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It was the 14th of September and I was at a cinema for the first play of The Resistance. I had my friend with me, and we were really excited. The album was meant to start playing exactly at 6pm, but when the time came they just started playing knights from haarp. And after that we saw the making of uprising that continued as the whole making of, and we were forced to hear bits of the songs forehand. Then the image changes and there is Matt saying "here it comes!".

So the album starts playing, though it begins from the symphony. We hear twenty seconds of Overture, then it dramatically changes into Gerard Way talking about "yeah I've always loved muse. They're my biggest inspiration and blah blah blah". I got bored and decided to get home because my CD has probably arrived.

The cinema was apparently next door of me, so I just walk two metres and go inside.

The album has really arrived, but I don't recognise it at first because it's red and called "New Moon Soundtrack". The cover art also includes hearts and a picture of Bella and Edward. The only thing I was thinking "of course this isn't twilight related, it's just random people and something to do with the moon".

So I started playing it in my CD player, and after Uprising my CD-player apparently is a TV and it starts showing the New Moon trailer. Then I woke up thinking "oh my god I should've been in school half an hour ago" and got ready and left outside until I remembered it's Saturday.

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It was the 14th of September and I was at a cinema for the first play of The Resistance. I had my friend with me, and we were really excited. The album was meant to start playing exactly at 6pm, but when the time came they just started playing knights from haarp. And after that we saw the making of uprising that continued as the whole making of, and we were forced to hear bits of the songs forehand. Then the image changes and there is Matt saying "here it comes!".

So the album starts playing, though it begins from the symphony. We hear twenty seconds of Overture, then it dramatically changes into Gerard Way talking about "yeah I've always loved muse. They're my biggest inspiration and blah blah blah". I got bored and decided to get home because my CD has probably arrived.

The cinema was apparently next door of me, so I just walk two metres and go inside.

The album has really arrived, but I don't recognise it at first because it's red and called "New Moon Soundtrack". The cover art also includes hearts and a picture of Bella and Edward. The only thing I was thinking "of course this isn't twilight related, it's just random people and something to do with the moon".

So I started playing it in my CD player, and after Uprising my CD-player apparently is a TV and it starts showing the New Moon trailer. Then I woke up thinking "oh my god I should've been in school half an hour ago" and got ready and left outside until I remembered it's Saturday.




That dream must've been so frustrating!:chuckle:

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I dreamt I was one of those twat vampires from Twilight. I think I was Bella. In this dream, the story actually had a plot, which makes the series even more dissappointing in my opinion... but back to the point. Jacob and pals had been taken hostage by some insane vampires looking to experiment with their human/beastiness, and Edward and I had to save them. The whole thing had a vague Muse soundtrack in the background, till FAWY. It was really loud inside my head, but Edward was singing it (there was a female voice, too) so it lost some of its feeling. I remember beeing a bit pissed about that, even in my dream :LOL:


Not to say that the dream wasn't fun, but the fact it was Twilight/Muse as opposed to being just Twilight or just Muse makes me want to smack head against the wall :facepalm:

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I had a weird dream last night...

i dreamt that i got to school, and my year had an assembly first thing in the morning, and Matt and Dom came in... Dom was his normal self.. but Matt was about 45 and was bald!

Then Matt crouched down and started walking about weirdly, then looked around and suddenly pointed at me. Then he shouted "Lizzie!" and beckoned for me to get up and go over to him. Then he carried on looking around and shouted "Alex!" (my friend) and beckoned for her to come over as well. Then we left assembly and started walking down the corridor of the school i was in when i was 4. They took us into a classroom, and as soon as we got inside it, Matt looked like his normal self again. Then Dom taught us how to blow a paper plate off a paper plate :LOL:

it was the weirdest dream i've had for a long time :awesome:

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I had a weird dream last night...

i dreamt that i got to school, and my year had an assembly first thing in the morning, and Matt and Dom came in... Dom was his normal self.. but Matt was about 45 and was bald!

Then Matt crouched down and started walking about weirdly, then looked around and suddenly pointed at me. Then he shouted "Lizzie!" and beckoned for me to get up and go over to him. Then he carried on looking around and shouted "Alex!" (my friend) and beckoned for her to come over as well. Then we left assembly and started walking down the corridor of the school i was in when i was 4. They took us into a classroom, and as soon as we got inside it, Matt looked like his normal self again. Then Dom taught us how to blow a paper plate off a paper plate :LOL:

it was the weirdest dream i've had for a long time :awesome:


Oh Dom. Is there anything you can't do?



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I had a dream a group of my friends and I were going to pick up The Resistance from a shopping complex. We ran all around the shops looking for the right one... and only just got there before they shut. When we got the album the cover was different; it had a white background with a line of fire edging the top of the album with a golden little man (kinda like the one on the actual cover... but golden:p) in the centre of the cover as if he was falling down, away from the fire...


i then proceeded to show my grandmother and explain to her the deep philoshopical meaning behind the cover :chuckle:... something about redemption and rescue from hell? :wtf::rolleyes:

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Oh, another Muse dream!


But this one wasn't good... I was at this strange huge hotel that was in fact a huge castle. I was assisting in a wedding ceremony of people who I didn't know, then it suddenly ended and everybody disappeared. I knew they went to the dance hall, so I went there, even though I didn't know the place. I arrived in the dance hall, where there was a stage with some instruments. There weren't many people, so it was a pretty intimate stage.


Suddenly Muse comes out and starts doing a concert, and I was totally freaking out! Everybody was going crazy and I was dancing madly. But halfway through the concert I realized I didn't even look at the band, I was so busy looking at the floor dancing, and I was missing the whole show. I felt so bad, because I have missed the first half of the concert... my first Muse concert...


Then the band started playing Feeling Good and everybody went crazy. I started dancing again and couldn't look at the band playing... so I was again missing all the concert. Then I was so absorbed in dancing that I sort of "lapsed out" for a moment and came back to reality (well dream-reality) when the show was over. I was so mad I missed the entire show, maybe the only show I would ever see in my life... I started to run backstage, to at least catch the band before they leave, to chatt a little and to thank the band properly but I saw them entering a bus and going away.


Thing is, that dream had lots of hints of stuff that are a lot present in my mind; like missing a concert (I was feeling sad because I didn't go to see Franz Ferdinand that night) and I was also thinking about Muse dreams, because of this thread :p. It's fascinating to see how a dream can combine lots of stuff ^^

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really weird/beautiful muse dream last night

so Citizen Erased was playing loud and for the first few seconds it was just black and then when when the lyrics set in it was like this small pale girl being yelled at in an interogation room and then at "the truths unwinding scraping away" it was like these big loony bin nurses had to come and take her away and lock her up. and then at the slow part "self expressed exhausting for all" it was like everyone was just walking away from her and she was left alone. And then when it started to pick up at like the middle of the song (which was playing louder than ever) it was like she was getting angry and she was throwing things and at the "for one moment i wished you'd hold your stage" everything around her was just crumbling away and she was just screaming and then when it slowed down again it was like she was naked and wrapped up in an old army issue green blanket in a dark hallway that was lighter as you went east and she was just sobbing into her arms. and then as the song lifted up she stood up and started walking down towards the light and there were stairs at the end and the bottom stair was black and the stairs were wide and tall and they went from black to gray to the top stair which was just pure white and as she reached the top stair it was an arch way with a drain and matt was singing wash it away and then water started pouring and she was all clean and then at "erase all the memories" her hair and skin just kind of started falling away and she was just like those figures on the absolution cover but all white and at "ive seen all i'll ever be" she walked to the edge and just fell down into just black.

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I had a really strange dream, it was awfully short as well.

I was at a Muse concert (for some reason it was quite) and I asked some dude if Muse

was going to play Fillip. But apparently I pronounced it wrong so I got kicked out of the

concert. :LOL:

How in the world is Fillip pronounced? I just say 'Flip' :$

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really weird/beautiful muse dream last night

so Citizen Erased was playing loud and for the first few seconds it was just black and then when when the lyrics set in it was like this small pale girl being yelled at in an interogation room and then at "the truths unwinding scraping away" it was like these big loony bin nurses had to come and take her away and lock her up. and then at the slow part "self expressed exhausting for all" it was like everyone was just walking away from her and she was left alone. And then when it started to pick up at like the middle of the song (which was playing louder than ever) it was like she was getting angry and she was throwing things and at the "for one moment i wished you'd hold your stage" everything around her was just crumbling away and she was just screaming and then when it slowed down again it was like she was naked and wrapped up in an old army issue green blanket in a dark hallway that was lighter as you went east and she was just sobbing into her arms. and then as the song lifted up she stood up and started walking down towards the light and there were stairs at the end and the bottom stair was black and the stairs were wide and tall and they went from black to gray to the top stair which was just pure white and as she reached the top stair it was an arch way with a drain and matt was singing wash it away and then water started pouring and she was all clean and then at "erase all the memories" her hair and skin just kind of started falling away and she was just like those figures on the absolution cover but all white and at "ive seen all i'll ever be" she walked to the edge and just fell down into just black.


:eek: Wow! That's amazing!

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I had a really strange dream, it was awfully short as well.

I was at a Muse concert (for some reason it was quite) and I asked some dude if Muse

was going to play Fillip. But apparently I pronounced it wrong so I got kicked out of the

concert. :LOL:

How in the world is Fillip pronounced? I just say 'Flip' :$


:LOL: what a strange dream


it's pronounced like the name 'Phillip' ...ahh phil-ip? ...fill- ip? does that help?:happy:

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Guest QueenOfNerds

I had a dream last night where I was at this amazing house and I looked out of the window and everything was a very strange colour, It was all a deep purple and it all looked very beautiful.

I looked up at the sky and I could see the constellations drawn on the sky and I could see nebula and everything, it was so beautiful. I called back to my family and nobody seemed to reply. I looked back at the sky and suddenly the stars started to trail as if the earth was spinning very quickly and I started to feel quite faint.

The spinning stopped and in my head I heard a voice say I could fly (a bit cheesy I know)

So I took off out of the window and flew across this amazing sky through a town that was very strangly lit in all different colours.

I saw a blue tram and I knew I would meet Matt in there for some reason, so I flew down and landed and got on the tram and there sitting in a seat was Matt!

I walked over to him and we hugged as if we knew eachother and then I said I was sorry (I don't know what for!) and then I left.

But as I went to leave the tram I realised it was floating down a stream, as we were floating we went passed lots of crap CG water effects, I hope that was not a commentary on my own work :LOL:

Then I woke up....damn :(

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remember! NOW!


LOL, I don't think there was anything more than just flashes.


Muse fans have some bizarre/far-out dreams, don't we? I once dreamt that my mother and I were guests of David Tennant and Matt Bellamy at some award show. When they announced that the appetizers were nachos, Matt looked at my mom and then rolled a giant cheese wheel into the arena because she didn't want nachos.

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really weird/beautiful muse dream last night

so Citizen Erased was playing loud and for the first few seconds it was just black and then when when the lyrics set in it was like this small pale girl being yelled at in an interogation room and then at "the truths unwinding scraping away" it was like these big loony bin nurses had to come and take her away and lock her up. and then at the slow part "self expressed exhausting for all" it was like everyone was just walking away from her and she was left alone. And then when it started to pick up at like the middle of the song (which was playing louder than ever) it was like she was getting angry and she was throwing things and at the "for one moment i wished you'd hold your stage" everything around her was just crumbling away and she was just screaming and then when it slowed down again it was like she was naked and wrapped up in an old army issue green blanket in a dark hallway that was lighter as you went east and she was just sobbing into her arms. and then as the song lifted up she stood up and started walking down towards the light and there were stairs at the end and the bottom stair was black and the stairs were wide and tall and they went from black to gray to the top stair which was just pure white and as she reached the top stair it was an arch way with a drain and matt was singing wash it away and then water started pouring and she was all clean and then at "erase all the memories" her hair and skin just kind of started falling away and she was just like those figures on the absolution cover but all white and at "ive seen all i'll ever be" she walked to the edge and just fell down into just black.



That's amazing and simply beautiful in it's own way.

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one night ago I had the most beautiful dream in years...:)


Its quite random as dreams are...but yeah


Well I was sitting in this random restaurant with I dunno who, and then suddenly I notice that MUSE are having a photoshot outside the glass restaurant door...well what do I do...I go out and ask for a photo with them...for some reason I only have a photo with Dom and Matt..:p

well then randomly they go back with me...then it gets unclear :LOL:

untill suddenly I somehow get to invite them to my house...

ok and now this is weird...Matt ends up taking out his camera and takes photos of random things in my living room :eek:????

whils Dom stays in the kitchen and we chat away...with a few awkward silences here and there...

neverless I woke up thinking that that was the most realistic(yet unrealistic) dream ever...it made my mood great for the whole day:$:LOL:

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I fell asleep to my HAARP DVD the other night which caused me to have this amazing dream. I was good friends with the band and we were backstage at a gig. I guess I was dating Matt because he had his arm around me the whole dream and told me he loved me. It was great but I fell asleep right before they went onstage. Urgh!

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