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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. hey... if the interviewer brings out something with information about the interviewee, then said interviewer will just have to deal with the interviewee trying to look at what is there...


    Edtastic, the Phil-harmonic orchestra and Jonnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


    yes his name has to have every one of those "y"'s




    *hug* x a billion... poor you! guess today wasnt that fun? im sending loads and loads of chocolate and stuff to make one feel better and this is all being delivered by all the guys from all three bands

  2. Thom's reaction to the interviewer was funny too... he kept trying to sneak peaks into the interviewers notebook and the interviewer kept trying to move it away from Thom's eyes discreetly :LOL:


    loving the names for Ed, Jonny and Phil... :chuckle:


    you know, i just realised that on the badges on my bag, i split Radiohead into four actual words... RAD, IO, HE and AD... i make no sense, you shall see in a couple of weeks :p


    oh and just a heads up... Mr "i put the AL into alcohol" Kapranos is waiting for you in your LB... there's a lot of him at that.... :eyebrows:

  3. so wrong yet so very very funny...


    we need funny names for the rest of the guys...


    i quite like the Colinator....

  4. :chuckle: i did too....



    what? who me? i go by the name of Yorkie Fruit and Nut bar now

  5. :chuckle: the other dude?



    oh thom? :eyebrows: wooo Thom! or Richard? or meh who cares :p




    what a pretty guitar this is....



    and what a pretty boy we would like to see playing said guitar...


  6. :chuckle: does he now? all my attention? really... cause there is always a part of my attention directed to Muse. Alex knows that doesn't he?


    *hi-5*s back... yes it means i have no more qualms about anyone shirtless


    :LOL: nice pictures... i like how he has virtually the same pose in the last two pictures


    thanks for them *hug*

  7. :p sorry... would have replied earlier, but i forgot i had the board open :facepalm:


    to the gods of air con in gig venues... i ask that you create certain circumstances that recreate the picture Erica posted when Franz Ferdinand next hit Brisbane... thank you.

  8. *hug* better late than never!

  9. :chuckle: those first two pictures of Alex :eyebrows: very cute, i love your captions!


    and how many stripy shirts does the man own? there's the red and black one, the green and black one and now this white and black one... i want to see a pink and orange one :rolleyes: that would be something


    he looks very good in a black shirt with white jacket and matching white tie... very very good indeed...


    your captions are very very good too :LOL:


    tee hee hee buttons :chuckle:


    my only complaint is why is Alex on a UFO? i want to be on a UFO... i want to be kidnapped by aliens (oh here we go, subterranean homesick alien themes anyone?) and taken away... Alex can stay down here on Earth and continue to do what he does best... look so hot it hurts i mean sing and play the guitar


    :chuckle: tee hee hee more problems with buttons


    green checked shirt and sunnies :stongue:


    and the last picture caps it all off... what an awesome picture


    and what an awesome surprise to come on the board and see all that :happy: thank you very very very much!

  10. oh wow


    i get 12 PMs!!! yay! :chuckle:


    going right back to your first PM....


    all i can talk about on Twitter is News and Politics work... when the semester is over, i will totally change the username and make it more personal :p


    mmmm Matt... guess what i got today :eyebrows: mmmmmmmmmmm Muse :eyebrows:


    i shall go to my LB when i see everything you have posted for me here and when i have replied to you :)

  11. yeah... this whole writing news stories and twittering about it is just frustrating... i see no point to the twittering.... no point at all




    definitely a lot can happen.... like Matt stealing Alex's flannel shirt and dyeing it blue!





  12. errrr sorry about that... i was at home all day but i was preparing for my second news story... and i had forgotten to twitter about it, which is why i had to post something there and then log off the internet and finish up with everything else... i leave the fun stuff for the night when i know i wont be disrupted with thoughts of academic stuff


    i really do appreciate the effort and downloadness and everything you do. im so grateful for it all... but i do get what you mean about not seeing each other on a regular basis like back at high school... and it is made even more frustrating when plans fall though (here's hoping it wont again) three months is an insane amount of time in which i haven't seen you... and im totally looking forward to seeing you soon.

  13. [/lameness]





  14. I call this Matt sat on the mat in a hat


    Matt in a straw hat

    and Matt with a cardboard hat

    Matt in a cowboy hat

    and Matt in a top hat

    See Matt in a sombrero hat

    See Matt without a hat!

  15. and silly Matt in a sombrero hat



  16. you dont mind if i continue the spammage do you?


    Matt with a top hat



  17. we just surpassed 1000 PMs between us

  18. Cowboy Matt in a cowboy hat



  19. Matt sat on the mat with a hat




    i could turn this into a Dr Seuss-esq rhyme...

  20. continuing on from your PM... more hats from Matt



  21. hola Matt


    yeah sure... bring everyone... lets take our minds of assessments

  22. methinks it's working now...

  23. :rolleyes: mmmmm muse board spammage


    its better than a scary 3D chatroom environment :p


    how are you? how was your day?

  24. hey!




    guess what's not working properly tonight


    talking here is fine


    *hits the refresh button*

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