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Everything posted by jonnno

  1. hey james! any wizard yet? -_-

  2. HELLO HARNZ hows things

  3. yeah all great! havent schpoken for a while, moov to melbourne :ninja:

  4. lul dun b scrd naow :ninja:

  5. i see, any tips for a budding orange beard grower?

  6. HEY! yeah not much mo', just chillin with jesus here. I admire your facial hair.

  7. yeah, its fantastic! looking around for a boost pedal now, been interested in a couple of local ones actually!

  8. HEY EMMA hows stuff?

  9. helloooooooooooo christopherrrrrrr

  10. Hey Phillip

  11. O HAI



    got a wizard yet? =|

  12. jonnno

    Happeh Birthdey

  13. u has nise prfl.



  14. Holy shit what that a joke or was he serious?
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