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-During the run up to wembley I had so many Muse dreams, basically every night, usually consisting of something awful happening- i.e losing my tickets.I remember in one they dragged me up onto the stage and made me sing CE (I can't sing to save my life!!) I forgot all the words and everyone was booing, haha.



I'm Charlotte by the way, I'm fairly new. ;)




Yeah I have dreams like that too. The night before my first (and only :() muse concert, I dreamt that I went there on the wrong night :eek::unsure:

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I hate waking up after Muse dreams and realising they weren't real:LOL:



-During the run up to wembley I had so many Muse dreams, basically every night, usually consisting of something awful happening- i.e losing my tickets.I remember in one they dragged me up onto the stage and made me sing CE (I can't sing to save my life!!) I forgot all the words and everyone was booing, haha.



I'm Charlotte by the way, I'm fairly new. ;)


LOL I hate waking up from them period :(

I've had those singing dreams too before T^T my worst one was to play unintended on the guitar while Matteh sang. LOL. What a NIGHTMARE. (I've been stressing out on how to play the guitar recently lawl.)


Welcome to teh Board :p

I R Ginna :happy:

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My Muse dream was:


It's back when they were in their teens and you know that grassy park area that they all used to hang out in and every other kid back than they went to school with...well I was the new kid since I only just moved to Devon. I looked completely different to every other kid there all dressed in like a goth attire lol! And I was sitting by myself on a slight hill just jamming on my guitar that I just happen to have with me (hahaha). I was sad coz I didn't want to move to Devon coz I was happy living in Sweden where I was in a black metal band (Swordmaster to be exact which is now Deathstars-yep don't you love how all the other bands I love seem to come into this dream as well lol!) In Devon there was like no metal scene at all (well in my dream there wasn't anyway) so I was fuckn' gutted.

By this time, the guys were rocket baby dolls and they heard me playing. They came over and said their hello's and wondered if I would like to jam with them. At first I didn't want to coz all I saw with this scrawny ass kid, (Matt lol) this kid with long out of control curly hair (Chris) and this other kid wearing baggy ass clothes (Dom). I didn't see any hope in them, but I was dieing to have a jam session and they seemed pretty nice enough.

So....we had a jam session one day after school and I suddenly saw potentional in them and we got on pretty well together. So I joined the band as the guitarist, Matt still playing guitar as well. We entered in the battle of the bands and just before we were to be announced on stage I turn up in this kind of glam rock/goth attire (sorta of a Nikki Sixx thing going on lol) and the guys were like...WTF?! Coz they were only in jeans and a t-shirt lol! But fuck we rocked the hell out of that hall! lol!


I liked that dream....


oh there was one where I only just moved from L.A. to Devon (this still being the teen years) and the guys didn't think I had any real talent as a guitarist even though I never played infront of them they just assumed...and I wanted to be in there band coz I liked there sound but they were happy just being the 3 of them and than at the Readings festival in 94' when Jeff Buckley was playing I ended playing guitar at the gig coz I knew Jeff and the rest of the band from being in America for awhile lol! And than the guys were blown away and wanted me in the band. :LOL::LOL:


I like that one too lol!

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I had a Muse dream last night. Well, actually I had two, I woke up in the middle of the night and went back to sleep again.

The first one I don't remember much, but: Muse were playing at an outside gig (on a really small stage) and Matt nearly fell off the stage, but he managed to half-jump instead, making it look like he did it on purpose (I remember thinking "Nice save there, Matteh"). And then he was sitting on the grass and this little girl was hugging him. Then this other little boy came up as well and Matt said "How do we know this kid?" and the girl said "Oh, he's [insert random names here - let's say.. Jack and Jill]'s son." Then Matt noticed me and said "Have you ever heard of [Jack Smith]?" and I said no and he said "What about [Jill Smith]?" and I said no again.


Second one: Me and my friend Emma were helping set up a fence type thing around where a Muse gig was going to be, and so we got to sit sidestage :happy: (at one point the guy we were helping's hand came off, I think :eek:). But then we decided we'd be able to see better if we sat in front of the stage. (again it was a small stage). Chris had his wild curly hair, and Dom was sitting in a director's chair that wasn't actually on stage, but on the grass in front (it was a low stage, too), and hitting bongos (which were on stage) with his drumsticks :stunned:. And Matt wasn't playing guitar, instead he was banging two drumsticks against a bit of metal :stunned::p

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I had a dream where Matt was playing a song for me... and it took me a while, but I finally went ":stunned: Why is Matt playing bass?" And then it turned out there were two Matts, a blue haired one playing a blue bass and a red haired one playing a red guitar :LOL:

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i had a muse dream, i can't really remember but...


i was watching muse at some hippie festival, after the gig matt was standing on top of this huge bin or something where all the people were throwing in stuff and matt set the bin on fire and stuff. there was a cue to go and chuck stuff in and talk to matt. i got to the front of the line and i was speaking to matt and stuff.

then i woke up i think :(

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I had a dream where Matt was playing a song for me... and it took me a while, but I finally went ":stunned: Why is Matt playing bass?" And then it turned out there were two Matts, a blue haired one playing a blue bass and a red haired one playing a red guitar :LOL:


...and where was Chris in all of this?


anyway, that reminds me of a dream i had where there were 5 of me playing in a band... it was some random song ive never heard... i think it was about george bush :LOL:


anyway, the singer me sounded scarily like tarja turunen :LOL: which is weird given i can't sing to save my life...


and then i had another one where i was at a nightwish gig with my bro and two of his friends... we'd been taken there by my gran (again, weird. she's been dead for nearly two years... :( ) anyway, i'd gone to the loo halfway through the gig, and when i came back, my bro and his friends were wearing clothes that looked a lot like MCR's black parade uniforms, only bright blue instead of black :LOL: that was a verrrry strange dream. quite entertaining though


...that has nothing at all to do with muse...



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I had a dream in which I shared a flat with the band and we had a very serious pillow fight over the fact someone used up all the shower gel.

We also all worked behind the coffee bar in a BP garage O_o

(also hey - long time lurker first time poster)

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I had a dream in which I shared a flat with the band and we had a very serious pillow fight over the fact someone used up all the shower gel.

We also all worked behind the coffee bar in a BP garage O_o

(also hey - long time lurker first time poster)


:LOL: I'm jealous :LOL:


harro :D Is it really your first post?

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I just recently got engaged, but I know about it before hand. I've been having dreams about my wedding day, and small disasters keep happening on the day. The one with Muse in, was that I got to the venue of the ceremony, in a huge, beautiful gown. But noone had bothered to tell me I'd forgotten to shower, wash my hair, shave, put my sexy underwear on and put any makeup on. So, Iooked a mess. My Dad was panicking, wanting me to get up the aisle, coz the place was costing him a load of money. Anyhoo, Matt started playing Unintended, which was my cue, but I was in tears, coz I was a mess. He played for ages, then stopped and came through to see what was going on. He asked me what was wrong and I told him (My dad was dancing around in a fit in the background). So he said he would do my makeup and hair...........

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This is the third tiem i'll have said it on here, but it had me waking up in a sweat:


I was at a Muse concert, and they started to play a new song. And it was rubbish! It was really really really pop like. They were dressed (for the song) in lingerie for some reason. Anyway, people started booing and then they stopped (and were back in regular clothes) and said, "FUCK YOU we can play what we want." then they left the stage.

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This is the third tiem i'll have said it on here, but it had me waking up in a sweat:


I was at a Muse concert, and they started to play a new song. And it was rubbish! It was really really really pop like. They were dressed (for the song) in lingerie for some reason. Anyway, people started booing and then they stopped (and were back in regular clothes) and said, "FUCK YOU we can play what we want." then they left the stage.


AAAAHHHHHH!!!! That's a nightmare, that is! :eek:

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Ooh, just remembered another one........It is a rudey one, but I won't be graphic.....The guys were playing a small gig somewhere, and me and a few mates popped our heads round the door before they soundchecked and asked if we could help. Everyone said they were ok, but that the guys would be happy to let us go upstairs and say hello. So we did. It was a really samll, dark room and there were only a few people in there. We all introduced ourselves, as you do, and Chris came and sat next to me. He put his hand on my knee and offered me a smoke (If you know what I mean) I said "I have a boyfriend" and he said "So do I..........." :eek: So we went hand in hand to the next room.......I woke up in the middle of it, and was like, "Damn real life!"

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I dreamed i was on a pirate ship with muse (which is weird enough in itself) and then Chris tied one of the sailors to this wooden pole and then started spinning it round and round and eventually he spun it so much the sailor died :stunned: And everyone was like "Omg Chris you killed that guy!"

It was pretty strange....

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last saturday when i take a nap for a while, i was dreaming about dom. In that dream dom was actually had two kids, one boy and one girl. i didn't see the boy but i saw the littel girl, a cute little girl. she has blond hair like dom and curly. she was played in the floor. muse fans around the world were shocked. then i came to dom house to interview him. i asked about his kids, he justified the issue and he said that his kids was sleeping.


That dream felt so real till when i got up, i said to myself that it was just a dream.

But, honestly i like to know if dom have kids in the reality.

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i dreamed that i met them after a gig, and matt told me to get on his back and he'd give me a piggy back ride, chris kissed me on the cheek, and dom was just normal. it was quite weird with matt i thought cause he was like "say yahoo like a cowgirl!" and i said "wow.. you're quite drunk" ?? most awkward dream but funny :D

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