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The whole of Origin of Symmetry.


Probably the most neglected Muse album in my library.....


:eek: I'm neglecting Showbiz, coming back to it when it might seem more epic.


Hoodoo, although I might have posted this somewhere on here already. I don't feel like going and checking. Then Screenager, because I had it stuck in my head one day. :LOL: Blackout too, especially after I figured out the piano (alright strings, but if you put the proper effect on it, it can be on piano) part was easy and so was the guitar (except I can't tremolo pick it...if that is indeed what it's called). :D

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Rediscovered or discovered? Because I've discovered an awful lot lately.


Darkshines. I used to skip it all the time and now it's loved. :happy:


Dead Star. I didn't want to listen to the live version on Hullabaloo, but then I saw the video for it, and it made me love the real version. Plus the Christmas present this year.


Ruled by Secrecy. I never really stopped liking it, but I didn't feel like listening to it because I had kind of overplayed it to a point where it was nothing special anymore (kind of like KoC if you overdo it). But it's beautiful again.


Hyper Chondriac Music. Wow. I'm so in love with this song right now, it's one of their best releases and I'm SO glad that I didn't have to go searching for it. It makes me so happy. :happy:

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Rediscovered or discovered? Because I've discovered an awful lot lately.


Darkshines. I used to skip it all the time and now it's loved. :happy:


Dead Star. I didn't want to listen to the live version on Hullabaloo, but then I saw the video for it, and it made me love the real version. Plus the Christmas present this year.


Ruled by Secrecy. I never really stopped liking it, but I didn't feel like listening to it because I had kind of overplayed it to a point where it was nothing special anymore (kind of like KoC if you overdo it). But it's beautiful again.


Hyper Chondriac Music. Wow. I'm so in love with this song right now, it's one of their best releases and I'm SO glad that I didn't have to go searching for it. It makes me so happy. :happy:


:yesey: OMG FECK YES :happy:

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:D My friends were staring at me really weird when I said it made me so happy, because it's kind of dark and slow. Now they have this theory that dark, sad things make me really happy. :LOL:


But 'tis beautiful, so I don't really care. :happy: :happy: :happy:


Oh, I love the moment of realisation when you find out that its actually a slower version of Hyper Music :happy::LOL: It's so lovely :happy:

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Oh, I love the moment of realisation when you find out that its actually a slower version of Hyper Music :happy::LOL: It's so lovely :happy:


I don't think I figured that out for at least two listens. Then I did the whole ZOMG ETS HYPERMUSIC!!!!!!!!1111111 thing. :rolleyes: Either that, or I knew already and I was expecting it. But how would I remember?

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I'm not sure if this completely stays within the confines of the thread topic question, but maybe kinda sorta, and plus I wanted to share anyways...:happy:


I wouldn't necessarily say I've rediscovered it, more heard it sung differently than on the album. I never disliked Screenager but it was by no means a favorite of mine; just "a good song" on their album. But after getting Hullabaloo I sort of fell in love with it. Well, that version at least. But it does make me appreciate the album version better although I still think the Le Zenith show is far superior.

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Agreed...where can you find Twin? I've been looking EVERYWHERE! Okay okay not everywhere, but it's impossible to find! Hah.


I got mine from Limewire so it is around... ;)


I'm not sure if this completely stays within the confines of the thread topic question, but maybe kinda sorta, and plus I wanted to share anyways...:happy:


I wouldn't necessarily say I've rediscovered it, more heard it sung differently than on the album. I never disliked Screenager but it was by no means a favorite of mine; just "a good song" on their album. But after getting Hullabaloo I sort of fell in love with it. Well, that version at least. But it does make me appreciate the album version better although I still think the Le Zenith show is far superior.


Agree!!! This song was made for a piano and the Rachmaninov intro works perfectly...


Screenager - Hullabaloo > Screenager OoS

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Audiosurf reminded me of the awesomeness of TiRO, and that acapella version of SMBH has made me like the orginal too. Watching the live vids of The Small Print Where Chris does some of the vocals, thats is quite cool too :D, reminded me to listen to the album version.

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