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Everything posted by denise3112

  1. I did both the year they did Origin. Aside from the fact it was seriously pissing it down at Leeds, the crowd at Leeds was basically a 'nicer' crowd than at Reading if that makes a difference to you. Reading is overwhelmingly dominated by 16-17 year olds who really really can't handle their drugs and drink, even more so than at the other big festivals.
  2. re the Halloween specials I think Matt said it during the post 'Q' awards interview a few days ago. It's quite entertaining, there's a link posted somewhere in here if you want to trawl back.
  3. Although Finn's expression is somewhat hyperbolic I also like The Handler solo. A lot.
  4. Thanks. Some music can be so immersive that it takes us somewhere else, for sure. Not sure the Halloween Special will do that for you, but it gave me a laugh
  5. I'm with you on the cat pee issues. I have one that likes to wee on my bed. Hmm don't know tbh if the Halloween Special can reignite the spark. But it made me LOL and I have a son who's in hospital, and has been there 2 months.
  6. LOL I didn't mean in the bathroom, by somewhere private, yeah that would be horribly fangirly Eeeuw! Watch it at home.
  7. Including me! He's self aware of The Thing. Whyever he did it in the gigs (habit/ guitar substitute/ he thinks it's sexy/ continuity for a maybe DVD) we don't know. But in the Halloween vid it looks like self-parody. Can't you watch the vid somewhere private?
  8. I didn't say it did. I'm referring to the Halloween song, the subject of this thread. It's a parody. You could watch it...
  9. You need to do it in front of your adoring fans - post a VT on here to try it out, we'll give you helpful feedback
  10. Your rant is offensive. We are not going to "get along better" if you call us "assholes"
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