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I had the pig tail dream again. It was exactly the same.




Ok this is getting seriously stupid..


Matt was on our couch reading a newspaper. There was an article about how dog tails have grown a lot since 1960 (lolwut?) and Matt was completely shocked about it. He told that his tail wasn't long enough, and there actually was a tiny pigtail coming out of his ass. He said he was jealous that my tail was so fuzzy and long. I didn't understand what he was talking about until I checked my back and I had a huge foxtail.

Then Dom runs there and screams ZOMG MATTEH I CAN PLAY NEW BORN ON PIANO and then he plays it. And runs away. He also had a pig tail, but it was so long it touched the ground. (LOLWUT?!)

Matt just continues about the tail thing, he tells me that over 90 % of the dogs have longer tails than he does. He told that he might go and visit Hagrid so that he could make his pig tail longer and furrier. Then I woke up.

Edited by Kuje
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Say it's more like a nightmare:

I was at a Musegig, on a big field. I was standing at the front line, there were no fencess to 'keep us away'

Muse started playing, Muse started playing weird and shitty songs. As a matter of fact they were shitty overall. They just did Stockholm Syndrome awesome. Matt started running on the field to sing it. My friend and I runned after him o_O.


It was such a nightmare that I had to listen Muse at 7am in bed :stunned:

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I had a dream about a week ago involving Muse. In my dream, I had a fake ID stating I was 18. I went into the pub and bought a shot of crown royal (royal canadian blended....) And there was this ugly fat man sitting next to me. He told me that I was pretty (?) Then Matt burst into the pub, swept me off my feet and saved me. He then took me home and told me to never go to pubs again.


:chuckle: awww how cute!

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I had a muse dream for the first time in a long time the night before last!!


I was listening to a song from The Resistance on the radio (though i was watching the video on a screen (lolwut??) but it was aweful, it was all chavvy and dancey rubbish, and i was thinking to myself, "this is it i officially no longer like Muse anymore, how can Bellamy let me down like this?? at least we got our 14minute "symphony", pity its crap" and the song went on for like 2 hours of the same dance music over and over.

then it all changed and i was in the sea with matt, dom and chris and we were all trying to drown matt and dom and chris were furious because the record lable had dropped them and a ban had been put on them so they could no longer write any music for the rest of their lives, and matt was screaming at us to stop it and he didnt mean to go behind their backs and write the album by himself, as chris and dom had no idea that matt had written an album and relised it without their imput. Then the scene changed again and me and chris was sat on the beach and dom was wrapping up matts body in a tarpulin weighted with rocks and chris was crying because he had no other way of bringing money in to feed his kids and wife, and he was telling me that teignmouth council had evicted them from their house and a lynch mob had chased them out of town saying they would kill them if they ever returned and that Muse was a disgrace to the community.


then my boyfriend woke me up


all in all a very bizzare dream yet highly amusing at the same time! :LOL:


just quoting one of my favourites from aaages back, i was reminded of it with the recent talk of a teignmouth gig:happy: Its funny and disturbing at the same time!:LOL: thought i

Havnt had a muse dreams of my own in forwver:(

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Ok this is getting seriously stupid..


Matt was on our couch reading a newspaper. There was an article about how dog tails have grown a lot since 1960 (lolwut?) and Matt was completely shocked about it. He told that his tail wasn't long enough, and there actually was a tiny pigtail coming out of his ass. He said he was jealous that my tail was so fuzzy and long. I didn't understand what he was talking about until I checked my back and I had a huge foxtail.

Then Dom runs there and screams ZOMG MATTEH I CAN PLAY NEW BORN ON PIANO and then he plays it. And runs away. He also had a pig tail, but it was so long it touched the ground. (LOLWUT?!)

Matt just continues about the tail thing, he tells me that over 90 % of the dogs have longer tails than he does. He told that he might go and visit Hagrid so that he could make his pig tail longer and furrier. Then I woke up.


Hmm, men being concerned with the length of their... tail. Wonder what Freud would have to say about that :chuckle:

Oh, poor Matt.

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Guest Octazooka
Hmm, men being concerned with the length of their... tail. Wonder what Freud would have to say about that :chuckle:

Oh, poor Matt.

Wel, had another weird Muse dream last night... I dreamt about seeing Matt, Dom and Chris on the issue of a magazine (I dunno which one though) and Matt caught my attention on the cover, cos he was wearing this white (and wet :stunned:) dripping shirt, which was unbuttoned to chest-level...and his chest was gleaming. And shiny. :stunned::stunned::stunned: No chest-hair, by the way :LOL:



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Guest Octazooka
I thought it was scary enough he knew where I lived!!!! And he had a tuquoise scooter!

Matt stalks his fans :awesome: I wish I had that instead of some stupid Matt-no-chest-hair dream, he isn't exactly..shall we say well-developed :eyebrows:...in that area :LOL:

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I had a really wierd one a few nights ago.


I was the chick from Titanic and Jack and I were rounding up our two children to escape the shinking ship. Instead of washing up on a beach, we found ourselves knee-deep in living room (:wtf:?). There were several men in suits, among them a likeable man around 50, a very nervous one about 17, and a gorgeously godlike one who was skinny and had tall, flaming yellow hair. I didn't even realize who he was until I woke up, but I instantly forgot all about my beauiful little family and swam/walked toward him like a magnet. We sat on the fancy chairs and pulled out acoustic guitars, and the four of us started to play while my father scoffed in the corner (???). Executive Matt was the only one who didn't mess up.


Then it got wierder when the scene disappeared and I became Anthony Keidis's son :LOL: We were furious at eachother and I had a magical power and that's all I remember.

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Last night I dreamt I was at the Plymouth U. [or was it College?] graduation ceremony where Muse were awarded their honorary doctorates in music. A happy occasion to be sure, but what made this electrifying for me was the chance to see the guys up close, if not exactly personally.


Almost everyone there was there for a legitimate graduation-related reason and were utterly oblivious to the band, and all told there were only about a half-dozen of us fans there. None of us were wearing any Muse logos but we were really easy to spot anyway: at one point Muse were asked to move from the middle section of seats to the wing on the left, and when they got up, so did a handful of us in the audience to follow them to empty seats on the left side (traditionally referred to as the sinister side... ooh, dream symbolism!), and we were all just giddy with excitement, grinning madly, glancing around kind of embarrassed-like and exchanging glances of recognition.


After the ceremony was over (my mind fast-forwarded past all the boring ceremonial stuff, thankfully), the grads proceeded up the aisles... and the Muse men couldn't wait to get outside, to play a pickup game of "football," which they were raucously talking and laughing about as they strode past. (No doubt the soccer bit came from hearing yesterday's Chicago radio interview of Dom, in which DJ Ryan Menno asked him about the incident on an American tour when Chris broke his wrist playing soccer in a parking lot, forcing Muse to cancel their Chicago gig.) In the dream I had a feeling of foreboding, fearing that they wouldn't be careful enough this time either...

Edited by Trilateral_Symmetry_Com'n.
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I dreamt that I was filming a Muse documentary with my eyes. They were onstage and had all their instruments set up, but they were doing a comedy gig instead. Matt was trying to tell an anecdote about a jumper, but Jimmy Carr interrupted him and called across the room to Noel Fielding asking him about his anecdote concerning a jumper. Matt looked a bit pissed off. I really really wanted to stay and continue watching the comedy gig, but there was a plague on its way, so I had to leave [by means of my mum's motorbike, which I was still learning how to ride. I got stopped by the police, then someone gave me a book - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - and said I could use this to get off. Then I was in Wallingford park (originally I was at home, in Padgate), and the dream went a bit blurry and incoherent, so I woke up]

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I had my first Muse dream last night! I've dreamed about Muse songs playing in the background of my dreams, but never a dream where Muse were really there. Well, for some reason I dreamt that Muse's picture was on the back of a United States 20 dollar bill. (:wtf:) Then I went back in time to see where the pic was taken, and I was in this staduim thing, at a Muse concert. (I wish...:indiff:) Matt had on his Wembley outfit, while Dom and Chris had on these horrid tan and black leather outfits. Eventually, Matt's outfit changed into leopard print leather pants and this little tight black belly shirt. But he also turned into this tall muscular Matt, which I have to say, suited him quite fine. :eyebrows: Minus the outfit...


Messed up dream, but I enjoyed it. :D

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A little while ago, I had a dream what involved a fake ID and Matt saving me (just look back a page or two).


Well, I had a dream my work's company opened a night club (?) and rumours went around Muse would be hanging out there. I reused my fake ID, for some reason, it stated I was born in 1946 as opposed to before (which said 1991). Anyhoo, I look very dashing in my dream. I was then sitting at a bar talking to Matt and he thought I was very beautiful. We nearly kissed till I saw a teacher from my school! She ran towards me and told me to go home and that I was going to lose my job. Matt looked at me in disguist and went off to talk to the teacher that told me off!

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A little while ago, I had a dream what involved a fake ID and Matt saving me (just look back a page or two).


Well, I had a dream my work's company opened a night club (?) and rumours went around Muse would be hanging out there. I reused my fake ID, for some reason, it stated I was born in 1946 as opposed to before (which said 1991). Anyhoo, I look very dashing in my dream. I was then sitting at a bar talking to Matt and he thought I was very beautiful. We nearly kissed till I saw a teacher from my school! She ran towards me and told me to go home and that I was going to lose my job. Matt looked at me in disguist and went off to talk to the teacher that told me off!


ooh:( I feel so sorry for you, I would have woken up crying..

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ooh:( I feel so sorry for you, I would have woken up crying..

In my dream, I did not get fired. Turns out that teacher wanted to steal Matt, and as far as I am aware, she isn't a Muse fan in real life.


I thought it was bizarre my ID said I was born 1946, and for some reason, a heap of old train tickets fell out of my wallet!

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I also had my first Muse dream last night. It was rather mundane, but better than nothing. My hubby, daughter and I were in a big park, sitting on a grassy hill, and Matt was there, wearing his red Wembley suit. He was with some people, but I can't remember who. Matt was running around, like playing some game or doing acrobatics or something. I had my camera, so I tried to stealthily take a candid shot of him. But when I was set to take the pic, he noticed me and froze like a statue so I could get a good shot. I was very nervous! I sort of smiled and acted like I wanted to hide, and he went back to what he was doing. Then I woke up.


I'm really surprised I remembered any of that. I rarely remember my dreams lately. Maybe I've actually had all kinds of weird Muse dreams that I just can't recall!

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