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:LOL: OMG. <3 I totaly snorted.


By the way, the creepiness/awkwardness/hilarity of the dude in that pic almost takes away from the fact that Chris looks super gorgeous in this one. Rawr. :stongue:


I bear gifts from Tumblr...




Poor Matt! :LOL: He's just like "Yeah... that's not gonna happen." This is such a great pic of the three of them :p


and a few of my gifs...




Omg he looks so freakin' adorable! I agree with AllSoArty... where is this from? Haha I wanna know what he was talking about too :chuckle:

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This French documentary.. he was explaining how the power was going out..





Thanks for posting. I think it's my first time watching this interview. :$ They look so fresh and young in the asbo period. I wish I could hear them over the French translation.


In the first gif Chris looks like he was talking about a smackdown.:LOL:

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Okay, I've come here with a strange "request" :LOL: I have this bizarre arm fetish when it comes to guys :$ I don't know why, but to me a guy's arms are so incredibly sexy. :facepalm:


Anyways, we all know that Mr. Wolstenholme has a particularly lovely pair of arms (and oh God, the tattoos :stongue:) :LOL: So anyway, I was wondering if anyone had any pictures where his arms look particularly lovely? :chuckle: I feel like my own little collection of Chris pics could definately use some more nice arm shots :LOL::facepalm:


So if anyone has any good ones that come to mind, I would love your forever if you'd share ;):stongue:





^^Okay, they don't have to be that obvious. :LOL:

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