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I had two Muse dreams last night.


First, I was going to move to Germany with Matt.


Second, I was watching my nephew while waiting for a show inside of a smaller venue. And I got to meet Dom, and he asked me to go out with him after the show. I had to take my nephew back to my sister, so I left. When I went to go back I couldn’t figure out where the show was. It was sad.

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I totally forgot I had another Muse dream :eek:

HAARP seemed to bring me to remembering it though :phu:


So, I guess I was in school and bought lunch. . . and had 8 dollars remaining, but for some reason, I don't even know why I brought all that money with me in the first place.

Anyways, my best friend, Sloane, and I (and her stepdad) went to a store that reminded me of this futuristic F.Y.E. So, obviously knowing I'm in a music store, I go to look for any Muse merchandise and spot *angelic choir sings* THE MAKING OF SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE!! :awesome:

So then I'm like freaking out saying random stuff and yelling, "OMFG!!! LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!"

It turns out it was $10.49 and remember, all I had was $8. So I blew it off saying, "I'll come back to get you, my precious. . ."



Perhaps you'll have almost the same dream again and go back to buy it :awesome:

Sometimes I kinda have carry on dreams a few weeks after, always awesome to find out how dreams end - I hate the ones that end before they should when you wake up. :rolleyes:

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Perhaps you'll have almost the same dream again and go back to buy it :awesome:

Sometimes I kinda have carry on dreams a few weeks after, always awesome to find out how dreams end - I hate the ones that end before they should when you wake up. :rolleyes:


I hope so :awesome:

And hopefully if I do go back to that dream, that GIGANTIC BEETLE is gone!! :eek:

I did have a dream that continued on as well . . . but I forget where I was and what happened :LOL:






Well my first dream I had is nothing Musey, and I jumped out of my sleep 'cause someone pushed me off a stage in my dream :stunned::LOL:

But my short Musey dream was me interviewing Dom and he was actually trying to ask questions back, but I ignored them completely :(

But all I could think about in that dream was how gorgeous and beautiful of a man he was :awesome:


And my sister told me this the other day: Dom cheats on his girlfriends with Muse fans. . . :wtf:

Is this actually twue? 'Cause I think I'd be more dissapointed than happy with my lil' fangirlness :LOL:

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I hope so :awesome:

And hopefully if I do go back to that dream, that GIGANTIC BEETLE is gone!! :eek:

I did have a dream that continued on as well . . . but I forget where I was and what happened :LOL:






Well my first dream I had is nothing Musey, and I jumped out of my sleep 'cause someone pushed me off a stage in my dream :stunned::LOL:

But my short Musey dream was me interviewing Dom and he was actually trying to ask questions back, but I ignored them completely :(

But all I could think about in that dream was how gorgeous and beautiful of a man he was :awesome:



And my sister told me this the other day: Dom cheats on his girlfriends with Muse fans. . . :wtf:

Is this actually twue? 'Cause I think I'd be more dissapointed than happy with my lil' fangirlness :LOL:

Yeah im pretty sure it's true. I may be wrong but I think he broke up with his previous girlfriend Jessica because he cheated in her with a girl from myspace! Woah probbaly way to personal!


I had a bit of an inception style muse dream as, in my dream I dreampted that I had a lusive dream where I was at a muse gig. But I wasnt very good and making my own dreams so the music was awful!

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Yeah im pretty sure it's true. I may be wrong but I think he broke up with his previous girlfriend Jessica because he cheated in her with a girl from myspace! Woah probbaly way to personal!


I had a bit of an inception style muse dream as, in my dream I dreampted that I had a lusive dream where I was at a muse gig. But I wasnt very good and making my own dreams so the music was awful!



lol myspace

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Back to Muse dreams :D

I guess it doesn't count as a dream but, well, do not care. :rolleyes:


I was in science class and we were supposed to pick partners, and I chose Hunter (one of my best friends). The teacher told us to lay on the table and take each other's pulse for 5 minutes, no talking whatsoever. I got onto the table and laid down while Hunter took my pulse...But 2 or 3 minutes into it I let my mind wander...and (okay this is bad) I was thinking about all of the things Matt could do to me as I lay there... and well XD needless to say, Hunter was like "what the hell, your pulse just sped up" and we're really close, and he leaned in and said "is it because I'm super sexy?" and i said "no." and he said, "oh, I see. Thinking about Matt again." :LOL: I'm like a book. :rolleyes:

Haha, I wish that exact situation and dream happened to me. :LOL: Must have been fun.

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But all I could think about in that dream was how gorgeous and beautiful of a man he was :awesome:

And my sister told me this the other day: Dom cheats on his girlfriends with Muse fans. . . :wtf:

Is this actually twue? 'Cause I think I'd be more dissapointed than happy with my lil' fangirlness :LOL:


:LOL: that can NOT be true...that is too good to be true, seriously. :D but if it is true...I'm always avaiable Dommeh

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Haha, I wish that exact situation and dream happened to me. :LOL: Must have been fun.


haha it was fun but also a bit awkward...my best guy friend :p today we were talking about hot guys but he was with us so we brought in hot girls too. well actually we said "hot old guys" and my response was matt or dom or James Franco. and his response was Kate Hudson because he thought it would piss me off. :LOL:

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I hope so :awesome:

And hopefully if I do go back to that dream, that GIGANTIC BEETLE is gone!! :eek:

I did have a dream that continued on as well . . . but I forget where I was and what happened :LOL:






Well my first dream I had is nothing Musey, and I jumped out of my sleep 'cause someone pushed me off a stage in my dream :stunned::LOL:

But my short Musey dream was me interviewing Dom and he was actually trying to ask questions back, but I ignored them completely :(

But all I could think about in that dream was how gorgeous and beautiful of a man he was :awesome:


And my sister told me this the other day: Dom cheats on his girlfriends with Muse fans. . . :wtf:

Is this actually twue? 'Cause I think I'd be more dissapointed than happy with my lil' fangirlness :LOL:


:LOL: that can NOT be true...that is too good to be true, seriously. :D but if it is true...I'm always avaiable Dommeh


I have no idea how that got around, and I would seriously doubt that ever happened. Either way, it's way to personal for our noses to be in anyway.

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I have no idea how that got around, and I would seriously doubt that ever happened. Either way, it's way to personal for our noses to be in anyway.


I totally agree :yesey:

At first when I heard the news/rumor I was doing a victory dance, but then thought, "If I was dating Dommeh, he would cheat on me?" :supersad:

So, I'll leave it at that. . . Although this week and last, I have learned, I think, WAY too much personal stuff about each member, but of course: Chris :(

I could share it all, if you'd like, Musers. But I understand if you don't want to know :LOL:

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I totally agree :yesey:

At first when I heard the news/rumor I was doing a victory dance, but then thought, "If I was dating Dommeh, he would cheat on me?" :supersad:

So, I'll leave it at that. . . Although this week and last, I have learned, I think, WAY too much personal stuff about each member, but of course: Chris :(

I could share it all, if you'd like, Musers. But I understand if you don't want to know :LOL:


well, the board rules are that you don't talk about their personal lives :p but i want to know, but at the same time I feel bad for asking :( and if they should pick on anyone it shouldn't be Chris. Chris is one of my favorites. (lol, geddit.) you could....tweet about it! yeah, PM :p i'm @soferjack. or maybe you don't have a twitter :rolleyes:

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well, the board rules are that you don't talk about their personal lives :p but i want to know, but at the same time I feel bad for asking :( and if they should pick on anyone it shouldn't be Chris. Chris is one of my favorites. (lol, geddit.) you could....tweet about it! yeah, PM :p i'm @soferjack. or maybe you don't have a twitter :rolleyes:


I have Twitter :awesome:

And yes, I never knew those were the board rules :$:LOL:

But, as bad as I may feel revealing it, 'cause I think they stalk my conversations and everything I type ( :eek: ) , I'll share only 'cause yeah you sorta wanna know :happy:

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well, the board rules are that you don't talk about their personal lives :p but i want to know, but at the same time I feel bad for asking :( and if they should pick on anyone it shouldn't be Chris. Chris is one of my favorites. (lol, geddit.) you could....tweet about it! yeah, PM :p i'm @soferjack. or maybe you don't have a twitter :rolleyes:


:shifty:I wanna know too :$

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I have Twitter :awesome:

And yes, I never knew those were the board rules :$:LOL:

But, as bad as I may feel revealing it, 'cause I think they stalk my conversations and everything I type ( :eek: ) , I'll share only 'cause yeah you sorta wanna know :happy:


I didn't know either. :LOL: I was in chat or something, and a moderater was there, who directed me to board rules. I laughed so hard reading them. Sorry Matt, Dom, Chris, your rules are hilarious. I can't explain why but they are XD Like "Do not abuse the users on the Muse board" :rolleyes: i can think of a few people....anyways, I know what you mean, I feel like they read my posts, because in a few interviews, Matt and Dom have mentioned going on the board to the pornogenic threads and such, I don't want to be a bad fan! i shouldn't be posting this here...I know it pisses some people off.. I'm sorry! :ninja:

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I didn't know either. :LOL: I was in chat or something, and a moderater was there, who directed me to board rules. I laughed so hard reading them. Sorry Matt, Dom, Chris, your rules are hilarious. I can't explain why but they are XD Like "Do not abuse the users on the Muse board" :rolleyes: i can think of a few people....anyways, I know what you mean, I feel like they read my posts, because in a few interviews, Matt and Dom have mentioned going on the board to the pornogenic threads and such, I don't want to be a bad fan! i shouldn't be posting this here...I know it pisses some people off.. I'm sorry! :ninja:


Hahah I LOL'D :awesome:

Yeah, I feel horrible if I say really anything else about them other than "Matt,Dom,Chris you are all pure beautiful lionz." :LOL:

And I shall inform others on the info although I feel terrible and THEY'RE READING THIS OMG OMG OMG. Alright calm down :facepalm:

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Hahah I LOL'D :awesome:

Yeah, I feel horrible if I say really anything else about them other than "Matt,Dom,Chris you are all pure beautiful lionz." :LOL:

And I shall inform others on the info although I feel terrible and THEY'RE READING THIS OMG OMG OMG. Alright calm down :facepalm:



okay, okay, spit it out, we want to know. :$

ibelongtoyou4 wants to know too. ugh i feel all guilty and stuff...

tell meh the secrets of ze matt and dom and chris :ninja:

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okay, okay, spit it out, we want to know. :$

ibelongtoyou4 wants to know too. ugh i feel all guilty and stuff...

tell meh the secrets of ze matt and dom and chris :ninja:


I'm sorry :$ I just wanted to make sure Chwis is okay. I care about those three's well being way too much :$

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okay, okay, spit it out, we want to know. :$

ibelongtoyou4 wants to know too. ugh i feel all guilty and stuff...

tell meh the secrets of ze matt and dom and chris :ninja:


Alright, alright :LOL:



Matt: His first job was cleaning toilets and he lived in a flat. Dom: Is an amazing chef, what I had already asked on this thread, and is the most organised of all the band members in Muse. But none for Chwis 'cause my sister hasn't told me anything yet :( Sorry Muse

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Alright, alright :LOL:



Matt: His first job was cleaning toilets and he lived in a flat. Dom: Is an amazing chef, what I had already asked on this thread, and is the most organised of all the band members in Muse. But none for Chwis 'cause my sister hasn't told me anything yet :( Sorry Muse


hey, that wasn't so bad.....it wasn't something like "the night matt impregnated kate..." oh, i am not even going to finish that sentence.

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about a year ago (this just came back to me) I fell asleep with my ipod on Muse shuffle, and I had a dream that Matt impregnated me but I couldn't have babies... it wasn't a sex dream, i was already preggo in the beginning. I woke up to Megalomania.

I always wake up to Megalomania, whenever I sleep to Muse. Maybe it's something to do with the drums or how it gets louder, but I just always wake up to it....Maybe it's a sign from the gods known as Muse.. ;)

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Alright, alright :LOL:



Matt: His first job was cleaning toilets and he lived in a flat. Dom: Is an amazing chef, what I had already asked on this thread, and is the most organised of all the band members in Muse. But none for Chwis 'cause my sister hasn't told me anything yet :( Sorry Muse


Wait that was it? :LOL: For a while I thought that something happened to Chris and his family or something! :facepalm:

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hey, that wasn't so bad.....it wasn't something like "the night matt impregnated kate..." oh, i am not even going to finish that sentence.


Yeah, I'm even glad myself it wasn't that bad :LOL:

There's probably more. . . um . . . *clears throat like a manly Chris* . . intense stuff on some site my sister goes on, but uh. . . I don't think she would tell me :LOL:

And that reminds me as well, I found this site while going on google and it was Matthew Bellamy V.S Johnny something 'cause I forget his last name. THEY WERE ALL SO CRUEL TO MATT!!! :mad:

And they seemed to be high too. Because they say one or two really bad things about Muse and Matt and the next time they say something, they say something good about Maffoo :wtf:

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^Was is Johnny Greenwood? If so, I've seen that one before.


:LOL: that can NOT be true...that is too good to be true, seriously. :D but if it is true...I'm always avaiable Dommeh


Mmm, Dom.


haha it was fun but also a bit awkward...my best guy friend :p today we were talking about hot guys but he was with us so we brought in hot girls too. well actually we said "hot old guys" and my response was matt or dom or James Franco. and his response was Kate Hudson because he thought it would piss me off. :LOL:


Does your love for Muse piss him off? :p


Seriously, I love British people.

Edited by RayFan9876
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