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It'll be worth the wait Linda!! :happy:
Oh I know it will be!


:dance: we are going to have so much fun!!! actually we are supposed to have 2 beds and a sleeper sofa. the reservation says oversized room, but I have no idea what size they mean by that. :LOL:


Linda... LOVE you sig pics!!!



226 days until lolla :facepalm:


why wont this stoooopid computer here at work let me multi quote? ancient decrepit thing.

Thanks! :happy:


Is it really that many days away?? Gah! I don't want to think about it!



Haha. It's sounding like Lolla is becoming the Great Muse Odyssey with Musers from all over the country making the trek to Chicago for this glorious event. Haha


*screams Ron Burgundy style* MUSE TEAM!! ASSEEEEEMBBLLLLLEEEE!!!!

Not only from all over the country, but all over the world!
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I kind of want to wait to book flights (besides not having money) until I see what the preshows/aftershows are and if Muse decides to play any other shows in the states while here. Hell, Soundgarden and Phoenix both did aftershows last time. No reason Muse couldn't if they wanted to be really awesome. :D

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Are you thinking about driving?! DE Muser convoy! We need to rent a red Peterbilt truck for the trip!


Casey lived in Chicago so she knows the city and good places to eat/drink - not that I'll be eating or drinking much as to condition my body for the big camp out day with limited access to restrooms! :(


I'm definitely planning on driving, hopefully will have the Mercedes done by then ... LOL. I have a pretty good friend and a cousin in Chicago too, so there's plenty of potential for exploration. Though, like you said, we're probably not going to want to do much. I haven't exactly done a lot of dining and partying in any of the cities I've visited.:D

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Just a thought... if they're in the U.S. for Lolla, maybe they'll play another fest the next weekend like Outside Lands or Mile High? :O

I'd love it if they did Mile High, since I was considering going to that. Have there been any rumors circulating that they may be playing?

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:awesome: Meet a bunch of Musers and get freaked-out looks from passersby as we belt out Micro Cuts? I'm there. :chuckle:



Aw, man. I wish I had someone to fly with. Phoenix Musers, where are you? :supersad:


Chicago would never be the same after.


Im driving down from Upper Michigan. So, if there is anyone in Upper Michigan or Eastern Wisconsin that wants a ride, let me know. If I stay with my friend it will be about 45 mins south of the city. Im reserving my right to get a room, and to have the best looking female muser to stay with me. :LOL::D

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Or maybe before then since some people might not be staying all the way through Sunday. :p


Very good point. If Muse perform on Friday or Saturday, I don't plan to stick around until Sunday. The only exception would be if Radiohead made an appearance.

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Really? Which ones were those? Were you on the floor? Are you sure we didn't meet, even if not "officially"? Just wondering since I've met so many people while queuing. If not, we definitely MUST! :yesey:


I'm positive we didn't meet. I was on the floor in Vegas for the holiday show. My old Musername was XiaoHu in case that gives you a hint of who I am. :p


Oh, and Portland was the other show I went to, I just had seats then.

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