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I have a question because I haven't been here for some time and maybe my english isn't good enough to understand everything clearly. So is it right that I can choose things, songs and other stuff from the list in this thread even there seem to be names of the owners next to them? ...maybe I got something wrong^^ I'm sorry (I don't want to make mistakes)


If I was right, I would really love to keep the Keys to Dom's London Flat. That's all I would like to hold.


Thank you, and excuse my confusion.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I have a question because I haven't been here for some time and maybe my english isn't good enough to understand everything clearly. So is it right that I can choose things, songs and other stuff from the list in this thread even there seem to be names of the owners next to them? ...maybe I got something wrong^^ I'm sorry (I don't want to make mistakes)


If I was right, I would really love to keep the Keys to Dom's London Flat. That's all I would like to hold.


Thank you, and excuse my confusion.


no, you cannot keep things if they are already kept


things that are not present in the list are free

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Wtf happened here and why the fuck is Lyra stealing my shit? :mad:


Well that's bullshit. What kind of dumb fucking rule is that?


Your shit became free-for-all shit and I stole Simon from you. Suck it up bb.


Edit: you need to amend your sig because I win and you lose.


No wonder he doesn't like you, you're fucking bat shit crazy.


What he says and what he means are two different thing. If you knew him well enough, you'd know this. Clearly you don't know him as well as you think you do ;)




Some thinks waaaaaaaaay too highly of herself.


Whatever, Luke.



But the fact remains: I am Sippe's official keeper and you are not. Amend your sig accordingly ;)



Yeah, thinking of giving him back. But did I actually do it? No. You lose.


Too late. Said and done.


Hah. Nope.


first of all, the users banned or who don't get connected for 1 year or more, lose their keeps.


second: the user LyraSilvertongue keeps the user Sippe and she did not post HERE saying that she didn't want to keep him anymore, but on his loveboat.


third: please, take your personal discussions out of the keeper thread.


thank you

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Can I keep either Dom's Slipknot mask or Sit the Fuck Down (preferably), please and thanks?


Or even something similar like Dom's spanish slipknot costume.



check the lists before posting


they are taken

Is Debase Masons Grog, Burning Bandit lyrics and the Feeling Good / Hyper Music cover available for keeps?


EDIT: Ooh and I couldn't find Eurockeennes 2000 anywhere either, could I keep that too? (New to this)


they are all free, but you can have only 3 keeps for each category


read the rules before posting

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thanks to the_invincible_dude these keeps are now free:





actual sunglasses he sees through-


Spiderman outfit-

glitter sunglasses –

mask from the Supermassive Blackhole video-

Red tartan vest -





left nipple -

sex face-

Brains –


hands -

"Jeeesuss!" saying-

right nipple-

small intestine -



drumming skills-

love of PINK-

big Cymbal on the Resistance Pics –

singing –





towel from "that" photo-


toilet from "that" photo-


overture –

“Dom likes shoes” video -




gig in Cologne 16.11.09 –




matt's sex face from the wembley 16th of june 07 on knights of C –




Chris’s slap bass

Chris’s Liver

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