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Everything posted by hyper_chondriac_muser

  1. HUUNNNN!!!! :D Heellooo deary, how iz you?! I miss you too! :kiss: I'm soooo soz for the absence of wall-spam, work has been attacking me ever since I got back from hols :(! But Africaaaa was waaay wicked, thanks! We hung out with la familia, chilled in the sun, went on Safari (big-arse animals in the wild FTW, lol!) and YEAHHH it was tres cool! But enough about meeeee, how have you been, dearz? How are you enjoying Kingston life?


    And OMFGZZOMGGGGG TEH MOOOOOOOOOOZEE tomorrow!{!_)!)_!__PIWEOI$!!"22"!!!211111!!!11 :D :D:D :viking: I CANNY FUCKING WAIT! :D It's gonna be teh Awwweesomes! And I'm tres excited for you as it's your FIRST Muse gig! :happy: You're gonna be blown away by their brilliance, srsly! Threre's NUFFIN like Muse live! But double OMGZ are you coming to the 12th, too?!! Or just 13th? Eeeee, either way, have funz me love! I'm soooooo excited I might PEE!! WOOOOOOOO! Lol soz, you got me started now... there's no shutting me up! Haha. Anyhoo, have a wicked time hun... let's wock n woll! :\mm/:

  2. HAAAIIIII SAMMYYYYY!!!!!!1111:D :D How's you deary?! I missed you lotsesesesesss!!!! Soo sorry for the late reply Sammeh me luv, I've just had the time to chill and pwopa reply to you! But I iz baaackkk nao, so I'll reply sooner in future, I pwomise!


    Africa was wicked! I went on Safari and saw a lioness, elephants, buffalos, crocs, hippos, deers etc. It was tres cool! And I got to chill with my family who live out there (some aunts and cousins) Annnd it was just nice to relax in a hot country with chillaxed people, lol. And now I'm back to the cold and back to work, which is mehh! :( I wanna go bakkk! :'(


    But anyweeeez, enough of me, how's your studying going deary?! Good to hear you're studying an all, but don't overwork yourself dear... remember to work hard and play hard, too. lol How's everything else going? Good luck for yer exams, hun... I'm sure you'll knock their knickers off, :LOL:.


    Hope yer well Sammeh boy! Luuurrrvvvveeee youuuus! talktoyasoons! :kiss: :kiss: :happy:

  3. (ZOMG thuh-reeeeeeee pages! Just like the good ol' days! :p)


    I. Love. This. Song! (be prepared to hear me say this about all of them at some stage, haha!) It's both Musey and yet not, but nonetheless, it's fantastic. The lyrics are really powerful, and the rhythm is so catchy! Of course, like most people have said on here, one of my fave parts is the middle-interval bit ('We are breaking through etc.) with those brilliant strings... the medley of strings, guitars and harmonies is perfect, and it just adds another layer of brilliance to the song. Then there's that Aweeeesome RIFFAGE! *moshes: :\mm/: Ahhh I love it! And I lol'd so hard when Matt does some crazy head-banging to it on the Making Of... spesh cos that's what I do every time I hear that part, haha. It's not my fave track, but it grows on me with every listen, and I love that it's dynamic, cos it seems like a conventional rock track in some ways, but counters that through the strings and synthy sounds (lol). Ohh and I love the way it peaks at the end... it keeps rising and then BAMMM, just reaches its climax. J'adore it.


    Oh no, I rambled, again. I'd love to say it's a one-off cos I've been away from teh internetz for so long and have forgotten how to control my typing... but, alas, it's mostly cos I'm a ramble-lesbian, haha! And cos we're discussing Muse, so I could go on for decades about those guys! Annnnd cos I like chatting to you, so I go on and on and on (I'm stealing your Muse ref now... hehe!) and don't know how to shut it! But I'll try to wrap it up now and give your poor, tired eyes a rest from my eternal yapping! I'll DEF be replying to you quicker in future hun, and my 'rants' will be MUCH shorter than this, I pwomise! Even 'quick drop-ins', as you say. I don't wanna go too long without any contact witchu... long-distance relationships are well hard! (Hahaha, I took the lesbo thing too far didn't I?! :$)


    But I canny waiiitttt to hear from you deary! I hope everything's going tres cool with you! I miss you like a fat kid misses the elastic in his waistband (soz that was epically lame)! Love you MILLIONS Stephatron! (lolwut! :facepalm: ... my vocab just keeps getting cheesier/worse!)


    Oh Oh Ohhhhhh, WAIT! Before I go, what's all this you're saying about you studying abroad next spring/summer???!?!!!! You mean, like, in 2010?! Like... in the next coming MONTHS?!>!L!_O£_!($)!*")(!$)()E"(£"Q£E$ETT!11!!!!!!!!!111 :pope::pimp: STEPH, don't get mah hopes up like that... you've ended on a cliffhanger! (lol) What's gunna happen?! ... PLS do let me know of any and all plans you have to come to the UK! I'll cross all fingers, toes, ears, frogs (?!) in anticipation!


    Anyhowz, soz, I'll bugger off now! LOVE YOU IMMENSELY WIFEY!!!! Talk to ya sooney! x x =]

  4. SO, onto more interesting things... like you and your life! :happy: How are your classes going? They sound really interesting! Srs, you've got such an ecclectic mix of topics, and they sound tres cool! I love learning (lol geek), so I envy you getting to find out about American sign language, politics, history... I wanna go back to uni again! :( Lolsoz, I'm turning this back onto me, again! But I hope you're lovin' the learnin', dear!

    And how's things with you and Scott? (Lol, everytime I type his name, I end up writing 'Scoot' and then correct it... spelling fail! :$) WOAHHH holy shmackers 9 Months!?!?!!111 You could have had a baby in that time! ... not that I'm saying you should have one now or anything... er, yeah, I'll shut up now. But woah, srs that's a monumental amount of time, I'm tres pwoud you guys have been together so long... and I'm happy that you're happy! :happy: Especially since he's a fellow muser (sort of) thanks to your powerz of persuasionz (lol, don't think I forgot about yer incredible converting skillz! ;)) ... and OMGZ your roommate talks about marriage with her bf twice a week?! Marriage? TWICE in ONE week??!!!! :stunned::afro: Holy shizzle! plllleeeeeease don't let your roommate's talk of marriage rub off on you! I know you have waaay more sanity than to start the wedding march just yet!


    And btw thanks for remembering our old convos, huun! I was like 'awww' when you mentioned my werido skin and le bafroom... gaawd, can't believe I rambled on about it to you for so long haha! But it means a lot that you remember some of the hunnnnnndreds of pointless shiz I've told you in our virtual friendship, haha! I was just thinking the other day that, in a coupla months, we would have known each other & been friends for a Whole YEAR! :pope: Canyabeeleeeveit?! It all started with the Myooze xmas mugz! I guess we should thank the Muse-merch peeps for a) creating those mugs b) causing a huge palaver/fiasco in shipping them to me, as that helped us keep in touch, which in turn helped us to become friends/wives, haha!


    Anyweee, apart from me holiday, nothing's new with me... I iz well boring lately, haha! I'm taking my friend's lil sis trick-or-treating on Sat, and I was hoping to get a costume, too... I've always wanted the Scream outfit... it's cliche, I know, but I wanted the mask, just to freak people out haha! I do have a V For Vendetta mask though, just cos I love that film, so I might wear that if all else fails! OHH and I have a Spongebob beach towel that's 'wearable', so I could even go as le Sponge, too... but there can be only one costume (OHHHHH USoE ref... YEAHHHH for Teh Resistance refs, innit!!!!) Ahaha, I'm the most mature 22 year old evarrrr! Maturity phaillll! :rolleyes: Whatevs, I dun wanna grow up, so there! :phu: Thankfully you're also a not-so-mature costume-lover, so hopefully you feel mah pain, gurl ;)! (soz, I keep drifting into gangsta mode!) Are you doing anything for Halloween, then?


    Okaaay, now, it's time for the insane, OTT, colossal Shpammagery over the epic genius that is The Resistance!!!! :D :D You've proven your awesomeness once again by expressing EXACTLY how I feel about this album, too... srsly, you just totally shmacked it on the head about how these songs just elicit so much emotion from us! That's why I love HCM so much, because of the intense feeling in the song and the way I feel when I hear it; it's undescribable; I just choke up (lol gay I know)... which is JUST what happens when I hear Resistance and Exogenesis! Maaaan, that symphony is so overpoweing! You're soooooooo right Steph, it's an effing masterpiece, and Matt's demonstrated that he's a musical genius (even more) by finally doing this... And, exactly, this is just what we've all been waiting for and expecting from them; it's perfect!


    Oh and btw, I wrote a review of TR when it came out... I've never reviewed a Muse alb properly before, but I felt compelled to do it when I heard this one! Here's teh link if you're madly bored one day and feel like reading a weird rant: The Resistance review


    Lol soz I'm totes negating your wicked suggestion that we choose one song to rant about for each message! Let's DOO EEET! This week (?) I randomly select .... MK Ultra!

  5. HI HONEY, I'M HOOOOOME!!!! :D Hey Stepheryyyyy, how are youuuuuuu?!>!??!!!?!!1111? I've missed you monkey-loads, wifey! Sooo soz I didn't get back to you sooner since I got back from Africa; the second I got back I just crashed and slept for the whole day (almost) lol. Then it was my cousin's bday the next day so we went out with the family, THEN I had to meet my friend as it was her bday while I was away! THENNN it was straight back to the routine of work... So, it's already been pretty 'arrghhh' around here!


    But anyhooooooo, how've you been these past 3 weeks, my love?! How's school going? I hope you're still lovin' your new place, which, by the way, from all the amazing pics you showed me looks SOOOO supermassively awesome! :awesome: Srsly, it looks wicked, v classy! And aw bless, your roommate seems sweet! I bet it looks even more emehzzzin now after you've kitted it out, oui?! Anyways yaaay for yer pwetty place! :happy:


    Now, I'll spill all about my holiday, and then get back to talkin' bout You, k?! (after which I'll commence wif the uncontrollable SHPAFFFFERY over The Resistance!) :D Lol, I'm setting-out the plan of my long-winded ramble! ... kind of similar to the stages of an essay, which this will feel like because I can tell I'm in a ranting mood. AHHH see, shut me up already! :facepalm: Soo, yes, Africa was WICKED! :D I went to Botswana, specifically, which is wayy south, just in case your geography is as bad as mine :p! We went there 'cos we have family living out there... have I told you this before? I feel like I've typed this to you before, lol... anyways, it's tres random they live there, I know! They're not black or anything, olol, imagine if I had black roots... I'd be a PWOPA gangsta, yo! *crosses arms and fingerz in gangsta-posey mode... like this: Homie GGGGG Omg, that's well racist! Ah well, we're not exactly PC people, innit! hehe. AHEM, so anyway, they live there 'cos my uncle went there for work (he's an architect), and everyone followed him there, lol! Then he left, and now my aunts and cousins still live in le Afrikaaa!

    It was really cool just hanging out with family for a while, and my aunt has a wicked guest-house that we stayed in (me an mah familia), and they took us around. It's not like I expected; it's actually really modern over there, and their malls remind me of the ones I saw in Florida, lol. I was actually asked by people if they have technology in Africa?!! :stunned: Wtf, lolz! I was pretty shocked that some people still think it's just a huge desert where the natives walk around with lions and elephants in their back yard, hehe.


    But the highlights were a) when we went to South Africa for a couple of nights with my aunt's fam and saw some really cool places (it's much more up-market there); and b) Going on SAFARIIIIII!!!! :D We had to go on these scaaaaary-arse planes to get to the Safari place, which was in North Botswana, when we were in the South, which was horrible cos they had these propeller thingys on them and I was convinced they would stop working and we'd plummet to our deaths... only sliiiightly dramatic of me :$. BUT, we landed safely, and got to the hotel, which warned us of monkeys and crocodiles on the grounds :stunned:... and, lo and behold, we saw not only monkeys in our 'back garden', but warthogs were also just wondering around everywhere... it was both scary and hilarious having wild animals roaming around outside the hotel, haha! I've posted pics of the whole hol on facebook if you wanna have a look at all... The safari itself was awesome! It was split in two: a 'game drive', which is in the safari car-thingys, and a boat-ride on a river which borders with Namibia. We saw a lioness just chilling right by the road, as well as elephants, baboons, buffalos, hippos, crocs, impalas and other deers etc. It was amazing to see all these animals in their natural habitat... twas a brill experience! :yesey:


    We only spent two of the three weeks in Africa, though... the last 3 days or so we were in Dubai for a family-friend's wedding, which I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaally didn't want to go to. Firstly, we've already been to Dubai in 2007, and I really didn't enjoy it... it's all just so fake; it has no history cos everything is being built brand new every day, and their malls are so OTT, the natives are the rich folk who walk around all high-and-mighty in these malls and are chauffeured around everywhere, it's SO stupidly humid that you can't breathe and so can't spend any time outside, they have tooonnnnns of high-rise buildings which are ugly and freak me out, lol... the list goes on. And the other thing is we have a ridiculous number of relatives out there, most of whom I don't really know, but we were obliged to visit, so it was boring and tiring travelling all over to see all 700 of them (that's how many it felt like, lol); Lol soz I sound pwoper rude, but after all the fun we had in Africa, those last few days were just annoying, and I was desperate to go home. ANND it meant we had to get on more planes!


    We went on 8 planes in 20 days... count them, 8! It was howwible, Steph! I felt like I was living on an aircraft! Especially on the way there... it took 26 hours via 3 planes from Londres to Bots!!!! Eek! But all in all we had tons of fun, and I really wanna go back to Africa one day! It was hot and everyone's soooo laid back, which is pretty much the antithesis of the UK. WOOOOW, omg I'm sooooooo soo soo sorry I rambled on about my hol for so long! I totes understand if you finally tell me to bugger off after that ridiculous Ramble-failllll! :(

  6. HAPPY BIRFDAY! You (and Showbiz) are one year older and awesomer! :awesome: Have a good 'un dear! :D

  7. HAI HUN!!!! :D


    Sooooooooososos sorry for the uber late reply! :( Work has been taking over me life the bastard! lol.

    How are you settling into life in the UK?!?!?!!!!! Hope it's embraced you with open arms! ohhh and whatdoya think of Kingston?! Not that great, huh? lol nah the riverside is awesome and it has some plus points! I canny wait to meet you and show you around (although I'm sure you know the place better than me by now lol :p)


    Anyweeee, just wanted to say a quick 'hey' and sorryyy for the stupidly late message before I jet off to Africa tomorrow lol! We've got family out there so we're going ono a 3 week hol (well, the last week is actually in Dubai for a family-friend's wedding!) lol I should write 'Around the world in 20 days'! But! that means we won't be able to PWOPA chat to till I get back! Noooo! :'(


    Howeverrrrrr, we HASTA finally meet up when I return from the wild (lol!) Hope you're well me luv! I LOVE YOU LOTS HUNNNNNNY! :D:kiss:

  8. HI BB!! :D


    I MISS YOU TOOOOOOZ! :( Sooo soz for absence Sammmyyyy, work has been shmental! And even sorrier to say I won't be able to chat to ya for another 3 weeks! :'( I'm goin on hol to Africa tomorrow! Lol, we has family out there so I'll be chillin with them and the lions an stuff wooohooo! ;)


    BUTTTTT I'll def SHPAMMY my Sammy to death when I get back doncha worry!!!! Lol that sounds wrong .. :eyebrows: haha! Anyweee hop you're goood and enjoying your new home! Luffff to youuus! :kiss: lol!

  9. HEY BB!! :D Stephhhhhh it's been so long! :( I'm sooooooooooo sorry I haven't kept in touch hun, it's been stupidly AHHH over here work-wise... I barely have a second to think! But I miss you too SOOO effing much! And it doesn't help that we live millions of miles apart practically lol.


    Anyhoooo, OMG you're lyk wellll psychic cos I was JUST coming on here to specifically message you before I jet off to Africa! We fly tomorrow at 5pm-ish for a three-week hol and I'm PWOPA dredding it - not the holiday part, but the taking three planes and travelling over 14 hours part! :stunned: I HATE flying, like heeoojly scared of it, so doing it three times on the way there and back is gonna be bloody awful! I'm being tortured I tell theeeeee!


    Anyweeee, I've gotta try not to leave you a crazy long rant like usual... I'm so tempted to ramble about everything we haven't had a chance to talk about for the past 6 months or however long it's been since we last spoke lol :p. BUT I'll try to control myself! Soooooooo, how've you been my love?! I wanna know Everythaang I've missed in your world (there's that myooooozze ref we love so much) so far! How goes school? Hope it's not as stressful as before and lots more fun! Ohhhhh and how's your not-so-new but still shiny place?!?!!!! Ahh I'm soo excited for you having your own crib lol... have you kitted it out properly yet? Hope it's pwetty and shtuff! :happy: And Ohhh x2, hows thangs with you and Scott?! Hope teh R-ship is sailing smoother than ever! (if that makes any sense lol!)


    My world has been tres boring lately, lol... mostly work work work! Dun get me wrong, I still love the job, but it's still a lot of pressure, especially when I've had to make a whole magazine by myself for a lot of the time lately; it's usually just me an my 'boss' working on it, but he's been away helping other branches and working elsewhere etc. a lot, so I've had to hold down the fort mostly, which is cool an all, but it can still be SUCH a lesbian when we go to print on Wednesdays and it's not all done yet aahhhhh! lolsoz here I go with the rambleage again! Other than that, I've not been up to much... apart from obsessing over Muse once again as much as I can now that the album is finally here! :Dx1000000


    Ahhhh I wanna spaff over Tehh Resistance with you so bad lol! I bloody love it! :D Srs, I'd go into it track-by-track if I could haha, but I'll try to sum up... I just think they've made such a 'complete' record; it's so ecclectic without trying too hard or sounding random/all over the place and EEEEEE every song has an immense quality to it! And, apart from the EPIC symphony, I'm especially in love with Resistance... dunno why I just love it to DEATH.. it has so many layers of brilliance! :happy: And I Belong To You is soooo hilarious/brilliant/LOLWUT/awesome/ridiculous/genius. I luff it so much! and FOOOOKIN HELL don't get me started on Exogenesis! :pope: I don't have the words... it's simply stunning! Epic. Fucking. WINNNN! I'll admit I've cried tons of times listening to it lol! Overture is most impressive, imo, but I like to treat it as one Symphony... the whole of it is incredible and is exactly what we've all been waiting for them to do!! The raw emotion is intense!!!!! Lol I'm sounding gay! Anywayssss, pls do tell me your opinions too. I'd luff to hear your spaffy thoughts haha! WAHEEYYYY!! =P


    Oh ANNNND I didn't tell you how brilliantly fecking AWESOMESSSS the Tinmuff gig was! :D It was absolutely WICKED! I was in awe actually being in the town that Muse grew up in and then seeing them perform there and hearing the new stuff live and buying the entire merch stand practically hehe (I've bought So much shiz in the past month alone; I really need to learn some self control haha! Srs.. almost everything that appears in the shop I buy! :stunned: I'm officially broke now lol)... but YEAH, the whole experience was fab and the 4-hour train journey was well worth it fo sho! Canny WAIT for November! =D


    Aww, I really do wana carry on (and I could go on for dayyz, believe me! hehe), but I'll cut this short so I don't give you years of reading... BUT be prepared for three-weeks worth of Noooze when I return from my trip in the wild, lol! I'll miss you even more seeing as I doubt I'll have internet access out there so I won't be able to come on the boards for 20 days!!!! :eek: WHATAMIGUNADOOO?! *wears withdrawl patch*


    Hope you're doing well deary, and reeeeaally hope to be able to speak to you TONS more when I gets back! Srsly, I dun care if it's just a quick 'yo whaddup.. k bi then!' message (although it doesn't have to incorporate any gangsta lingo like that, haha!) ... I'll DEF try harder to reply to you way waaaay sooner in future... I dun wana feel this cut-off from you anymore! :(


    ANYHOOOODOOOO, speak to ya when I get back hun. As always, I miss you immensely and I LUFF YOU LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAADDDDS AND LOADS (And Loads) AND LOADS wifey dearest! :kiss: BYEEE! xxxx

  10. Hey hun.. aw good luck wif your studying! :D Where you moving to?! :( Maybe I can come with you, then it won't be so bad?! lol :eyebrows::p


    Aww nooooes, I hopes your RESIZTANZ is hear now, si?! I got mine today, it's wicked! :happy:


    Lotsa luffff dear! <3 :kiss::awesome:

  11. Shame, I thought they'd saved Cave especially for the Teignmouth gigs, as a special homecoming treat... guess not! In fact, apart from a lack of Feeling Good, it looks exactly like the Saturday setlist at the Den, lol! teh Mooze didn't give us any special treats then. Although I shouldn't complain; at least I got to see 'em!
  12. ... Myspaz FAIL! I wanted to text in and complain about it lol! He started off saying 'which 2003 album...' so I immediately went 'Abso' .. then he carried on and it was made of fail, haha. And now Starlight! (Although I want new shtuff more!)
  13. OMG I'm from Worcester Park in Surrey, too ! I need to meet this Shareeka (prob wrong spelling) girl! Ahh damn, if I'd bothered to enter I might've been chosen! But I'm already going to the O2 anyways, lol. Annnd, out of principle I didn't wanna enter when they got their facts wrong... 'Which 2003 album, Muse's second album, featured the singles New Born and Plug In Baby?' OoS was 2001; Abso was 2003. F00ls, lol. And lol she does sound 10!
  14. Haii estranged wife of mine (lol)! :D Hope the move/school are going great hun! Just poppin' in to say I luff and miss your crazy ass! <3333 talktoyasooooon. :kiss::happy:



    Muse and I welcome you heartily! ;) Hope you have/had a smooth mooove+flight an all that jazz! Ohh and hope you get settled in all cosy soon, too! Lemme know how everything goes... but I know you'll prob be busy getting yer shtuff together and spaffing over The Resistance (I hopes :p).


    Anyways, just wanted to say a big YAAAY you're finally here! And canny wait to see ya! LUFFFFF UU <33 :kiss:

  16. SAMMYYYYY WAMMMMYYYY!!!! :D :D We're both aliveeee! :happy: lol


    How are ya hun?! Mishh youu lots! :kiss:


    Hope yer kewl! And just in case I don't get to do this later, I will now say OMFGZZ TEH RESISTANCE IS OUT NOWW AT LAST!! And it's teh Awesomes! :awesome: hehe


    Love youuu bunches! <33 :pimp::kiss:

  17. Haha, you should have a plaque bearing those words to mark this momentous occasion! 'Sept 14: A day that will live in infamy!'


    Yaaaay, I'm SO glad you agree, Exo is just beyond Anything I've heard a band produce. It's unreal! They literally know no boundaries, these guys. Which is probably why I'm so stupidly obsessed with them. And lol I went through the same thoughts about the teddy.. for about a second, before hitting the 'purchase' button! :rolleyes:. After all, who couldn't do without an Uprising Teddy?! You could stick it in the grass in your garden (or a random field if you don't have a garden) and recreate those awesome single covers! :awesome: (I know it;s not much of an 'Uprising' with just th one teddy in a field, lol, but that's where photoshop comes in! ;)) .. OMG SOZZZ about that insane bear-rant!


    OMMGG TEIGNMOUTH WAS PERFECTION! :D It was truly brilliant, and getting to hear so many new songs/being in Muse's hometown and seeing the place where they grew up was just so magical (I sound gay but I dun care, lol!) Aww I wish you could have come, too! But we've still got November's O2 gigs so WOOO! I'm still desperately trying to swap my seated 13th ticket for standing, then hopefully we can go togezer?! It'd be hella fun!


    And ahaha LOL that's SO true, I think Muse pretty much exist thanks to Niall :LOL:. In fact, along with owning Muse themselves, I think he's the one making all their releases and entire discography now.. That's how he manages to get all the super rare stuff :shifty:


    I look forward to seeing you and your Sept 14 plaque tres soon hun! September is officially Muse and meeting the awesome Kat month! :awesome:! Night! x =]

  18. :D Ahhhh you're making ME pee meself a little, too! haha.


    Lol don't worry, Niall is awesome, so it's perfectly understandable that you stay in his cozy boat! ;) But EEEE of course we'll meet! Just let me know the minute you're here! I'll take you somewhere WELL cool (don't know where yet as Kingston isn't the most exciting place in the universe, lol!)


    Work's cool... yeah still writing away haha! And when I'm not doing that, I;m seriously just in Muse mode. 24/7! I'm currently listening to Exogenesis and about to cry! It's intensly, supremely amazing! OH dear, and let's not get into the spending side of it.. I'm 100% BROKE because of this band. Like, permanently. I've bought ALL copies of the album. All. And currently in the process of buying this iTunes LP too haha (SNAP!) On top of the £110 I spent at the Teignmouth gig on Saturday alone (which was Immense!). Plus, I got the Uprising teddy, and am about to get more stuff that's been added to .mu! :facepalm: It's a sickness, really! You should see my collection.. it's nowhere NEAR as huge as Niall's stuff (he's got more stuff than Muse ever knew they'd released, I'm sure!) :p


    ANYWEEE, I'M SOOO EXCITED FOR YOUUU! 14th is gonna be a day to remeber for SHIZ! :D I know what you mean about packing.. sometimes it's like AHH, why not just skip this part and flyyyy all the wat there already! But there's not long left before you join us in ye ol' England! We welcome you heartily! :D <333333

  19. ZOMG HAAAII MY DEAR! <3 Ahhh I've missed you so! How are you?!!! I'm soooo sorry I haven't been in touch, I've been such a crap friend lately! :( I'm sooowy! :'( Work has seriously taken over my life lately! It's a great job, but sooo tiring! I really gotta find a balance. But I'm also obsessing like a mofo over Mooze again now that the album is nearly out so I'll be making more of an appearance on here I pwomise! And I Loves you toooooooo! :kiss:


    BUT AHHH OMGG ONLY 4 DAYSZZZZ TILL YOU'RE IN TEH UK!!!!@L!:!_!+!")!???!! :D You arrive the same time as The Resistance?! :D That makes 2 reasons for me to luff 14th Sept! :happy:


    I'm sooooo excited for you coming over!! :awesome: Oooh, we Has to meet up! It's so crazy that you're coming over to the town that I live in! (and obvs awesome!) How has the packing gone? Are you excited?!! Omg sozz I'm bombarding you with questions, but it's all soo excitingz! Hope you love it over here and the move goes sooper smoothly! Lotsa luffff! xx

  20. I write for this in-house magazine at a John Lewis branch in London. It's actually a cool job, but just very tiring with all the deadlines etc. But it's a good step on the journalism ladder, which is what I want to get into anways! :)


    Ah cool, sounds like you've got lots of exciting things to look forward to! You have any idea what/where you'll go in your gap years/uni? Good luck for it all :happy:!


    Yaaay glad you're seeing Muse in Nov! Have you seen them live before? (soz can't remember if we discussed this lol!) And OMG I'm seriously Soo excited for all things Muse this month! It's all happening one after the other after such a looong wait for new stuff and I can't wait! :D


    What do you think of the stuff we've heard from The Resistance so far? I think it sounds reaally promising! Quite a different musical direction, but there's a lot of similarities to older stuff too... cant wait for 14th! :D

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