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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. ah well... as long as i continue to see alex in his errrrrr lack of facial hair form then im good


    awwww yay for Matt and his synthy voice



    Dom: you mean it wasnt me? ah well... going to sleep now...


    :shifty: ill use any excuse to post that picture

  2. heyyyyyyyyyyyy


    i can see your name now Erica-Jane


    :p *hug*


    woah what happened to the Kid A bear? did it see the evil teddy bears in Uprising and.... yeah :chuckle: it looks very trippy


    *hug* hope you have an awesome Friday!

  3. your avatar


    :LOL: brilliant



  4. ok Tell He Tonight is awesome live.... like.... just :awesome:


    ha ha "Robert... play some bass" and Paul starts drumming :chuckle: but yeah... go Nick! definitely want to see this live at a gig! guitar and drumming in the bridge was awesome :D


    thanks for the link :happy:

  5. hey




    hope you had a good day... a really good, well deserved, first day of your holiday :) cause as you now know, it's always better on holiday :happy:


    cool pic of alex... and your avatar is pretty awesome too!


    i shall check out those vids and get back to you with my thoughts :p

  6. :awesome: oooh gig... that will be lots and lots and lots of fun!


    :p ill do a google search and see if it comes up with anything

  7. i think those animations were scary :yesey:


    :p i cant wait till this year is over... next year might be more fun...


    where did the picture come from? maybe we can find the magazine and then search for the magazine in question and see if there are further scans or the full article and pictures on the magazine website....

  8. :p the tea pot and milk jug idea was pretty funny... the opening and closing credits for the german show got annoying and weird after a while :chuckle:


    *hug* wooo congrats on finishing 3 terms! *hug* go you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    in regards to Alex's embracing of something... here are my ideas of what he could have chosen to embrace...

    his intelligence

    his looks

    his femininity

    his lack of shirt wearing

    his Nick

    his Bob

    his Paul

    his Paul minus a shirt

  9. my internet is working again! yay!


    i watched those german TV show segments... they were awesome :chuckle: so so very funny... i did watch the last one cause i thought the other two were really awesome... the last one was interesting... they said Morgan was the one who partied the most :chuckle: that and more... i loved seeing Matt and Dom and Matt kept fiddling with what looked like the coffee jar and Dom kept giggling which was so gorgeous


    i also watched that vid where Alex speaks greek that was pretty cool too! greek is such an awesome language... i got what you meant about Alex speaking in his normalish accent... :p

  10. german TV shows seem to always be a source of amusement




    cant wait to check it out!

  11. what are the videos of? i see the word Muse in the hyperlink....

  12. I'm good. Almost drowning in university related work, but I guess everyone is busy regardless of whatever they are up to.


    I shall be buying The Resistance tomorrow so I'm happy. When will you be getting The Resistance, if you haven't got it already? (And assuming that you are intending to get it) :p

  13. it will be a conspirical sabotage of epic proportions


    :p i dont think i can watch those videos until i finish uploading mine for New Communication Technologies... i shall check out those videos as soon as it is done :happy:


    thanks for the links



  14. ha ha ha


    and we must sabotage the air con when they come to brisbane... or, of the gig is in winter, we must turn the heater on as high as it can go :p


    *hi-5*s :D

  15. :chuckle:


    yes. yes i do





    want to see your moustache lit on fire Alex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Hi!


    How are you? How have you been keeping?


    Hey Erin damniamsosorryimean Erica... how are you? i just wanted to let you know how much i love you and that yorkie bar guy has nothing on me and as for Matt Howard or is it Dom Bellamy... meh i dont care what their names are but i do have massive respect for David Bowie at least i can pronounce his name unlike Matt Yorke



    what's that? mannequins on fire behind me? yeah thats just a warning to Thommo and Matty :shifty:

  18. :p


    that's a good point you make... im talking to no one else but you... *hug*

  19. i seriously dont know :shifty:


    errr :$ sorry about that... writing back was automated... didnt think about it at all... sorry about the insulting meaning, it was totally unintentional

  20. :p simultaneous conversations about the same thing on the board and on MSN... cool :chuckle:


    no? then..... who is it for :shifty:


    :kiss: back!

  21. PKT? shouldn't it be PAT if we are using first names.... oh... yeah i just read the acronym, never mind :p


    ooooh the PMRFFT? that sounds brilliant!! and might that R stand for a certain presenter of Top Gear or am i missing something? :shifty:


    *hug* thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my LB is the best place on the interweb thanks to you *hug* x a billion

  22. the connotations associated with those nicknames couldn't be further apart :chuckle:

  23. :chuckle: that would be something to watch :yesey:
  24. :p i wonder if Thom is any good at conducting the interviews....


    :p i couldnt think of anything for Jonny... which is why i added a tonne of "y"s to the end of his name... probably what Thom does when he yells out for Jonny from the other end of the studio

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