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I was about to say. :LOL:




Yes you must come! It will be uberly fun :happy:


:LOL: My excuse is that I'm still in shock from happiness/don't really know what else to say besides :awesome::dance::D


haha yeah that's probably what's happening. I'm just shocked that the boardies who were freaking out in all the other places aren't doing it here :LOL:

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Yes you must come! It will be uberly fun :happy:


I'm going to try and move my LA trip just a weeeetle bit forward so I can do Lolla FIRST!! PRIORITIES :awesome:


Ahhh, Oh Em Geeee, freaking out freaking out freaking out :LOL:


Actually, I'm super excited, but after the Wolstentweet explosion and then the confirmation - twitter and FB kept me pretty busy and didn't have time to come here :p


^ Wha? *runs to twitter*

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For all the freaking out that was happening on FB, Twitter and Tumblr, this thread is surprisingly slow... :stunned:


My excuse is that I was at work...and unlike some people, I actually work at work. ( :eek::LOL: )


I almost jumped out of my chair and danced around my 5x5 cube, though. :D Got the money saved up, and as soon as we have one more "confirmation" I'm booking my flight out of Phoenix. I picked it out 2 months ago.

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Would someone care to let me stay at their place? I'll sleep on the fucking ground if I have to. I'm trying my damn best to go, but I have so much insurance and bills to pay for. I can hardly afford a flight and ticket if I ever get my tax return. I am so stressed/excited/sad/happy/ecstatic. :'(


Shelbi, it's still several months away. First thing will be getting a ticket. You have plenty of time to save up for airfare and lodging. ;) You figured it for Cali, you can do the same for Lolla!

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someone should try and get on there and ask him about lolla! a lot of people have gotten confirmations that way.


I did months ago... Matt said "one of the two, maybe" referring to Lolla and Roo. He wouldn't of answered if they weren't doing Lolla. :p

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Also, while a surprise act would be nice, its a decent start. Eminem and Foo Fighters are both acts I'd see if there wasn't a big conflict. And the bottom 3 headliners are usually good, last year they were much better than the top 3 IMO


Hey Llama, did you manage to get LCD tickets? I failed. :(

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ahhh yes this is so great.


BTW, most of the people on the lolla board and apparently lolla veterans haaatteee

Muse. idk why, but they just really aren't fans. in fact, a new thread was posted today entitled, " The Race to 10K Posts: The Muse Depreciation Thread ". so yeah just a heads up. I'm not too well liked on there ;)

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ahhh yes this is so great.


BTW, most of the people on the lolla board and apparently lolla veterans haaatteee

Muse. idk why, but they just really aren't fans. in fact, a new thread was posted today entitled, " The Race to 10K Posts: The Muse Depreciation Thread ". so yeah just a heads up. I'm not too well liked on there ;)


Well this could work to our advantage.. non of those people will be waiting around for them and musers will get better spots for the show :LOL:

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It's been a dark, frozen, and sad Winter...but now I can finally post a :) and a :D and a:musesign: !!! This is great news!


I've never gone to this festival before; does anyone know when they announce the line-up and when tickets go on sale? I'm wondering if I should go ahead and book a hotel room or hostel bed for the whole event, even though I'll only be able to be in town for Muse, not for the other bands. (Kids...family...) I guess I can book it, but cancel the days I don't need.

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ahhh yes this is so great.


BTW, most of the people on the lolla board and apparently lolla veterans haaatteee

Muse. idk why, but they just really aren't fans. in fact, a new thread was posted today entitled, " The Race to 10K Posts: The Muse Depreciation Thread ". so yeah just a heads up. I'm not too well liked on there ;)


Haha I have almost 1500 posts on the Lollaboards? I'm target #1. Some of them have even come over and trolled here because of me. The shit I take from them. :p


But yeah, seriously, if you're a super Pitchfork whore, I wouldn't recommend that Lollaboards... Llama has managed to do pretty well over there though. But yeah, threads like that one are just there to antagonize me, seriously. :LOL:

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