
  12. ohhhhhhhhh awesome! i hope your posters dont fall down *hug*


    it all looks brilliant!


    thats an awesome radiohead collage!

  13. *hug* and im so very grateful to have you *hug*


    why hey there thom... im afraid its now night time here, so in reply to your greeting i shall say good evening (:p)


    *pokes thom*


    he is like one of those soldiers outside buckingham palace :p smile thom smile! :D


    i like his coat

  14. <333333 back!


    with supermassive hugs!

  15. hi!


    its no problem... i understand :) im pretty busy at the moment too


    :p i hope you have a great week too!


    till later!!!

  16. your caption challenge :eyebrows:



  17. :p this is fun!


    that second pic... awesome! love thom's expression (and anime hair)!!!! cute :chuckle:


    *insert first picture here*

    Thom: so so so... I caught a fish and it was thiiiiiiis big! and Matt Bellamy was all like “woah Thom, thats a pwopa big fish!”

    Phil: but you have never gone fishing in your entire life...

    Thom: yeah but....

    *insert second picture here*

    Thom *continues* but i had Colin attach the fish to my line before Matt arrived :chuckle:

    Phil: ingenious Thom :rolleyes:


    ha ha ha lovely caption for that third pic!



  18. :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:


    brilliant! speaking of bangers and mash.... i have something for you off the sort....


    *hug* talk in errr a second :p cause im talking to you at the moment on msn....


    awesome caption!

  19. this be your caption challenge... im think we have seen the picture before...


    hmmm and perhaps as an added errr challenge... could you mention the radiohead corporation... :eyebrows:


    its quite a errr large picture im afraid






  20. :chuckle: awwwwww


    im rereading all those captions you put into those two documents... oh boy.... they are hilarious!


    awwwwwwwww but lemon flavoured cupcakes (and cupcake flavoured lemons) are tasty :p Ed can give me a lemon cupcake anyday, i like them :yesey:


    mmmmmmmmm cupcakes

  21. :chuckle: ohhh caption challenge!


    Jonny: oh errr

    Thom: what is it?

    Jonny: i think.... i think my guitar said something

    Thom: :wtf: and i thought i was the one they called bonkers

    Jonny: no seriously... *bends down and places his ear near the guitar* yeah.... its definitly saying stuff... whispering

    Thom: damn Jonny... take a break, go get a cup of tea *mutters to self* get some sanity with that

    Jonny: the guitar tells me you are mocking me

    Thom: :shifty: noimnot :shifty:

    Jonny: what did you say?

    Thom: nothing

    Jonny's guitar: he said he isnt mocking you

    Jonny and Thom: :confused:

  22. lameness? noooooooo definitely not.... these captions of yours are hilarious!


    :chuckle: awwwww hide and seek with Thom sounds like fun :eyebrows:


    :LOL: revenge is sweet.... :eyebrows: a dish best served cold with a shaken not stirred martini :p eh *puts on russian accent* meister Bond i mean Yorke


    love it how Jonny is in charge of the laundry!


    *passes Thom a tissue*


    *hug* and :kiss: the spamage is awesome!

  23. :p awwwww thanks


    glad you liked the caption!


    *hug* :awesome::chuckle:

  24. this be the challenge you set me :eyebrows: although.... its not a very good caption



    Ed (before the picture was taken): *whispers* do it Thom, do it! doitdoitdoit!

    Thom (as picture is being taken): *bowls the orange* STEEEEEEEEEERIKE!

    Colin and Phil: :LOL:

    Ed: he did it!

    Jonny: damn it Thom...... nooo those were the cupcakes i baked for you guys.... damn Thom.... Ed seriously, why did you encourage Thom..... noooooo my cupcakes.... *cringe* awwwww look they are all squished and all over the place

    Colin: ah ha ha ha ha smushcakes

    Jonny: :'(


    i think Jonny needs a hug from you now....

  25. 64_radiohead_originals.jpg

    with a record three pictures of Thom on the cover!


    and in other news, forget In Rainbows...


    On Rainbows is the new highly anticipated album from Radiohead


    my review... 5 :facepalm:s out of 5



    *hug* talk to you soon!

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