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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. it's such a gorgeous picture :happy: i mean that one of Matt.... not a mental picture of Alex bearded... that is the complete opposite of gorgeous


    *hug*s and :kiss:es back :p

  2. :chuckle: beware Alex... your bearded days are coming to a close...



    Matt *whilst looking bashfully down at his shoes*: dear Ewica... if you could pwease go to your wuv boat, i would be deeply honoured... yeah... ummm yeah.... i have something there for you...

  3. :chuckle: awesome pun! *hi-5s*


    i like how you think... we could get Kirky and Morgan to do cameos as well :p

  4. :chuckle: i like the idea of Pimp my Razor... maybe these guys could be the hosts... they come with experience from Muse News...





  5. :p thanks :)


    :yesey: i get what you mean

  6. why thank you *takes a bow* i try to improve my punning skills daily :D (nerd alert! nerd alert!) :chuckle::nerd:


    ack... the Alex Kapranos has a moustache? the one who put the AL into alcohol? the one who wears a yellow belt? the one who wrote Franz Ferdinand on his chest with a sharpie out of shameless self promotion? the one who... yeah ok ive run out of things to say


    ewwwwwwww i dont want to imagine what he would look like with a moustache :noey:


    talk to you soon!

  7. :chuckle: try lucid dreaming then (the pun there could be intended)






    *nod* yeah... a tache is a moustache... why do you ask?

  8. why are your PM's out of order?


    :p that sounds like a nice dream to have. better than scary / weird dreams where nothing makes sense and people are angry at you for no reason :p


    *hug* Thom's hair cut is interesting... different but interesting...

  9. yeah... original isn't it? :rolleyes: i still wish it was on a shirt... or i want any random xkcd shirt... they have cool shirts. i think xkcd is my favourite comic now, ahead of Calvin and Hobbes.


    :chuckle: i thought your internet was back a day early... but its cool... the stuff in your LB can wait...


    thanks for replying on my blog... i checked it out and replied (in haste i have to admit)... :p it sends email updates to my uni email address as well... i didn't realise before because all the emails were sent into the junk spam box :LOL:


    *hug* talk to you later

  10. for when you come back... the videos to watch are Ulysses, The Dark of The Matinee and The Fallen


    till then!

  11. :chuckle: it couldn't have been good for your download limit what with all the stuff Thom and Franz Ferdinand bring. they like to be prepared whereas Muse take the minimalistic approach with their awesome jackets.


    glad you liked those pics :D


    *hug* the only thing that is going to be doing the exploding are the missiles and bombs in my LB when said war continues *sigh* (a happy sigh) i cant wait either :p

  12. i think you are right when you say it's worth it


    for when you come back, these guys will be here waiting for you with hugs and :kiss:s



    it's nap time for Thom... pimping LoveCopters, plotting revenge against other singers of bands, writing awesome lyrics, releasing free singles for everyone to download and waging wars on LB's has made him ever so tired... :p but he says he will be here, ready and waiting when you get back


    Matt, Dom and Chris...


    ... will also be waiting, looking sharp (and polite) as ever... they say they want two pictures here of themselves because they have possession of the board :chuckle: they want to be shown in their awesome coats again...




    Alex and his friends will also patiently wait... they say that when you get back there will be loads of Franzy-Fun for all!


    and they all called David Bowie and he has agreed to wait for you too...



    :p see you on the board soon *hug*

  13. ahhh the perils of grazing the internet... downloadedness restrictions suck :(




    :chuckle: those captions and pictures are hilarious... that first picture of Thom is :awesome:... Kapratoss and Bell Amy :LOL:!!! and i think those are the white paint splattered pants mentioned in the article... :p

  14. :p awww thanks :)


    i heard Uprising on Nova today... i really like that song :chuckle:


    Matt was wondering if you could head to your LB soon


    he says he has a surprise for you

  15. i love irony... ironically, my sister got irony mixed up with ionic in science :chuckle:


    that scrap-booking was fun.... stupid tablets made it frustrating to work with, but it was fun... we had loads to talk about with Muse.... i cant see what we would do with Franz

  16. :p i could... by hitting that remember me button, but i always forget to


    oh the irony of that :facepalm::chuckle:


    yeah... i seem to be wearing this Muse shirt very often at the moment.... :p


    Franz Fun is meant to be shared around... at least, that's what i think :) id like to share it around :happy: ooooh there is a little doco that is called Tour de Franz... so you may never know what is in it... well... you may never know until you watch it.... :p you arent barging in on anything.... :p my Franz Ferdinand appreciation was just a little dormant between their second and third albums when i had Muse around.... :D all is well now and we can like whoever we like, however we like!


    i want to watch astoria soon too :p


    :LOL: glad you liked that caption.... i like what Alex and Nick are wearing


    double that irony... while i was typing out this, i took too long and it logged me out :facepalm::LOL:

  17. Franz Ferdinand's innermost thoughts...


    Paul: jeeeeeez i hope no one finds that receipt i lost for those singlets i bought. after my palm tree one and my scissor sisters one, i think id like to keep these new ones under the shirt radar

    Alex: what should i wear tomorrow?

    Bob: i wonder what dinner is.... i wonder why it is called dinner.... dinner... what a funny word.... hmmmm funny words.... funny is another funny word.....

    Nick: ok so how else can i convince these guys to use the antique Slovakian synth i found in the garage sale yesterday in a new song or two...

  18. :p yeah... i hate how if im not speedy i have to log in again :chuckle: i get that it's for security reasons... but yesh.... it is a little pedantic!


    yeah i bought the DVD.... wearing a Muse shirt... the sales assistant must have thought i was crazy :shifty: the money didnt come out of my savings for The Resistance or the new Matthew Reilly book coming out soon... oh damn but what about the Radiohead album that isnt an album any more :supersad:


    :p judging by those youtube videos... watching the DVD will be a lot to take in... all two discs of pure Franz Fun...


    here's to waiting for a few more weeks for The Resistance! may it pass by quickly!


    *hug* hope your day was relaxing!

  19. hey and awesome avatar!



  20. gotta love the copy and paste functions!


    you have nothing at all to be sorry about! *hug* you do more than what i want in my LB :p so you really dont need to apologise


    speaking of alex... (prepare yourself for a long winded story)


    i went to the library today and someone had left a recent catalogue for HMV on the coffee table which i walked past. i just happened to see a little picture of the Franz Ferdinand DVD in a corner of said HMV catalogue and so i took a quick look at it and the DVD was advertised for $15. thinking all this was some crazy conspiracy sign, i went to HMV just to check out if the DVD was really $15...... it was.... so i bought it.


    that's the first part of the story... here is the second.... i came home and naturally the first thing i wanted to do was to open said DVD and watch it... lets just say, to keep the story short, that the packaging is as pedantic as In Rainbows and Radiohead live at Astoria mixed together... it took me 10 minutes to get the cardboard sleeve off the plastic DVD case and then another 5 minutes to figure out that you had to press a little button to open the plastic case... by then, i was asked to do the vacuuming and i haven't had the opportunity to view said DVD... so to Alex... thanks for making the packaging for your DVD an entertaining puzzle to open. now that i know how to access the discs without breaking anything, let me assure you that i will get around to watching it


    to you Erica, im thinking i dont want to watch the DVD, not without you... what do you think?


    oh and in HMV, i asked if the sales assistant could tell me when The Resistance will be in the store and they couldn't tell me because it wasn't in their records.... and here i thought, HMV being a record store would have some knowledge of upcoming releases... ah well :p


    so that was my day.... i hope you had a great one too :p *hug* talk to you real soon!!

  21. :p


    i am... and i was replying to you but i took so long to type, that it logged me out

  22. OMG you won't believe what just happened... i really don't know what just happened... i was writing my next post for my blog thingy and i had this weird hunch to go onto the Nova 106.9 website, to see what song they were playing and... i really don't believe it but it said they were playing Uprising. so i bolted out of my chair and sprinted (not the best of ideas, because i was wearing socks on the tiles) to the radio in my room and i heard Uprising!!!


    it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo freaking awesome! insane! i love it! :p you probably gathered this would be my reaction :chuckle: but yeah! i see what you mean about what you said about the song. erm i have to say, i didnt catch the first bit of the song im afraid, but i think i heard most of it :) love Matt's vocals and the guitar and bass and the drumming was awesome... i cant wait to hear it again! i'll talk to you soon about it and everything else :p

  23. here is me finally replying to you! :p so sorry about the delays


    that picture may be smoking but when i see Dom im thinking of Captain Chris sitting on top of him :chuckle:


    and when i next think of alex... i may think of him in that picture :stunned::eyebrows::p

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