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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. :chuckle:


    *hug* back!


    I shall go there now :yesey:

  2. it was no problem :)


    thanks for the message... i shall adhere to it immediately

  3. :chuckle: i will watch that next disc of the mighty boosh next week when my siblings arent around to interrupt me.... :)


    :p i so totally dont regret mentioning FF to you!!!!!!!!!!! *hug*


    now... lets officially meet the members....


    this, you already know as the crazy (crazy hot) lead, Alex, with the gorgeous voice...


    ... this is the bass player.... Bob Hardy


    ... this is the rhythm guitarist, keyboardist and back up singer Nick McCarthy


    ... and this is the drummer, Paul Thompson


  4. Zane has to be the luckiest person alive (as opposed to dead?) in the Museiverse (as opposed to our regular universe i guess) knowing stuff none of us fans know... not having to wait.... argh having conversations with Matt, Dom and Chris, let alone actually meeting them face to face for more that 2 minutes.... i could go on....


    :p actually at one point, FF considered just naming their albums after the band... and having specific colour schemes to distinguish between albums... that didnt happen :rolleyes:


    i can help with acquiring knowledge if you wish :eyebrows:


    :p whatever happens... with the new Muse album, with FF, with Radiohead and their upcoming festival gigs / thom's solo gig / new album and with anything else... im glad i get to do all this with you :yesey: *hug*

  5. :p i should have :yesey: next time something like this comes up, i will! i guess some people will accept it and some may have trouble doing so... guess we can only wait to find out


    about the album artwork... Wikipedia sums it up really well....

    The artwork for the album is a photograph taken by Søren Solkær Starbird just after midnight behind the Barrowlands Ballroom in Glasgow. Talking to NME, drummer Paul Thomson said, "We wanted to get a Weegee vibe – that famous New York crime scene photographer from the '40s and '50s." Subsequently, it is part of a series where the band are taking photos with photographers in different cities they end up in. On the band's blog, they mention the series of photos as 'imaginary crime scenes, invaded by the photographer', and 'a slice of night frozen by flash'.


    i tired finding more of these pictures but i havent found any so far


    i think Moht E Kroy and T. Tam Bell-Amy are code names and im afraid something bad is going to happen to FF! something like what FF's new album art is :eek: [/melodrama]

  6. :p ok to be honest, i thought T-Rex was some sort of glam rock code thingy :$:chuckle: i had no idea it was the name of an artist / band,,, regardless of all that... whatever Muse produce, you know it's going to be

    • epic
    • awesome
    • brilliant and
    • something to look forward too


    *hug* poor you for last night... i know exactly what pictures you are talking about... i hope you have better dreams tonight...


    speaking of tonight that's the name of Franz Ferdinand's new album... actually the name in it's entirety is Tonight: Franz Ferdinand damn their songs are catchy :eyebrows: which is one of the reasons why i love them... anyway they just wanted to pop over to say how they appreciate your comments about Can't Stop Feeling



    Bob (back left): im bored

    Paul (front left): are we there yet?

    Alex (front right): where exactly are we going?

    Nick: (back right): i dunno... we got this note from Moht E Kroy and T. Tam Bell-Amy asking us to meet them at the last train station... something about a "surprise" they want to give us for making Erica like one of our songs


    :p who said anything about band rivalry :shifty:... talk to you tonight! (pun intended and then retracted after the realisation of how lame it is)

  7. woah... epic news... glam rock as in David Bowie glam? :p that sounds pretty cool... i shall go see the article now....


    :chuckle: those southpark-Thom-through-the-eras picture is awesome.... :LOL: they are brilliant... they capture Thom so well!


    *hug* cant wait to talk to you... ive got a song in mind for tonight's swap :eyebrows:


    oh and your undertitle is :awesome:

  8. :LOL: trust Thom to prevent Matt :chuckle:


    :p thanks for these two funny captions to match awesome pictures!


    talk to you soon!

  9. head to your LB... sources revealed there :eyebrows: or are they? :eyebrows:

  10. :LOL: and i hope you are feeling good this evening


    wooooo another lame pun brought to you by me (cue cheesy grin :D)


    ohhhh who, besides me and my sources, knows :eyebrows:

  11. three? last time i counted there eight people who supported this information.... no wait, just did a head count, that's at least twelve people :p



  12. i have multiple sources for that piece of information.... and they tell me that they are all intellegent people who know what they are talking about (cue snobbish looks from my sources :phu:) :p


    :chuckle: videos eh? :eyebrows:



  13. who knows.......





    ... err well i know... and my sources know too.... :p


    [/pointless PM]

  14. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


    i have it on good authority that you are :awesome: too... sadly my multiple sources of this piece of information wish to remain anonymous :eyebrows:


    *hug* x a billion

  15. ha ha what a coincidence... i really like surrealism... well the stuff i have seen / studied in year 9 and 10 at least


    i hope you have a great weekend :)

  16. wow... that sounds awesome... its good to hear its going brilliantly... do you have a favourite art genre?

  17. hey cool.... what genre of art do you do? what is it all about? (that's if i may ask, at the risk of sounding too weird curious)


    then i hope the lead up to your holidays are awesome :)

  18. hey


    ive been all right :happy: finished my first semester of university and it wasn't so bad... so im in holiday mode now, for pretty much the next month... ill pretty much be reading, writing and anticipating that new Muse album (argh why cant the 14th of september come any faster??)


    how have you been? i hope you get your holidays soon... sorry to be errr ignorant but i dont understand what you meant when you said that you are starting your final piece soon....


    i hope all is well with you :)

  19. yeah i saw that picture just then when i logged in.... im sorry if i wasnt clear :$


    its a good picture :p shows a nice smile / laughter there


    if im a "hardcore" radiohead fan, what type of Muse fan does that make me? *muses (:chuckle: another bad pun brought to you by me) philosophises about it*

  20. you didnt go crazy *hug*


    :LOL: i love the puns and references you made... they are as good as your captions


    :p i saw that picture and cause of the way the board has posted it, my first thought was "oh wow... thom is climbing up the wall... then i scrolled across :chuckle:


    go you.... you err hardcore radiohead fan! :awesome::dance:

  21. wowie... so many messages! i am so sorry i havent been able to get back to you until now.... i really hate technology when it is so unpredictable and unreliable....


    so ive looked through everything you have sent me... and i must say, your captions are brilliant.... sooo creative! i love them! i love the pictures of matt and muse and i love the picture of thom's sick note because it is so hilarious.... and the street spirit captions.... :LOL: i will to think of that now when i next watch the vid... sooo awesome! *hug* your captions are the best


    *hug**hug* thanks for everything! i appreciate it all!


    p.s that;s another brilliant avatar you have!

  22. :chuckle:


    i hate it when one (or more) of your siblings is being told off and you just happen to be there watching... but with thom, it's just funny


    *hug* go you!

  23. true that..... but i've got help right?


    matt: ive got.... errr..... jackets to buy

    thom: ive got..... errrrr to help Bellamy..... buy those jackets *trails off*....

  24. you compiled it all into a word document.... it's the least i could do to compile it into a post *hug*

  25. i'm beginning to value creativity more than errrr math and science.... and that's a big thing for me...ive been into science and math up to grade 11 when i started to "discover" writing, especially creative writing :) so i think it's pretty cool that you consider creativity ruling your life

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