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Probably because they are a Muser, so they think that to be special enough to be a Muse fan requires flawless knowledge.


Yep. It's stupid.

I mean, I haven't even watched any of the music videos (because I just never got around to it), but I'd consider myself a pretty big fan. Your knowledge of random crap about a band, or even how much of their stuff you've listened to, doesn't really matter, as long as you love the music, and are familiar with a good amount of the band's music, then you can be considered a fan. Honestly, I'm tired of people being like, "I'm better than you because I know this!"


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I saw few days ago very wierd muse dream (again..). I home watching TV and then doorbell rang and there was... u know. then they started to play something lullaby with flutes and MAtt had weird looking flute which had ball and crank which he rotated over and over again... then i woke up :eek:


EDIT: Sry meh bad english

Edited by Pwoperfisher96
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I wasn't on the board at the time, but didn't you guys get to vote for your setlists? So why (why, why? :LOL:) is it that some people got really crappy ones?

Because Muse didn't give a fuck about the polls :awesome:


oh, he was dedicating it to baby Bell...i though he said Bella, maybe a fan in the audience or something... (well, techincally, it was a fan...:noey:) Sad story, but now that I know what he said, Matt is so kind:)

You know what always shocks me? The way Musers can tell you what songs were played at different setlists...Like, how did you know that he said it in Denver on that night at that concert, y'know? :p And sometimes when I say, "we got the song...." someone will say, "so you ended with...?" and i'll be like... "uhh, yes. how did you know that, WHOA!"

sorry, mini-rant over. But you know how much I love to rant. :D

Because if you have seen one setlist, you have seen them all :awesome:


EDIT: And I still find it hilarious that you are going on about how you were attacked, when you were the one entering the thread WITH CAPITAL LETTERS AND CALLING PEOPLE OUT FOR NOT AGREEING WITH YOUR OPINION OF MUSE :LOL:

Exactly! Like when I first saw the banter people starting out, they would criticize people if they didn't know specific things and I began to doubt myself as a real Muse fan :( Now I've kind of learned everything, just to be safe.

I think you are confusing Banter people with random members that aren't PMTers. Most Banter people don't give a fuck about what is going on in Main Muse.

Edited by Tjet
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And that was a wind-up :LOL:


And like 30% of that thread was posted by Banter people. The rest was me, Dee and Main Musers.


I kind of consider you a Banterer. And that was the day me and maybe 10% of MMs realized not everyone is completely obsessed with Muse like they all seem on the MM threads and that people are willing to tear down all the confidence you had in Muse :rolleyes:

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Yep. It's stupid.

I mean, I haven't even watched any of the music videos


There is no such thing as a pointless and boring rant. :awesome:

I haven't watched most of the music videos. I find music videos kind of dull most of the time. They have to have a really good song, or be really pretty/graphic for me to like them...I've seen the Plug In Baby video because It's my favorite Muse song, and i've seen TiRO because it was on Demand, but neither was really interesting....it was them singing, and the Muscle Museum one makes no sense....? and the Bliss one is cool i guess, but nothing there. Indie bands always have cool videos.


Because Muse didn't give a fuck about the polls :awesome:


Because if you have seen one setlist, you have seen them all :awesome:


EDIT: And I still find it hilarious that you are going on about how you were attacked, when you were the one entering the thread WITH CAPITAL LETTERS AND CALLING PEOPLE OUT FOR NOT AGREEING WITH YOUR OPINION OF MUSE :LOL:

You find everything hilarious, you fucking LURKER! Do you lurk on every thread? :p

:LOL: I was PMSing when I joined the board. SO EVERYTHING WAS IN CAPS! oh, and i don't see why some of you are here when you apparently dont like Muse....

I kind of consider you a Banterer. And that was the day me and maybe 10% of MMs realized not everyone is completely obsessed with Muse like they all seem on the MM threads and that people are willing to tear down all the confidence you had in Muse :rolleyes:

Sippe is banter in my mind as well. if you're not a MMer then you are NOTHING! I joined thinking everyone was obsessed with Muse like they all seemed on the MM threads and then I met Sippe. and Dee. :rolleyes:

shh....he's lurking.

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well the banter people are...the banter people. :LOL: you got CITIZEN ERASED? DA FUCK!?


that makes perfect sense...so why are some of them so picky about our facts? :LOL:


Yep. It's stupid.

I mean, I haven't even watched any of the music videos (because I just never got around to it), but I'd consider myself a pretty big fan. Your knowledge of random crap about a band, or even how much of their stuff you've listened to, doesn't really matter, as long as you love the music, and are familiar with a good amount of the band's music, then you can be considered a fan. Honestly, I'm tired of people being like, "I'm better than you because I know this!"



People forget how they became super fans, and suddenly think they sit on some throne. If it wasn't obvious, if anyone is sitting on any throne, it's Muse, because they write the music the fans love. Not surprisingly, Muse fans are power hungry, and if they can look intelligent on the boards (as opposed to their jobs/classes perhaps?), they're gonna take every opportunity to do so.

I find it interesting to learn random stuff about a band, but I only retain facts that appeal to me, or relate to me. This is probably why I have no idea what they played pre-2009 in France, and how many times they've been there, and remember all their girlfriends names. And I'd have to say that it's pretty pathetic if that's what a muser is "supposed to know". If that's why you find fascinating, great. But it shouldn't matter what you know except for the discography and the member's names to be a muser.

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Sippe is banter in my mind as well. if you're not a MMer then you are NOTHING! I joined thinking everyone was obsessed with Muse like they all seemed on the MM threads and then I met Sippe. and Dee. :rolleyes:

shh....he's lurking.


After the "Muse to Break Up Thread," it completely changed my perspective on things. I made myself a list of who to watch out for, I realized that some people didn't even like Muse anymore, and that Muse wasn't really as perfect as I thought they were.


This has nothing to do with dreams anymore... :chuckle:

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After the "Muse to Break Up Thread," it completely changed my perspective on things. I made myself a list of who to watch out for, I realized that some people didn't even like Muse anymore, and that Muse wasn't really as perfect as I thought they were.

This has nothing to do with dreams anymore... :chuckle:

you made a list? :LOL: i'm sorry, i find it kind of funny... :)

This stopped being about dreams when....when Lupus was talking about the purple shirt. :facepalm:

People forget how they became super fans, and suddenly think they sit on some throne. If it wasn't obvious, if anyone is sitting on any throne, it's Muse, because they write the music the fans love. Not surprisingly, Muse fans are power hungry, and if they can look intelligent on the boards (as opposed to their jobs/classes perhaps?), they're gonna take every opportunity to do so.

I find it interesting to learn random stuff about a band, but I only retain facts that appeal to me, or relate to me. This is probably why I have no idea what they played pre-2009 in France, and how many times they've been there, and remember all their girlfriends names. And I'd have to say that it's pretty pathetic if that's what a muser is "supposed to know". If that's why you find fascinating, great. But it shouldn't matter what you know except for the discography and the member's names to be a muser.

Mmmmm...yes, but I guess i'm thinking of MMers. to be a MMer you have to know more than the discography and their names....and I guess that's what I am :) I think all fans are power hungry. They all want to be able to know more about the band than everyone else. I mean, why wouldn't they? I look inteligent on the boards as opposed to jobs/classes. :LOL: and I'm pretty stupid on the boards. I'm smart on the inside, I pwomise, I'm in all Honors, I just say stupid shit. :rolleyes:

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I'm just saying this as a obsessive PMTer/MMer that almost never goes into Banter even to lurk…

In my mind at least, it's not about how much you love Muse. I can't even explain how much I love them, and I honestly think that this is what true love feels like. It's about perspective. It's about realizing that at the end of the day, Muse are just another band.


Complete unadulterated obsession honestly annoys the fuck out of people who don't give a damn. I'm not just talking about my Muse obsession here; this is actually the main reason I find it so difficult to talk to my parents because they literally don't speak about anything but their respective obsessions (yeah it runs in the family, lol). So even though yeah, I enjoy it here because it gives me the opportunity to talk about Muse as much as I please, I still tend to shy away from complete addicts who can't see Muse doing any wrong.


well rant over, :LOL:

Back on topic (whut?) I've been dreaming a lot the past two weeks of people mocking me that I can't go to Reading and/or Leeds or Lolla to see Muse this summer, in a different way each night. :( (although last night I dreamed I finished my essay and woke up to realize I still had a page left. :facepalm:)

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My dreams from the other night:


Muse were giving a power point presentation at my school - on the sports field. :wtf: Anyway, when they finished everything skipped forward and everyone but me had left. Matt was packing away some of the equipment they had been using, so I picked up my school bag and went over to help him. We started to chat about something which I've forgotten. But then I started to pour my water bottle out, and Matt must have been on the incline because the water ran straight down to where he was sitting. He started yelling "Oi!" :happy:, and something else. Not in anger, more like he was playing around. Then he noticed that water was starting to pour towards his laptop (which was on the dirt ground :wtf:) and he started freaking out. :LOL: I explained it wouldn't be damaged as long as he hurried up and got it out of the way.


Then the dream skipped forward again and the band were all walking towards a cemented spiral stair case, of some sort. I was a few paces behind Matt and Chris who were slowly getting quicker and quicker as we walked up the stairs. Eventually it turned into some, free running, parcour, assassins creed style race. I managed to pass Matt, and was about to scale a wall when he pulled me back down. :mad: Using the time to get past me, Chris already way in front of us. I woke up when we reached the top of the stairs. :(


Was defiantly a random dream. :LOL:

Edited by RipsterZero
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Last night I had the weirdest dream. Matt and Kate were holding their baby (which was a boy by the way) and it just randomly grew into a teenager :wtf: So this huge dragon thing came and Matt turned into what looked like a hippogriff from Harry Potter. I was suddenly standing there with Kate watching. I asked her if Matt could always turn into a hippogriff and she answered "yes" as if it were obvious. Then there was this really tiny pair of wings and their son could put them on his back and fly with them. I never got to see if Matt and Bellamy Junior killed the dragon :$

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I had a pretty weird dream a few nights ago.


From what I can remember, me, Matt and Kate were in this really modern villa, somewhere in some country :LOL:, and in the middle of the villa there was an open courtyard with a fairly big pool in the middle of it. I was sitting in a room which had a wall of glass that looked out onto the pool. All I could see was Matt and a heavily-pregnant Kate yelling at each other, quite loudly, then Matt fell in the pool and Kate walked off. So I just did nothing. Then Dom and Chris appeared, so I knocked on the glass and said, "Matt's in the pool." because for some reason he couldn't swim in this dream. Dom and Chris couldn't hear me, so I smashed the glass :wtf: and repeated what I'd said, so Dom pulls a really shocked face, and sits on the edge of the pool with his legs dangling in the water, not doing anything. Then Chris comes running in, does a huge belly-flop into the pool and tries to get Matt, who's drowned at this point but they don't know. :stunned:

Then it kind of fast-forwarded to Matt's funeral (:'() by which point Kate had had the baby, and it was a boy, but it looked a lot like Matt :eek:, same blue eyes and really high cheekbones. Then after that point it started to get a bit weird and me and Dom ended up on a boat because the funeral got flooded.

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Last night I had the weirdest dream. Matt and Kate were holding their baby (which was a boy by the way) and it just randomly grew into a teenager :wtf: So this huge dragon thing came and Matt turned into what looked like a hippogriff from Harry Potter. I was suddenly standing there with Kate watching. I asked her if Matt could always turn into a hippogriff and she answered "yes" as if it were obvious. Then there was this really tiny pair of wings and their son could put them on his back and fly with them. I never got to see if Matt and Bellamy Junior killed the dragon :$

:LOL: that is the best dream ever! I thought you were going to say "and her grew into harry potter" and i was like, hmmm, two sexy british guys in one. :p but he turned into a hippogriff, which is just hilarious :awesome:

I'm just saying this as a obsessive PMTer/MMer that almost never goes into Banter even to lurk…

In my mind at least, it's not about how much you love Muse. I can't even explain how much I love them, and I honestly think that this is what true love feels like. It's about perspective. It's about realizing that at the end of the day, Muse are just another band.


Complete unadulterated obsession honestly annoys the fuck out of people who don't give a damn. I'm not just talking about my Muse obsession here; this is actually the main reason I find it so difficult to talk to my parents because they literally don't speak about anything but their respective obsessions (yeah it runs in the family, lol). So even though yeah, I enjoy it here because it gives me the opportunity to talk about Muse as much as I please, I still tend to shy away from complete addicts who can't see Muse doing any wrong.


well rant over, :LOL:

Back on topic (whut?) I've been dreaming a lot the past two weeks of people mocking me that I can't go to Reading and/or Leeds or Lolla to see Muse this summer, in a different way each night. :( (although last night I dreamed I finished my essay and woke up to realize I still had a page left. :facepalm:)

That makes so much sense that I'm confused. :D

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I'm just saying this as a obsessive PMTer/MMer that almost never goes into Banter even to lurk…

In my mind at least, it's not about how much you love Muse. I can't even explain how much I love them, and I honestly think that this is what true love feels like. It's about perspective. It's about realizing that at the end of the day, Muse are just another band.


Complete unadulterated obsession honestly annoys the fuck out of people who don't give a damn. I'm not just talking about my Muse obsession here; this is actually the main reason I find it so difficult to talk to my parents because they literally don't speak about anything but their respective obsessions (yeah it runs in the family, lol). So even though yeah, I enjoy it here because it gives me the opportunity to talk about Muse as much as I please, I still tend to shy away from complete addicts who can't see Muse doing any wrong.


Haha, yeah, I suppose. And people who are absolutely obsessed with them, people who go too far, ignore the crap out of me. No offense guys, but even the YKYATMW thread annoys the hell out of me sometimes. But as long as you generally enjoy the band's music, you should be considered a fan. I don't like NSC, or even Apocalypse Please (*insert shocked noises here*), but I'm still a fan. But yeah, I also like talking to people here about Muse, since I can't really do that in the real world because people have no idea what the hell I'm talking about.

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I'm not sure if it was directed toward someone else or I was hallucinating out of excitement, but at my show Matt was like, "This one you guys can clap to!" And I was like "STARRRLLIIIGGGHHHTTT!!!!" So I started clapping before the song even started and he pointed towards me :awesome:


:awesome: ...

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This stopped being about dreams when....when Lupus was talking about the purple shirt. :facepalm:


Mmmmm...yes, but I guess i'm thinking of MMers. to be a MMer you have to know more than the discography and their names....and I guess that's what I am :) I think all fans are power hungry. They all want to be able to know more about the band than everyone else. I mean, why wouldn't they? I look inteligent on the boards as opposed to jobs/classes. :LOL: and I'm pretty stupid on the boards. I'm smart on the inside, I pwomise, I'm in all Honors, I just say stupid shit. :rolleyes:

Did you look back or something to check when it stopped being about dreams? :LOL: FYI, the purple shirt DID originate from a dream I had... so there:phu: it was all you guys choice to take it off topic

Yea what I meant to say/imply that you should know the name of the band, discography and like them enough to be interested in a few interviews, or investigate the lyrics and that stuff. NOT stalking, getting jealous of their girlfriends, making fanfics (never read a single one by any band... those can be quite extreme) ect.

After the "Muse to Break Up Thread," it completely changed my perspective on things. I made myself a list of who to watch out for, I realized that some people didn't even like Muse anymore, and that Muse wasn't really as perfect as I thought they were.


This has nothing to do with dreams anymore... :chuckle:

Why the hell would they break up? I know they don't say it, but I have no hints from anything, or any signs that say "potential break up is imminent!" I mean, when Dom's dad died or something like that, that's realistic. Now, at the top of their game? It would be quite unexpected. People like drama, and I find it quite irritating. If Muse really were going to break up, it should be for a fair reason. Then I'd be upset, but still quite fine with it. It would suck that they're gone, but it's gotta happen sometime, so lets make the best out if it while they're here!

I had a pretty weird dream a few nights ago.


From what I can remember, me, Matt and Kate were in this really modern villa, somewhere in some country :LOL:, and in the middle of the villa there was an open courtyard with a fairly big pool in the middle of it. I was sitting in a room which had a wall of glass that looked out onto the pool. All I could see was Matt and a heavily-pregnant Kate yelling at each other, quite loudly, then Matt fell in the pool and Kate walked off. So I just did nothing. Then Dom and Chris appeared, so I knocked on the glass and said, "Matt's in the pool." because for some reason he couldn't swim in this dream. Dom and Chris couldn't hear me, so I smashed the glass :wtf: and repeated what I'd said, so Dom pulls a really shocked face, and sits on the edge of the pool with his legs dangling in the water, not doing anything. Then Chris comes running in, does a huge belly-flop into the pool and tries to get Matt, who's drowned at this point but they don't know. :stunned:

Then it kind of fast-forwarded to Matt's funeral (:'() by which point Kate had had the baby, and it was a boy, but it looked a lot like Matt :eek:, same blue eyes and really high cheekbones. Then after that point it started to get a bit weird and me and Dom ended up on a boat because the funeral got flooded.

Quite grim... did the funeral involve sending his body to space? I think he'd quite like that :chuckle:

Haha, yeah, I suppose. And people who are absolutely obsessed with them, people who go too far, ignore the crap out of me. No offense guys, but even the YKYATMW thread annoys the hell out of me sometimes. But as long as you generally enjoy the band's music, you should be considered a fan. I don't like NSC, or even Apocalypse Please (*insert shocked noises here*), but I'm still a fan. But yeah, I also like talking to people here about Muse, since I can't really do that in the real world because people have no idea what the hell I'm talking about.

Totally agree. I'll admit, its fun sometimes to post on the YKYATMW thread, but more and more are going too far. Like the last one I read, where the girl waited something like fifteen hours outside their hotel to get something signed?! First of all, you shouldn't know where they're staying... that's just... no, I wouldn't do that. I can say I like all of their songs, but I don't really LOVE LOVE LOVE every single one. You don't have to love every song to be a fan. Alright, I dragged this on too long. Basically, I agree with you. Real people who are fans rock, not so much the fangirls.

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Why the hell would they break up? I know they don't say it, but I have no hints from anything, or any signs that say "potential break up is imminent!" I mean, when Dom's dad died or something like that, that's realistic. Now, at the top of their game? It would be quite unexpected. People like drama, and I find it quite irritating. If Muse really were going to break up, it should be for a fair reason. Then I'd be upset, but still quite fine with it. It would suck that they're gone, but it's gotta happen sometime, so lets make the best out if it while they're here!


Basically there was this petition someone I'm pretty sure was from Banter started for them to break up. Then everyone started giving reasons why they should break up and there were people defending Muse who just got attacked by the people against them. There was this poll that got rigged and everything so in the end, the majority wanted them to break up.

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Basically there was this petition someone I'm pretty sure was from Banter started for them to break up. Then everyone started giving reasons why they should break up and there were people defending Muse who just got attacked by the people against them. There was this poll that got rigged and everything so in the end, the majority wanted them to break up.


that was the day I met Sippe, Dee, Luxembourg Queen, etc..... :(

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