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the small printcess

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Everything posted by the small printcess

  1. hey,,, hope you've had an awesome day


    i'll be online in about half an hour... would have left you an MSN message but im using my brother's profile on the computer :p


    talk to you later!

  2. ha ha okay.. shall head to the LB then...


    sadly, i cannot watch any vids thanks to epic downloadness from my brother and sister, consequently, we seem to be extremely close to this month's download limit, early :(


    on a lighter note, if you want, i can post scans from the Triple J mag... let me know if you want to see them... they are huge and big enough for you to read the article :)

  3. :p sure Alex... but only if you agree to give Erica a massive hug from me :)



  4. :happy: *pokes tongue out at alex and says "ha ha"*


    :p Fade Together.... everything about that song is so nice :)

  5. :p it hasn't been opened and wont be for another 30 days :)


    woooop... silly avatars should be all the rage


    i like your undertitle too :)

  6. just read that a magnitude 8.0 earthquake hit Indonesia... :stunned: 8.0.... :stunned: and few days after that earthquake and tsunami in Samoa....




  7. hey.... nice avatar :chuckle:


    you aren't being stupid... but i hope everyone takes it in good faith....


    what's this PM? i got a little pop up message when i logged on to the board saying "THIS IS YOUR AV FOR NEXT MONTH DO NOT OPEN THIS UNTIL 31 OCTOBER!!!"


    :p is it a Musey avatar? or oooooh is it FF related? do i really have to wait 31 days before i can see it?



  8. Hey


    Thanks for the friend request...


    It's nice to meet you :)

  9. ok... one cropped Princess Alex coming up...


    (and will be sent to you on MSN)

  10. you want the princess alex pic cropped?


    wait first... how long are we having these avatars for? then decide which one you want to have...

  11. :chuckle: well speaking of Alex... like you did for me, i have three avatars you could use... in order of ridiculousness...



    Princess Alex (not really an avatar, but im sure it will work, somehow, should you chose Princess Alex)



    the OMG i cannot believe i'm your avatar



    i know this one is a little big, but it will automatically shrink :)

  12. personally, id say get FF first... and then Tonight and then if you want YCHISMB... but it is totally up to you... the inlay in YCHISMB looks better than in FF...





  13. :p true... 5 years... the price should have lowered........


    my CD tracklist is...


    1. "The Fallen"

    2. "Do You Want To"

    3. "This Boy"

    4. "Walk Away"

    5. "Evil and a Heathen"

    6. "You're the Reason I'm Leaving"

    7. "Eleanor Put Your Boots On"

    8. "Well That Was Easy"

    9. "What You Meant"

    10. "I'm Your Villain"

    11. "You Could Have It So Much Better"

    12. "Fade Together"

    13. "Outsiders"


    i like secret hidden things :D

  14. $13 for FF is worth it... but $30 for YCHISMB isnt... in my opinion... with a DVD yes it may be worth it, but i saw the tracklist and it is different to my CD :confused: maybe it is the British version? i dunno... i say it isnt worth it because YCHISMB is my least favourite album of theirs... and everyone's opinions do differ...


    i also heard that that DVD has an easter egg too...

  15. $30 for YCHISMB? i thought it would be cheaper by now...


    oh wait that's with the DVD... but still, i thought it would be cheaper...


    i like how at the bottom it says "customers who bought this also bought..." and there is a picture of The Resistance :happy:

  16. i have to go now... at lunch today, i promised my sister i would let her use the computer at 4:15...


    but that was so much fun talking to you :happy:


    hope you have a good afternoon and evening


    :kiss: i'll talk to you later on tonight!

  17. :p that's ok


    ooooh wft... that makes no sense *fixes smiley* thanks :happy:


    i'm not entirely sure of who is aware of these laws... they are... not well known :shifty:

  18. glad to hear i am making sense.... because to be honest, i keep thinking about voyages to new worlds and the exchange of livestock and disease and food products :wtf:


    ah yeah... shirts shouldn't be covered in chocolate... i think there is a law against that... :shifty:


    :p okay... see you in 5

  19. it's so awesome that you found it! and so close to the anniversary of the 20th of this month and Radiohead and all and im not making any sense...


    depends... can the clothes get covered in chocolate without the threads being damaged?

  20. holey guacamole!!!!!!!!!!


    Matt covered in chocolate! yes please!


    :p and a HOLEY GUACAMOLE for that picture of Thom... first picture ever! that's brilliant! :awesome:

  21. :kiss:


    tell thom that him in a trolley is good, but not as good as thom covered in chocolate... now thom covered in chocolate in a trolley is another matter all together...


    what what what???

  22. Thom in a trolley is good too

  23. yes... Thom covered in chocolate.. what every prize should be!


    you won the lottery? here is Thom covered in chocolate!

    you discovered the cure for a rare and deadly disease? forget the Nobel prize! here's Thom covered in chocolate!

    you won the marathon... here is Thom covered in chocolate

    you won the poker tournament (i'm looking at you Matt!) your wonderful prize is Thom covered in chocolate!

    you won the reality TV show contest! congratulations! your prize isnt a million dollars, a chance to write a cookbook and work with an award winning chef, a dream car/garden/house/boat... no... it is Thom covered in chocolate!

    Muse won the best live act in the world again? their prize is Thom covered in chocolate!

    Radiohead won best alternative band? i'm sure they would appreciate Thom covered in chocolate

    Thom won an award for The Eraser... i'm not sure how it would work, but his prize is himself covered in chocolate


    this could work on so many levels!!


    :kiss: i love the prize :LOL:

  24. :chuckle:


    nah not an idiot for doing that.... just very dedicated :happy:


    oooh yeah american SS vid! awesome!! :D


    i want to watch videos now :eyebrows:

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