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Everything posted by hyper_chondriac_muser

  1. Hellooo :D! Thanks for the bday love and wishes ma dear!! Oohh and you would def have been the best gift I receive hehe... send yourself over to the UK pls! ;)


    Oh hun, I'm so so sorry for your loss! My deepest sympathies to you and your friend's family. I hope you'll be okay :kiss:

  2. Heya! :D


    Thanks for the bday wishes hun! :happy: Hope yer doing good! x =]

  3. Hey Melina! :)


    Cool, yeah I also have a soooopermassive album of Muse pics that I shan't upload because I don't think I'd be able to fit that many on here lol, but I add more to photobucket than the boards! Aw thanks for the offer, my fave flavour of Muse is Red Matteh (like in your avatar picture ;)) ... I've always been very fond of Red-haired Matt so any and all spammage are welcome hehe :happy:


    And lol I don't mind the excessiveness... I'm excessive bout Anything Muse-related so it's all good hehe.


    How bout you? Got a fave 'eye-candy'?

  4. Heya :happy:


    Aw thanks for the 'thank you' message on my pics haha! No problem at all, feel free to steal as many as you like, I love sharing myooze hehe!... and I think I'll take you up on that offer by taking a look at your pics too ;)


    I'm Dalia by the way... hows you? :)

  5. Yeaahh, nuffin like good old spammery to perk ya right up! :D


    Had a great bday, lotsa cake & prezzies & fun timez haha! And even more so since I came on here and was greeted by all that bootiful bday shpammz from you ammezzin lot! :happy: Getting older has its perks after all ;)


    When's your big day then? (lol I made that sound like your wedding instead of bday :LOL::facepalm:)

  6. Just dropping in to give some love to my love-boat creator! :D


    :kiss: hehe!


    Hope you're well! :D

  7. Haha, well too much bday spamm is never a bad thing (trust me, I've experienced it today/yesterday and it's awwwessoooome! :awesome: hehe!)


    And MUSERLY shpamm is teh bestest Evarr so be prepared for it :D! lol. Shall indeed be brilliant!



    And dontchu worry, I'll spammmm the heck out of your profile/loveboat and wvveryyywhere when you're bday arrives!


    Luff You lotss! :kiss:



    Srsly, I think I had a combination of a stroke and a seizure looking at all teh RED MATTEH!!!! :happy::D


    You are, as always, tres awesome, even more so after teh Maffoo Bellzingamy shpammmm ;)! THEREFORE I forgive yer old lady remarks :phu: lol I knows you was onleee joking!


    I'll be back on laters to SHPAMMERLY yer profile and your online 'life' dontchu worry! :p


    Thanks again hun, Love you loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooads! :kiss:

  10. THANK YOU SO MUCH HUN! :D:happy:


    Love you lotsessss! :kiss: xx

  11. THANKS HUN!! :D:kiss: lol


    Hope you're doing gooood :happy:! xx

  12. Thank you hun :happy:!! V sweet of you! Hope yer well!



  13. Ahh man that sounds crappy :( ... I've heard a lot about the south being deemed the 'Bible Belt' and loads about racism and sexism and all other kinds of 'isms' lol but I thought a lot of it was just stereotyping or exaggerated... didn't think it was that bad, but I guess there's still a loong way to go before some people catch up with modern mentality lol :rolleyes:... that sort of thing still exists here too tbh, but not as obvious!


    Oh noo I dun mean to worry you bout the school, I heard that in some American movie maaany years ago, I don't have any actual facts on it though lol! But the fact that I've heard of it says something cos I know v little about the US hahah:p But I'm sure you'll get in anyways, you're smart and seem determined which is great so you'll be fine trust me! ;)


    Hmm well living out of a car doesn't sound so bad... until the heating goes bust lol! Maybe you can room with someone like you say? Do they have halls or dorms or whatever or is it too expensive to live on campus at uni (soz I'm a n00b with this stuff cos it sounds so different from the school system in the UK hehe)!

  14. Ahh a laydee with a plan! Me likes lol. Ohh I've heard of Dartmouth... quite a highbrow uni isn't it? Dartmouth, Cambridge... you must be one insanely smart muser :happy:. Well, as I've said, hope it all goes tres well and you get all your options and come over to teh UK in the end wooop! lol!


    I take it you're desire to be away from the south means that you are, in fact, in the southern regions of the US oui? :p (soz I'm nosey!)

  15. Ohh k, smart plan, logical! Hope it all works out for ya ;) So what wonders does new hampshire bring? got any family/friends there? Gahh money stuffs is a bitch isn't it =[? The whole world is broke right now lol. Only semi-good thing bout that for you is that the pound isn't as strong as it used to be, so it's not double the dollar anymore... more like 1.5 which isn't ammezin, but better than double lol.


    sorry I'm rambling now haha :$ too much sugar makes me babble just to warn you :p

  16. hey :)


    ooh New Hampshire eh? how did you come to that plan? Don't rule out England altogether though... we iz waiting for you :'(

  17. haha okay good, then you certainly will love it!! especially if you like rain. Rains like biaaatch out here!


    Yeaahh work teh sox off! :fear: they might love you more cos you're not British haha... or maybe those are my reasons! :p

  18. hehe, I usually am the one with no life and one here 24/7 ... what went wrong?! lol

    ooh, yeah come over to the UK! It's not as sunny or warm but you'll still like it ;)


    And you won't be on yer own, I'm out here :D! I'll show ya around haha! Cambridge is the UK's Harvard, but prob much harder to get into lol. They're v strict folk... but you'll get it I know it!


    I'm alrightey thanks. same ol' same ol'. how bout you?

  19. Herrro there! Sorry getting back to you so late, I haven't been on in a while! How're ya? Hope yer having a good weekend! :happy:

  20. Herroo! Sorry to get back to you so late, haven't been on here in a while! How're ya?! Hope yer having a good weekend! :happy:

  21. (Zomg, it's teh return of 2 posts.... WAHEYYYYY!) :D Good times! haha


    But yaah, thanks for telling me about your love-stuff too haha! You don't have to btw, but I iz glad that you did! It's flippin' weird how similar we are cos I'm soooo not the girly/mushy/clingy/romantic type either and prefer the sacrasmzz too! Maybe we're just weird... WEIRDOS FTW!! :pimp: lol. I'd be too embarrassed for that shit if I had a boyfriend though lol.. if he tried to hold my hand or something in public I'd be like 'wtf... srsly, there are PEOPLE around!' ..haha okay, maybe not That bad, but I'd def be a bit of a tard about it! Plus, I hate PDAs lol. But it's tres gooood that you're not OTT about your R-ship either... it's def important to have your own independence an not be all 'OMGZ LET'S B 2GETHR 4EVA! <333!!1!!1' pass the fucking bucket:vomit:! I'd prob get a bit freaked out if someone was overly clingy and obsessive with me too tbh! I've already had similar shite happen to me at school with my effing GIRL mates all pretty much arguing over who I spend my time with! :stunned: srsly! I have no idea why but I seemed to attract the psycho-stalker types who wanted to spend every waking second with me lol... and they weren't even boys!! ahaha... erm, stalkerfail? moar girlfail? FAILfail?!!! I dunnoz, but it's just failage! Now you see why skewl was well crap innit!:rolleyes:


    ANYWOAHH I've rambled like there's no tomorrow! I'm sowy hun, I canny help it:$! I've bloody flooded you wit pointless speak about crazy lesbian friends and girlfailages haha! If you've got this far I applaude you! *applaudes* If not, I understands... tis a patient soul that can read through this much babble haha! And aww, I miss ya too wifey dear! Hopefully we'll get to talk more often when all the school an work shiz dies down! And WOOOOO on teh Muse tour!!!!! :D :D I get sooo frickin excited for the touring period cos it's like the highlight of the year for me lol (yeah I sound like a major loser, but I am anyways so nerr :phu: lol) ..But I CANNY WAIT TOO SEE MYOOZE! An I also can't wait for Youu to see them for teh first time! You never forget your first innit ;) LOL! And double-yayness for Brit-Steph in the UKaii!... yup, once you come over to teh dark side, there's no way ur goin bak home...I shallz use mai terrorizt powerz to keepz u heeear muwahaha :ninja: Dw though, I'll send your parents a ransom note or somefink.. it's just rude otherwise! =P


    WELL, I'm gonna stop now otherwise whooo knows when this soopermassive spammage session will end! I hopes you have a lurvely day/week/time an it's not as bloody cold over in your snowy State anymore hehe. An hope to talk to yas tres soonings mai luv! I love you LOTS x 16,00000 too! =]


    PS - In the spirit of preparing you for chavvy life in England, I thought you should see this vid:

    ... and that's EXACTLY what they're like! (apart from the reciting sonnets part lol) "INNIT THOUGH!" lol :p ..anyways I'm really going now... no, Really I am. I'm gunna go then... k .. I'm off ... see ya.. adios.. auf weidersehn.. arrivederci.. G'BYEEEEEEEE! haha xx
  22. HAIII THERE MAI SHWEET! :happy: Wasszzzaaaabe?! What's gwanin, what ya sayin, safe innit blud!! Haha ohh dear.. it's my fecking inner chav clawing its way to the surface again... down heathen :pope:!!!! ... er, lol? Ahhh SOZZ dear, I'm hopped up on sugars again! I'm like a kid who's been given too much ice cream! OMGZZ ICE CREAM!! I WANTS!! *nom*


    Err... so anyways! How is yous wifey?! I hast missed thee muchings <3!! We don't chat/ramble/rant/spammalot like we used to :'( marriageFAIL! lol Nahh it's all life's fault for being such a stressful, time-consuming lesbian an preventing us from procrastinating on here! :rolleyes: But yarr, how goes teh evil kingdom otherwise known as school!? Dun let it rape you! It will burn in hell for its sins! (ooh teh Mooze ref yet again yaaayz!)


    You'll be pleased to know my werid aids-rash-tard thingamajig has finalee gone! WAHEEYYYY! :awesome: haha (yeh that smiley is fecking WIN... but of course teh joker is superior WINNAR! :joker: yeeeahhhz!) I stopped being a pilltard, took ma fecking meds an it went away... Huzzah!! Still weird that I even had it in the first place, but eh, trust me to get all the weirdses stuffs...weird body diseases, weird 8-year-old brain, weird dress sense (k I can partly blame Dommehtron for that :LOL:)... Anyweeez whattefook am I going on about? Ahh, I'm rambling away an I dun even know what about anymore...hahaha epic ramblePHAIL!


    But yarr, apart from curing mah diseases, I'm okies! I'm both excited an depressed that mah bday is coming up... excited cos I gets pwesents haha.. depressed cos I iz getting old! :( WHY MEEE! lol. I wanna be a reshponsibility-free teen again! *sob* PLUS, I know it won't be as good as last year cos I was at a Muse gig 1 day before my bday last time, so nothing can top that obzzz! BUT, if all goes well, I should be able to see the Muse movie that Liam (mapoftheglorious) made in le cinema so fingers an thumbs crossed for that lol.


    Moooving on, ahh glad that you understand my predicament with the whole guy thing! It's like Me: 'hai male person, hows you, let's be friends!' Guy: 'oh hai, wow yeah kool a female fwiend :eyebrows: ..so... wanna make out?!' Me: :stunned:. Lols. For some reason, guys don't seem to understand the concept of friendship haha! K well not ALL of them, but a fair few hundred million of them at least haha! Oh an LOL well I guess I had sooo many of teh gays at uni cos I studied English an apparantly no Real man would ever study something so giiirly innit *eyerollage* I should have stalked the science/business/law campuses for a pwoper man ahaha lol only jokeses, you know by now that I'm In No Way desperate to find a guy! Despite every fucking aunt, uncle, cousin and second cousin's wife's sister's neighbour asking me bout marriage!!:facepalm: That's how it is in my culture I guess *le sigh*


    But yeaah, I know what you're saying, I def don't regret having told my guy-mate the truth, but it was just a tough spot to be in, spec cos I haven't been in that situation before, so I was just like 'wtf do I dooooo here?!?!?'! The last 'boyfriend' I had was when I was in year 6 (meaning I was about 10 or 11) lolol, so that doesn't even count haha... oomgz I was such a slut innit! :p Before the 5 years of hell (aka all-girls' school), I was a mayyjor tomboy in a mixed primary school, so most of my mates were guys! I pretty much got treated like one...even got beaten up by one of 'em haha... talk about girlfail! So jumping from guy friends, to ONLY girl friends, an then trying to find a balance somehow has obvs messed me up lol! I blame the shitty same-sex schooling system out here! It's probably why so many fecking chavs ended up preggers at 15! (well that and their shite upbringing innit!) /endgrannyrant!


    Oh an I toootally agree about the heartless bitchy girls! I don't understand how people can mess with each other's emotions like that... it's seriously retarded! If you don't like someone, don't mess them about or lead them on cos it's just not fair! But yeah, phew.. glad you see where I'm coming from on all that R-ship confusion! And Yaaayyz, also happeh that we're on the same page about non-guy-obsessiveness lol. It just pisses me off that some of my mates seem to spend their lives literally obsessed with the opposite sex! Or don't know how to balance having a boyfriend and seeing their other friends too! It can't be THAT hard to make time for both! Like I told you, I have one friend in particular who practically can't function unless she's got some boy-drama.. I don't get why, but she seems to depend on guys for a sense of self-worth an happiness, and I'm just thinking ... WHAAT?! Why do their opinions or whatever matter so much to you? Especially when the ones she goes for are fecking dickheads! Oh wells, maybe she'll snap out of it soon... I hope! lol... zomg, look at me raaambling on like a rambletard! SHUT UP DALIA!! :facepalm:

  23. Hey hun! :happy:


    Aww bless, don't worry bout it, I'm sure we're both just lil busy! I'm good thanks, my bday is coming up in a couple of weeks, dunno whether to be excited or depressed that I'm getting older lol! Gahh I'm such a pessimist :p


    Anyways, hows you doing?! Hope you're cool :D

  24. It might not be Muse, but it sort of is lol... I heard the original Man With A Harmonica in Starbucks last night I was like... hmmm this sounds familiar .. ooh YAAY! lol! I was half expecting to hear Knights right after it (fits perfectly as an intro to it I think!) but instead it was followed by Starbs's usual pretentious jazz music
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