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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. better late than never? and i guess one does have to define the word soon




    drunken state, however, doesnt need any proper definition... but perhaps one should consider these two as a "definition" along with Mr glug-glug Kapranos





  2. awwwwwwwwww thanks thom for the assurance and thanks alex for your amusing drunken state!


    and thank you for those links :D *hug*

  3. wahey! my interweb connection is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woooo


    :p so what's all this about a concept album about brick walls and prison? thom i thought you said you were thinking about not releasing an album :phu: make up your mind!


    and hey Alex.... looking a wee bit erm.... drunk :chuckle:


    ok... i shall do all those now except for watching Michael because that we shall do together... ive saved all the links :D should be good


    most importantly, i hope you have had a great day! *hug* talk to you soon!!


    p.s that's a really awesome picture in your sig :p

  4. hey Belle


    I totally understand what you mean about privacy on the internet. Good luck for all your exams and assignments!

  5. ohhhh yeah you are right... Matt does have too much to think about! speaking of which.... if you haven't already, check out muse.mu... there is a small video of an interview with Matt, Dom and zane... i couldn't resist watching it :chuckle: ooooooh all this resistance business... it is a pun makers dream! :D and speaking of which, i love the play on song title you made! brilliant! :LOL:


    nah i didn't mean it in the twilight way... i meant that i generally concentrate on the pic and then forget about it... that or i manage to concentrate at the job at hand.... like this one... :eyebrows:


    ...hope it is to your liking!


    ok... :p now i have to go and "read" the readings i have for this week... *sigh* doesn't compare to making gifs of fancy hot people... and then im off to learn about news and politics (epic fun)... cant wait to talk to you tonight... hope you have / have had (depending on when you see this) a great day!!!

  6. all three are happy to have your reactions :p


    an expert on eras? naaaaaaah... all i manage to do concentrate on is his good looks.... so i cant say im any good at naming eras... of anyone for that matter... i generally guess...

  7. Thom the pimp...


    at your service.... followed by...



    Matt... the incredible bird keeper... and last but not least...



    Alex... funny man in training


    what was i grouping you into?

  8. Alex is a pimp? :p oh... i need to read further :chuckle:



    Alex is quite pleased to hear of your affection for him


    talk to you soon! *hug*

  9. :chuckle: say whatever you want!
  10. ohhhhhhhhhhhh i did change my undertitle... but not my avatar... i shall once i reply to you :) speaking of which, nice avatar and undertitle you have :yesey:


    cute pic of Alex :chuckle: not bad looking at all?

  11. hey


    wowie that's awesome news!!! you have so much to look forward too... i hope it is everything you wish for and you get the results you want! :happy:


    i'm fine :) thanks for asking... it's the second week of semester two at uni and i've already got assessments due everywhere, so i'm a bit nervous and overwhelmed about everything. how are you?


    it just occurred to me... i don't know your name... so, if i may ask, what is your name? i'm dilshad

  12. the quote about Paul is real and from Wikipedia but i dont think it is why he earned the title of Mr Dirty Franz :chuckle:


    happy first day of August! woooo only one more month of winter! hope you had a great night last night and a super awesome day today!

  13. let it be confirmed... Bob is the youngest member of Franz Ferdinand


    it is a very weird list and i see what they are talking about with Alex, Nick and Bob, but i am as lost as you are when it comes to Paul... unless.... this has anything to do with it:


    Thomson is reported to choreograph many of the Franz Ferdinand's videos, including Do You Want To and The Dark of the Matinee, having tap-danced and performed as the Artful Dodger in a West End production of Oliver! as a child.


    ha ha ha ha kidding

  14. does that make Bob the youngest member of FF? *note to self... look that up* oh and i found this really cool (old) FF website where they described each member like this:

    Alex: Evil But Wonderful Franz

    Nick: Pretty Boy Franz

    Bob: Angelic Franz

    Paul: Mr Dirty Franz




    thom isnt a waste of space on my profile!

  15. hey thats cool that Bob is so young! those quotes you got are very very funny! :LOL:


    :p i found this awesome website with all these image programs that ran on different algorithms and this word-universe was one of the most awesomest programs to explore... i liked the words that showed up so i took a screenshot :happy:


    so they were able to take professional photographs of thom's first solo gig but they didnt film it?

  16. :p


    i dont know where Bob is... maybe he took the photo?


    Alex tells me you can bring whoever you like.


    they should have filmed it.



  17. :p you know me well :chuckle:



    Alex is pleased to hear that... and is offering you a half eaten jelly donut...



    just kidding... he is really giving you tickets to the fair ground :p


    so i guess now we can safely say that there isnt any professionally videoed footage of Thom at Latitude... they should have filmed it.. it was after all his first solo performance (right? or have i got that little piece of information wrong? :confused:)


    *hug* talk to you soon!

  18. :p i couldn't wait until the eleventh of next month to come here.... i feel very impatient... bored and impatient...


    Alex made you collapse?? :p that reminds me of our conversation we had when we met in the city... the one about what I would do if Alex fell on you


    I read a rumor somewhere that Thom's performance from Latitude was broadcast on a BBC channel... i shall look into it and see if said rumor has any truth to it...


    only 2 hours until i leave for uni... i have already read what i had to read (amazing how read is spelt the same but can be used for both the past and present / future tenses)


    talk to you soon *hug*

  19. awwwww can Alex please tell Erica that i totally understand and that i think she is brilliant for what she has done so far on the board and that she isnt the worst captain / caretaker of the LB.... and that she needn't apologise for anything....


    *hug* (for Erica, not Alex)


    :LOL: those two pictures of Muse.... :chuckle: that first one, you have written an awesome caption too and that second one is just funny.... i'll bet Matt is thinking about why NME included posters of Oasis in a magazine issue that should clearly be entirely devoted to Muse and ill bet Dom is wondering why he is seeing pictures of what he is seeing when he thought he had picked up an issue of Nuts, the North University Theatrical Society periodical :p


    that spoilered picture of Thom is pretty awesome... a great close up at a super angle... and thom has the awesomest sunnies! awwww i really thought thom was a secret agent :shifty: unless he is denying his involvement as a spy to cover the fact that he really is a spy :shifty:


    :p *hug* again (for you) thanks for all this! cant wait to talk to you :happy:

  20. ha ha ha at least you saw it all and those pictures didn't not show up (mmmmm double negatives)


    *hug* talk to you soon

  21. these replica androids of Radiohead request your presence in your LB


    Thom; actually... i am the real Thom Yorke... these guys next to me are the replica androids

    Jonny: no we're not

    Thom: yeah! im real and these guys are fake

    Ed: what! are you crazy? of course we are the real radiohead!

    Thom: yeah right....

    Colin: Erica tell Thom that we are real... then get his head checked... i think he is insane

    Thom: no im not

    Phil: yes you are

    Thom: no im not

    Jonny, Colin, Phil, Ed and out of camera, Matt, Dom and Chris: yes you are!

  22. maybe cause in winter the ice-cream doesnt melt as fast... and when you finish eating the ice cream you feel warmer :p that's two of the reasons i like ice cream in the winter more than ice cream in the summer... and with all this talk about ice cream... here is some for you :)




    ah... recycled captions... could there be anything better? :rolleyes: at least our captions are never recycled....


    *hug* talk to you later!


    edit: im just looking at that picture of the ice cream... from the top, the first two flavours look delicious... then that pale blue, dark green, yellow and orange flavours look really gross... and then the pink and white flavours look yummy.... :p

  23. *puts both hands up like thom* mmmmmmmm ice cream... and for reasons unbeknownst to me, i prefer eating ice cream on cold days as opposed to hot days


    errrrrrrrr ok... you would have a greater informed opinion on this matter.... at least i understood the caption underneath David's picture.... as for Radiohead covering it... do you have any songs that you would like to see covered / any songs you wouldnt / any songs you might think they would cover?

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