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Map of Your Head is greatttttt.

I don't listen to Hullaballoo much but i wanted to listen to Nature_1 but my iPod had jumbled up all the song names so Map of Your Head came on so I just listened to it all the way through. and I've listened about 100 times since. =] Great Song.


Also Citizen Erased. Came on with my shuffled songs. Hadn't listened to it i AGEEEES!


Byee x;)

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I just rediscovered a few that I had only listened to a few times before,and thought they were alright, but now absolutely love...



Crying Shame

Space Dementia


Dark Shines (has a bassline that makes me feel like doing the tango or something)


Jimmy Kane

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Hmm, this isn't really current.

But when I first got the Muse Albums, I always skipped over City of Delusion, but when i actually sat down and listened the whole way through it because like one of my favorites - as they all are though.



Um, more currently...

Knights of Cydonia has never really been a favorite favorite of mine [[ yes, theres supposed to be two favorites ]].

Reason for that is just because it's EVERYONES favorite. And here in the US, if someone knows any muse song, its KoC. So, Me liking Muse being my own little secret band - isn't a big fan of that so I dare to be different XD

But, the more I listened to it, it is an amzing song [thats obvious] but i still think that there are better songs from Muse other than KoC.

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