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I had a dream a while ago. I was in a tiny church, like one of those Ethiopian missions, and I was sitting in a pew (along with with several elderly parishioners) watching Matt play his guitar on the stage. When he was done, I approached him as he was sitting on a rail on the side of the stage when WHAM! he fell and bashed his head on the floor. He groaned "Call an ambulance" and so I did, quite frantically. Later, I watched some ambulance... uh... peoples roll him away on a stretcher when one of the asked me "What's his name?" I was about to answer when a voice from behind answered for me - "Wayne Brady." WTF?!?! I turned to look and, sure enough, the ambulance peoples where rolling Wayne Brady away. I turned behind me and there was Matt!!!! Giggling like a schoolgirl!!!! And then i woke up :stunned: So... yeah...:$

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I had a dream a while ago. I was in a tiny church, like one of those Ethiopian missions, and I was sitting in a pew (along with with several elderly parishioners) watching Matt play his guitar on the stage. When he was done, I approached him as he was sitting on a rail on the side of the stage when WHAM! he fell and bashed his head on the floor. He groaned "Call an ambulance" and so I did, quite frantically. Later, I watched some ambulance... uh... peoples roll him away on a stretcher when one of the asked me "What's his name?" I was about to answer when a voice from behind answered for me - "Wayne Brady." WTF?!?! I turned to look and, sure enough, the ambulance peoples where rolling Wayne Brady away. I turned behind me and there was Matt!!!! Giggling like a schoolgirl!!!! And then i woke up :stunned: So... yeah...:$






I love it! But did you eat salami before you went to bed?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had my first Muse dream about a week ago :happy:


I don't remember how it started... I just know that at some point, me, Matt, Dom, and Chris and 2 of my friends were walking into my house. But in every room we went into, Matt would go through all the drawers, look through my stuff, and examine random objects, all suspicious like. Then, we were all sitting on my parents' bathroom counter, just talking I guess. I remember Dom looked weird, like he was made of plastic. But Matt and Chris looked normal. Then Matt picked up my guitar and started playing it really badly and singing about how he thought my friend was a poseur and how he hated her earrings. (?) Then everyone left the room except Matt and I, and Matt was digging through my parents drawers. I went over and tried to make conversation, but he just turned to me and asked, "Will you buy me some soaps? Don't worry, it'll only costs £40. I'll pay you back later, in U.S. dollars if you want." I had no idea what he was talking about, but he explained that he meant he wanted me to buy episodes of soap operas to watch (on DVD I guess?), and he showed me some blank looking DVD discs he had found while rummaging my parent's room. (Apparently I still had to buy them though.) They were all unmarked, except with pen marker labeling them each a random letter. And we had to figure out which one to watch... I said, let's just pick a random one, so we did. But to watch it, first we had to put it into my computer and sort through a bunch of still images from it... I don't know why. They all looked like they were from Little House on the Prairie. There were loads of them and it was taking a really long time, and it was boring, but I didn't really care. I remember thinking, "Wow, I can't believe I actually met Muse, and that I'm talking to Matt :D"... then I woke up.



Random, I know. None of my dreams ever make any sense whatsoever. :LOL:


Also, throughout the dream I was noticing that there was something off about their voices, and when I woke up I realized it was because the entire time they had been speaking in American accents... weird.

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I had a really weird dream...about Muse....its odd because i just joined this forum yesterday and last night i had my first Muse dream....


Anyway, a group of friends and i went to this random shopping centre. We got so immersed in a shop that selled leather conditioner. Don't know why it was so alluring, maybe it was because i was polishing saddles and bridles for the whole day..... but we saw this poster that said Muse was performing in the food court that day. So we all got uber excited and started making our way over there. Gavin didn't want to go because he wanted to play world of warcraft. Once we got there, a voice said "Muse will be out in five minutes." Those five minutes seemed to be crawling, so i went and bought some food which was sushi and a coleslaw roll...I went back to where everyone else was just as Muse came onstage. Everyone started going crazy and screaming. Matt, Chris and Dom had these big cheesy grins on their faces. They started playing Knights, followed by Sunburn, Fury, then Plug In Baby. Suddenly they stopped and this mystical voice said, "Due to technical difficulties, this show will be postponed." People started getting annoyed, but not as annoyed as Matt who, in a fit of anger, threw his guitar at an unfortunate McDonalds employee whilst yelling, "The show must go on!". Chris and Dom were giggling uncontrollably behind the drum kit. Matt walked over to me, sat down and whispered to me, " Will you share your coleslaw roll with me?" It was at this point, i woke up....




If this post appears three or four times its coz this stupid internet keeps dropping out and i can't see if i have posted this....:rolleyes:


Awww, it made me lol :LOL:

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I just woke up from a Muse dream, well only Matt was in it, but anyway....Im at my friends house which is a big mansion which sort looks like a castle inside, she was throwing a party and I remember seeing Matt there in his black trousers, white top and braces, but he seemed a bit..well gay! He was dancing really flamboyantly and wiggling his ass around everywhere, I think I even managed to dance with him and cop a feel of his ass!:LOL: Then I remember he went into a small dark room and was bent down doing something and then I thought, ok, I think I he's going to the toilet!:LOL: and thats about it really, he was so camp it was hiliarious (it may have something to do with watching Will and Grace yesterday!:chuckle)

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I just woke up from a Muse dream, well only Matt was in it, but anyway....Im at my friends house which is a big mansion which sort looks like a castle inside, she was throwing a party and I remember seeing Matt there in his black trousers, white top and braces, but he seemed a bit..well gay! He was dancing really flamboyantly and wiggling his ass around everywhere, I think I even managed to dance with him and cop a feel of his ass!:LOL: Then I remember he went into a small dark room and was bent down doing something and then I thought, ok, I think I he's going to the toilet!:LOL: and thats about it really, he was so camp it was hiliarious (it may have something to do with watching Will and Grace yesterday!:chuckle)



You danced with him?!:eek::stunned::'(:LOL: Lucky :phu::LOL:


I had that feeling you had a Muse dream when I saw which thread you are,lmao:LOL: I'm loving my invisibility:p:LOL:

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You danced with him?!:eek::stunned::'(:LOL: Lucky :phu::LOL:


I had that feeling you had a Muse dream when I saw which thread you are,lmao:LOL: I'm loving my invisibility:p:LOL:


Yeah I think so, I feel like I've woken up from a night out after having that dream!:LOL: Hehe sneaky, sneaky!:chuckle

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Yeah I think so, I feel like I've woken up from a night out after having that dream!:LOL: Hehe sneaky, sneaky!:chuckle



d'you reckon I should sleep more to have this Muse dreams?:rolleyes::p:LOL:


sneaky I know:chuckle:LOL:

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I had a nightmare last night. It was the worst dream ever. I dreamed Matt and Dom were died!!!:eek::'( :'(Dom were died first then Matt died one day after Dom's death. I was crying and crying a lot. :'(:'( :'(I felt my world crumbled and lost the spirit of my life.


I believe bad dream must be shared so it won't happen in the reality, and what will happen in the real life is the opposite, in this case, Matt and Dom will have a long life! Amin..

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Last night I dreamt about the board and Matt.

Matt posted on the board a lot and it was a normal thing for him to do that, no one was at all surprised. He was talking about a few songs, they were existing songs, but they'd gotten new odd names... or codenames ?? In the dream it didn't at all seem strange.

Then there was some sort of break, don't know what happened during it.

After that I was on the board again. I don't know what the particular thread was about, but quite a lot of people were talking in it (including me, which is odd because in real life I really am just a lurker, well... mostly.) Then at some point Matt turned into the grammar police! He was seriously annoying! I can't think of any examples, but he wasn't just being a little picky, because everyone got angry and complained about his behaviour. Don't know if I said something to him about it myself though...

(I probably dreamt about the grammar thing because I really don't like it when people do that, especially on an 'international' board.)


So yeah, nothing special, but I thought I'd share the first Muse dream I didn't forget 2 seconds after waking up. :rolleyes: Normally the only thing I can remember, if I remember at all, is that it involved Muse somehow.



And this dream of course also means that I spend way too much time on the board. :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had my first Muse dream a couple days ago. I mean, they were barely in it.. but they were there. I won't go into detail about my dream but long story short:


There was this magical wine that made my brother and some random person go crazy and they nearly drowned in it. Also, they tried driving a car that was cut in two but I went over and knocked them down and they said their day was rated 11/10 and they were super happy. Okay, on to Muse... basically, when they were first trying the wine, I heard Feeling Good in the background. I freaked out and ran over to where my mom was watching TV. It was some random car commercial and Feeling Good was playing. I got so excited because I've never seen Muse anywhere but on my iPod and computer. And I started rocking out and being like "THIS IS FEELING GOOD!! THIS IS MUSE!!!!" And that was it.. :LOL:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont know if this dream will count, anyway i was at what i thought was v festival but people had seats, something like an open air thearte and then i heard that the barrier area was now open, so i started to walk towards the front down an aisle of seats. I got right to the barrier on the left side and i'm thinking this is great because Matt is allways on the left. I know i had time before the band came on so i went to find a Muse t-shirt, i had to walk through a field of cows to get to the stalls, only to find no stalls had any t-shirts. So went back to the barrier, one of the stewards asked to see my ticket and he said yes you were standing there at the front, so i got back in the same place. There was one band/groupe that was just finishing that was more like a '40s big band, and i'm getting excited because Muse were on soon. Then my alarm went off, so i never got to see Muse.

Do you think that is a good omen to getting to the front on Saturday?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Last night I dreamt I was back at secondary school, I was walking through the school office and I noticed they had Take A Bow playing, as I turned to go out the office and down the corridor I expected the music to stop but it was blaring out throughout the whole school!:D At which point I shouted out loudly to everyone in the corridor "Woo I love Muse!":LOL: Luckly everyone just turned and looked at me, then just carried on with what they were doing...I then heard some live music and decided to find out where it was coming from, I found a wall where I could hear the muffled sound of the other music and then the walls just kinda disappeared so I could enter the room! I went inside the room on the side where the band were playing which I think were The Strokes, and it seemed crazy in there! I then had a thought that Muse should play a gig here and then right at that moment I looked outside to see Matt in the distance looking a bit lost in the playground!:LOL: So obviously I went over to him and showed him around the school! Chris was with him too but didn't say much and followed quietly behind us! I can't remember what me and Matt were talking about but im sure he had his red hair or maybe it was a red beanie hat!:LOL:

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This morning I dreampt I was on a bus going to a Muse concert (I never go on buses!) and my right leg had this huge swathe of bandages on it & I was on crutches (I'm waiting to have knee surgery irl). Anyway, Matt & Dom got on the bus like it was an everyday occurrence :LOL: Bummer is I woke up just as Matt was about to say something to me! :p

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My dream was rather bizzare. For some reason Muse were doing a gig in my backyard for me and a couple of my friends. We were all crowded around their stage having a good time and enjoying the set. At that point I decided to sneak into my house to get some water.


Soon after I got inside I realized that Muse had stopped playing, so I ran to my bedroom window to see what was going on. When I could finally see outside, I noticed both Dom and Chris looking around in the woods near my house. I opened the window and asked Matt what they were doing, and he turned to me with a look of horror on his face and said, "Dom's lost his pet lizzard, we HAVE to find it now!"


So then for the rest of the dream I holped them look for Dom's pet lizzard :LOL:


I loved that dream

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I had a dream last night. I don't think that that does count as a Muse dream but oh well...


I was in the north pole, there were elfs running around with Muse t-shirts on them. Later,i saw Santa Claus. He said:

"Oh hi! I'm Matt's boyfriend! He is really sweet."

I didn't say anything but i was really shocked. So i started to look for Matt to ask him if it's true or not. But i couldn't find him.




I really hate my dreams.

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Matt and Santa, who knew?? Lmao


had a really, really wierd one a few weeks ago

Muse were on the Tv performing on some kind of chat show and they were dressed in full white but wearing bunny masks (WTF???!)

freaked me out when i woke up. In another i was at a concert and KOC was playing - preferred that one :)

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  • 1 month later...

I had one last night which I kept feeling was real.


Muse had just announced 3 shows for next year, in Birmingham LG Arena, Manchester MEN, and London somewhere, and I got some tickets when they were on sale, but a doctor came to give me a check up, which delayed me in checking the tickets out. When he went, they disappeared and all shows had sold out.

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